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Seems like we've heard for years about how the 1 and done isn't working for the NBA or the NCAA; yet, nothing ever gets done. I won't be holding my breath. If the rule is going to change, the player agents will have to be the ones that allow it to happen.
Allison Williams interviewed Silver right before the draft started, and he said OAD is not optimal and that they need a better solution. He sounded pretty sure that change will be coming.
As a fan of the NBA I don't get this. The quality of play in the league has gotten better since OAD came into effect. OAD and the 2008 Olympics were what got the NBA out of the ice age when it came to style of play. I would understand (but disagree with) Silver's position if he were speaking on behalf of the college game, but I don't think there's a feasible better solution that exists right now.
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OAD is actually really good for the NBA.

These kids are so highly scouted that everyone knows who is elite in talent, but OAD lets the NBA see how the kid will do in a more rigorous and structured environment before investing millions in them. Michael Beasley aside, it does a good job of helping them weed out the headcases.
As a fan of the NBA I don't get this. The quality of play in the league has gotten better since OAD came into effect. OAD and the 2008 Olympics were what got the NBA out of the ice age when it came to style of play. I would understand (but disagree with) Silver's position if he were speaking on behalf of the college game, but I don't think there's a feasible better solution that exists right now.

I don't get it either, but the experts say he's just saying this for negotiating purposes with the players union. It obviously has nothing to do with the current state of the NBA.

He's such a calculated weirdo, i cant stand listening to him. Stern was human, had a sense of humor. Silver is like talking to IBM Watson. Makes Jay Bilas likeable/relatable.

I kept waiting for Wilbon to say something smart to Cal during his segment, but even he eventually started smiling. Cal will charm the panties off anything.

I have zero understanding of how much revenue these sports blogs generate- but I can't believe that the really stupid ones like the Sheriff's site that nobody reads can generate enough cash to stay afloat. What the hell am I missing here?
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I've never understood how OAD is good for the Players' Union (except as compared to taking kids straight of HS).

Fewer barriers to entry means more competition for a finite amount of jobs.

If I were a doctor (#NOBOAT) in the job market, I wouldn't want the Medical Licensing Board admitting people to practice medicine after 1 year of med school.
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I don't think it is Century.

My theory:

The Agents control the players' thoughts on the issue, and the OAD is good for them, so the player's union goes with that. Earlier they get in the more contracts and endorsements they can squeeze out of them over the life of their career. The agents don't give a rat's ass about the older players being pushed out for younger players.
The agents definitely control the players union. They've admitted as much. Like Chase said, the agent would have to wait an extra year to get max contracts.

Seems like it wouldn't matter but I'm sure they(agents) have algorithms telling them how much more money they could make over 30-40 years.
It will be these kids' handlers (under the table agents) that will alter the OAD rule/philosophy. They will find some way to maximize earning potential while limiting risks. It's what they do already. They're just waiting for/looking to create a better situation.

If that means going overseas for a year (doubtful), so be it. If it means completely skipping college and hiring an agent/working out for scouts year round, there you go. Or even more likely, establish a Prep-League very similar to this U-19 USA team. Let them operate without the regulations of the NCAA while being a separate entity from the NBA. Kids play when they want, showcase skills, work with agents for endorsements, "build their brand," compete without being exposed, and not really risk anything. Basically let the AAU become who they really are without hiding who they really are. Put name in the draft, go back to the prep league if not drafted. Top guys get drafted. Midldling guys hang around until they "age out."

Bottom line, the NBA will benefit and collegiate athletics will suffer, I fear.
I have zero understanding of how much revenue these sports blogs generate- but I can't believe that the really stupid ones like the Sheriff's site that nobody reads can generate enough cash to stay afloat. What the hell am I missing here?

The Sheriff is a dumb. I mean he rationalizes things like by 8 year old.

The Card Chronicle due may be worse. He thinks he is smart and above the fray but he is no different than those other fan bloggers.
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At what point do these high school kids skip college in general? Some of these kids are lotto picks regardless of what they do in college (see Ben Simmons and Fultz). No worries about going to class, no worries about being exposed, no limits on workout time, etc. I'm sure Cal will be ahead of the curb when it happens, but I believe there is going to be a tipping point pretty soon on this one and done rule. Either the players and their handlers are going to search for a "safer"/better route, or the NBA will alter their entrance rules.

^That^ makes me appreciate the type of kids that have been at UK over the last decade.

They've been saying this since OAD started. Where are the safer/better routes?

Not Australia where Terrence Ferguson put up respectable numbers on a pro team and went 20something while damn Luke Kennard went 12th.

Maybe players will play in Ice Cube's league for one year. That's what I would do.
The Sheriff is a dumb. I mean he rationalizes things like by 8 year old.

The Card Chronicle due may be worse. He thinks he is smart and above the fray but he is no different than those other fan bloggers.

It's all relative. Being a "smart for a Louisville fan" is like being a "tall for a midget" or "skinny for a fat guy" or "slow for an Olympic sprinter" or "virtuous for a whore."
I don't think it is Century.

My theory:

The Agents control the players' thoughts on the issue, and the OAD is good for them, so the player's union goes with that. Earlier they get in the more contracts and endorsements they can squeeze out of them over the life of their career. The agents don't give a rat's ass about the older players being pushed out for younger players.

Oh, I agree with that. I didn't want to be so cynical as to say that the players are all stupid and their agents are playing them for fools on that issue (at least in my initial post) - but that appears to be what's happening.

It shouldn't take too much gray matter for veteran players to see that . . . but maybe even that's asking too much. They benefited from the rule by getting to the league 1+ years earlier than they might have otherwise - so live by the sword, die by the sword, I guess.
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Don't really like one and done, but I do wonder what kind of fanbase the NBA would lose getting rid of it. Maybe it is too small to worry about, but a team like the Pelicans currently have a much larger market than they normally would based on UK fans keeping up with 2 one and doners being on their roster. I am also sure NBA draft ratings would plummet.
Don't really like one and done, but I do wonder what kind of fanbase the NBA would lose getting rid of it. Maybe it is too small to worry about, but a team like the Pelicans currently have a much larger market than they normally would based on UK fans keeping up with 2 one and doners being on their roster. I am also sure NBA draft ratings would plummet.
Man I dont have the data to back it up, but I *think* the NBA would survive.
The ultimate hypocrisy in this whole thing is the way nerdy white dudes in the general business community are celebrated for leaving college early.

Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg.....these guys return to their alma maters, are celebrated for their accomplishments, receive honorary degrees, speak at graduation ceremonies....:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Ironically, the risk those loser dropouts took was significantly greater. At least the NBA guarantees you a job and a contract, for pete's sake.

It's because those guys are white and most OAD bball players are black. We can have tennis players and golf players from comfortable backgrounds be OAD and maybe skip college all together but oh no we can't have poor blacks do the same.

The hypocrisy knows no bounds.
I think it's more of a selfish issue than race.

I mean, nobody complains about track athletes or boxers from college that turn pro early. Just basketball and football. Why? Because they are selfish, they want their favorite sport to have the best players for as long as possible and be relevant. Plus, they hate that Cal figured out the system and how to best deal with it first.
I mean, anytime anth insists he's being held back from achieving something because of a time constraint...

Awesome pics of your two week jaunt around Europe last week, by the way. Surprised you could squeeze that in, what with having a child *and* a job. Tough times, bro. Tough times.
Yeah, not too tough getting a 2 week baby sitter or committing to a few hours of schooling everyday with a kid. Or golf. Heaven forbid we take our first solo vacation longer than 4-5 days in 3 years.

You can't just throw him in a cage like you do your dog when you feel like running across the country.
I think it's more of a selfish issue than race.

I mean, nobody complains about track athletes or boxers from college that turn pro early. Just basketball and football. Why? Because they are selfish, they want their favorite sport to have the best players for as long as possible and be relevant. Plus, they hate that Cal figured out the system and how to best deal with it first.


No one really cares about how the tennis team does next year so if Chadwich Westingbrook wants to leave early, godspeed and good luck.

But I really care about UK basketball and football and I would have selfishly loved for Bam, for instance, to have returned even though he clearly did what was best for him.
I've actually come to like the OAD system.

Let's face it, John Wall or AD in school for 2 years would have been dumb. Fun for us but dumb given their talents and maturity...they were ready and the one year was enough to show the league they were ready. That one year also exposes those that aren't ready.

It's enough, really, for both the NBA and the NCAA.
boxers from college

This is just an aside, but it is a slow Friday afternoon in the summer.

There are almost no college boxing programs (presumably because of the high insurance costs and the offsets needed for Title IX).

Besides UK and a couple of the service academies, it is my understanding that there are very, very few other college boxing programs in the nation.
I've actually come to like the OAD system.

Let's face it, John Wall or AD in school for 2 years would have been dumb. Fun for us but dumb given their talents and maturity...they were ready and the one year was enough to show the league they were ready. That one year also exposes those that aren't ready.

It's enough, really, for both the NBA and the NCAA.

The problem, as we're starting to see, is that there is going to be a big stigma for any kid who stays two or more years.

Briscoe, for instance, might have been drafted last year even though he was a helluva lot better this year and demonstrated an improved skill set.

If OAD stays, it will be basically a one year stop for the best and then everyone else scrambling. We are best positioned to take advantage but I would still like to see some incentive for borderline guys like Briscoe to stay and improve their game rather than being pushed immediately out the door because it is the smart thing to do.

(And I use him as an example based on borderline NBA talent, not on any attitude issues, etc.)
The problem, as we're starting to see, is that there is going to be a big stigma for any kid who stays two or more years.

Briscoe, for instance, might have been drafted last year even though he was a helluva lot better this year and demonstrated an improved skill set.

If OAD stays, it will be basically a one year stop for the best and then everyone else scrambling. We are best positioned to take advantage but I would still like to see some incentive for borderline guys like Briscoe to stay and improve their game rather than being pushed immediately out the door because it is the smart thing to do.

(And I use him as an example based on borderline NBA talent, not on any attitude issues, etc.)
I don't really see what changes this.

This stigma thing is a fan narrative, it's just us whining because we don't like it that guys go early. NBA execs don't care about stigma, they care about what you are and what you can become. WCS went 6th because he showed he could develop into an elite NBA defender, had he come out as a freshman he probably goes 2nd round. Briscoe went undrafted because he never developed a reliable J and didn't have NBA athleticism, stigma be damned.
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Tough to know where to draw the line or if there should be a line. If you're truly in the camp of "they should get drafted when teams will draft them," then I guess LeBron should have left after his junior year of high school. Generational talent, but they were saying at the time that he would have been the #1 pick as a HS junior.
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I think OAD is fine. There is still only a very small % of 18/19 year olds that are ready. The NCAA either adjusts to these high-profile kids or they continue to protect amateurism with their antiquated system.

But this is capitalist America. These handlers and agents are going to find a way to get their $$$ a year earlier. I'm sure the NCAA understands what's at stake. They want their piece of the pie from these kids too.

The high school superstar that is ready from Day 1 (LeBron, Wall, AD) could be a trail blazer of sorts. It'll be interesting to see future decisions.
Tough to know where to draw the line or if there should be a line. If you're truly in the camp of "they should get drafted when teams will draft them," then I guess LeBron should have left after his junior year of high school. Generational talent, but they were saying at the time that he would have been the #1 pick as a HS junior.
Yeah but they also said that about Harrison Barnes. That one year can show you a lot.

Lebron in college, goodness.
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Nobody else in college basketball — and honestly, maybe all of sports — has figured out how to keep the media in the palm of his hand quite like Calipari has, and at this point I have no choice but to tip my hat and respect the hustle. It is truly remarkable how he continues to be the ONLY coach who finds his way to a microphone time and again, which happens because he’s playing a completely different game than every other college basketball coach. Coach K’s goal is to get his players to win at the game of life. Roy Williams’s goal is to, um, graduate players. Tom Izzo’s goal is to establish a strong enough relationship with his star player that they put their arms around one another during a dead ball. Rick Pitino’s goal is to see how many sex scandals he can attach his name to before losing his job. Calipari’s goal is to bring five-star recruits to Kentucky, give them access to the UK practice gym for nine months, and then sit at their table on draft night before he goes on national TV to talk about how rewarding it is to help MY GUYS achieve their NBA dreams.

I mean, he's not wrong.

Also agree with this hottest of all hot takes:

I have nothing but respect for what Calipari has been able to build at Kentucky and if he stays on his current trajectory, I truly have no doubt in my mind that he will one day win more national championships than Kevin Ollie.
Who is the lucky basted that gets to see those puppies unleashed up close and personal every day?
Looks like Jared Leto. Larry vaught wouldn't even tweet him.

Most of the time, Mashburned's anti-establishment shtick can fall a little flat for me. But every once in a while, something comes from so far out in left field that he ends up amusing me. This was one of those posts. It's so absurd (with topical elements) that I chuckled out loud. Like a Dumb and Dumber quote or something.
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