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Meh, that wasn't a terrible shot. His coach wants him to shoot, and he HAS to on occasion, although he should never be "settling" obviously. When he's shooting 80% from the field, he earns a jumper or two. He's been outstanding.
Agreed, kinda like when Chuck Hayes would pull his one or two 3's a game. Sorta lived with it for all the other good he did. Briscoe is literally a 6'3" PF, a unique player for sure.
What I don't get is why no one has basically embedded an investigative reporter in Louisville long term to do real journalism about that program. Players shot. Whores bought. Multiple sex scandals. Multiple arrests. Shady transfers. An assistant with a show cause. NCAA probation looming. Is someone actually going to have to die before it's a story worth really diving into?
someone should start a gofundme to fund a PI to just hang around that cesspool
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I'm in Richie's camp on Hump. I guess that BS about him taking the leap this summer was really BS
Burke and Lawson are two of the top 5 colors going right now, amazingly. Burke may be the best, TS.

Raff, Dakich...? I like Farnham.

Bilas, obviously.

Burke, Lawson, and Farnham are highly competent: they add interesting information to the game and never take away from the action. Dakich is legitimately interesting.

Rafferty is one of the GOATs. Just awesome. And you know it is primetime when he's on the mike.
Been secretly getting HAMMERED betting against UK this year, both spread & totals. Lost by a bucket again, Lol. :flushed: Still raking on #cbb, but take these weekly losses away and it would be pretty silly. #stubborn
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Great kid but he simply doesn't possess the ability. Don't care if he can't score but it's when he gets killed on defense and can't grab rebounds or get loose balls against athletes. Too slow and lack of lateral movement.
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Briscoe is literally a 6'3" PF, a unique player for sure.

That is overstating it a bit, but the Hayes comparison is interesting. Both are just damn good basketball players who can't shoot but constantly fire it up because they are undersized and under pressure to prove their game.
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Great kid but he simply doesn't possess the ability. Don't care if he can't score but it's when he gets killed on defense and can't grab rebounds or get loose balls against athletes. Too slow and lack of lateral movement.

You said the exact same thing about Harrelson, a 30 year old senior, 87 times until he bodied Sully. You seriously posted the exact same thing in here EVERY game. :100points: He's 18.

And your main argument being SKJ is better (now) makes it even more [eyeroll] -- not to mention you're main gripe is bitching about an 8th man 12mpg back up center.
Man. The scrubs didn't hold up their end today. Let em take a big chunk out of the final margin.
Harrellson was MUCH better athlete than Humphries and had a great looking stroke from the beginning. He needed to get in better shape and take the game more seriously.

Humphries doesn't possess the ability. He's a slow plodder with no shooting touch and doesn't even rebound well for a guy his size. He's a total defensive liability and doesn't add anything on offense.
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Harrellson was 21 when he got here with 2 years of college experience. I don't expect Humphries to turn into Towns, but he'll be a solid contributor at some point. It's not like the guy is just a complete disaster now. He's serviceable as the 9th man.
Hayes couldn't handle the ball like Briscoe if his life depended on it. Bad take. Briscoe is shifty quick and has silly handles. Hayes was a great ball screener and rebounder.
[eyeroll] Richie. His biggest strength is his shooting.

He's not showing it , but neither did your boyfriend Mulder last year. Again, he's 18 and pretty much a nervous wreck out there. "Doesn't possess ability" is flat ignorant and fortunately everyone in the world who knows basketball who watches him, including our coaches, disagrees with you.

You'll be glad he's here one day, save this post.

-Killa wasn't comparing Briscoe's and Hayes' game, good lord people. He was comparing "living" with Hayes' few brick jumpers per game like we do with Briscoe, given everything else he provides. Learn to read and comprehend.[sick]
Harrellson was 21 when he got here with 2 years of college experience. I don't expect Humphries to turn into Towns, but he'll be a solid contributor at some point. It's not like the guy is just a complete disaster now. He's serviceable as the 9th man.

We are going to need Humphries this year at some points to spell Bam against bigger teams or in the case of foul trouble. He's not awesome at this point but he will play professionally and that's a luxury in a back up big man.

I guarantee that Humphries is a better prospect at this stage of his career than Harrelson was.

I don't get the Ritchie hate.
Harrellson was 21 when he got here with 2 years of college experience. I don't expect Humphries to turn into Towns, but he'll be a solid contributor at some point. It's not like the guy is just a complete disaster now. He's serviceable as the 9th man.
Exactly, he's fine for his roll. I'll admit I expected a little more of a jump from him this season, but Richie gives him too much shit.

Not everyone is a lottery pick, should be a nice 4 year player...gotta have guys like that.
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Hayes couldn't handle the ball like Briscoe if his life depended on it. Bad take. Briscoe is shifty quick and has silly handles. Hayes was a great ball screener and rebounder.
I wasn't comparing their games, just the way they both took certain shots that you lived with because of the other stuff they bring to the floor.

And when I say Briscoe is a 6'3" PF I'm not using that literally...he's a point guard at heart. I just mean the physical nature he plays with and the fact that 90% of his buckets come in the paint. Briscoe probing the D to find a lane for his crip shot is essentially a post up.

Yeah, you're correct, Wodie. The 7 footer with no touch or range outside of 4 feet is known for his shooting. Everyone knows that.

He will play in Europe professionally. That kid ain't sniffing the NBA except for a cup of coffee in the Vegas Summer League.

Look at his +/-. It's really bad. He gets killed on
So do Mulder, Willis, and SKJ.

I think we should actually play 4 players imo, to maximize our +/- defensively.

-I swear it's like some of you idiots don't watch our games. Who exactly is a great, err, NON POOR defender on this team right now outside of Fox and Briscoe...maybe Hawkins. Bam locking people up? SKJ is a terror on D! Wenyen reminds me of Kawhi Leonard on Defense!

Enjoy your reverse racist agendas tho

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