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* Happy Rosh Hashanah, everyone. I only know this because my gym (the Jewish Community Center) is closed. Tommorrow, too. WTF?

* In a conundrum with the bro (+ wife and 2 kids) plus another couple (and their kid) coming to visit next week for 4 days. They basically refuse to wait on a table at a restaurant. Admirable, because that would suck with 3 kids. But only white table cloth, high end, the-steak-is-always-cooked-right joints offer reservations.

So we're either fine dining with 3 children, or waiting at a more family friendly place. Not sure which is worse.

* Also, this just in --> I am not a planner. So, the dinner option of "hey, we'll just find something" is out. [eyeroll][eyeroll][eyeroll]

* <-- lone wolf.
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If skipping lunch and eating an early dinner is possible, you may want to go that route. We do that sometimes on vacation because of kids. They start acting like assholes if they have to wait for a really long time. So, no lunch, eat early as a maf*cker. Proft?
When did Colorado become good again? Just noticed they're in the Top 25.
It was only a matter of time before someone set all these new internet capable refrigerators at Lowes to have pornhub as their homepage.
My favorite part of the Cal interview was where he was talking about playing zone. I mean a Calipari Zone much like the DDMO is akin to a unicorn or sasquatch.

Lowes was just happy that the refrigerators weren't set to the Home Depot website.
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If you're walking around with 11 million in jewelry on you, isn't that sort of begging to get robbed?

Jaimanth stay at that "no name hotel" in Paris or nah?
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She's a very good prosecutor, has been around for a long time, has been Larson's First Assistant CA, and is the logical choice to succeed him. She's handled most of the highest-profile trials for years now.

She has a Native American name. So what. I'm glad Bevin apparently took politics out of it and made the right choice.
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Not sure if this article was posted in the Lesticles discussion, but a buddy of mine who lives in Shreveport and is a diehard Hotdog, sent it to me today:

I mean, I'd take it but Stoops is going to win 4 or 5 games this year, Barnhart will bring him back, they will do just enough cleaning up of the PR stuff to not aggravate people quite as much, and nothing much will change.

And, of course, Matthew Mitchell will still earn more than a million dollars this year.
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3. Eddie Gran is the exact sort of experienced, steady hand that our first-time head coach needed to steady the ship and to get Barker settled into the pro-style offense that will give our defense the chance to shine.

Rinse and repeat.
Stoops will be here so long as he beats Austin Peay. That's just that.

The reasons would change depending on circumstances, but the result would not.
If we look solid the next 3 games what is wrong with Stoops? If he took over and the defense is better and more importantly competent, why is it so bad?

Truth be told a team like UK doesn't want to be open when the field is leveled by superior powerhouses picking the cream of the crop available and leaving us to strike out out multiple times and settle for a bad hire.

Are we still trying to RS Gunner Hoak?
No doubt Kim enjoyed having a couple back dudes burst into her hotel an tie her up, bet she give no shits about the jewelry. If there is video of it I will probably fap to it at some point.
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I'm pretty indifferent on it. No faith he can turn this into a 2006 type rebound although it's what is best for both parties. Also, no faith the right hire will be made even if we make a move. Enjoy the tailgates and cheer for the young men on the field. That's what I'm there for.
Lou Anna is married to Luke Morgan, noted Republican.

Really, though, she's great, she's experienced, and there aren't any Republicans who wanted it. If politics isn't a factor, why not give it to the person who is most qualified?
No faith he can turn this into a 2006 type rebound although it's what is best for both parties.

Absolutely. I want Stoops to work out. It is, as you rightly said, best for all involved. I do not think he is a bad coach, but instead inexperienced. From the outside looking in, it seems he let that inexperience translate into disorganization and getting too emotional in response to stress, a trait that his teams might embody.

That said, there have been some bright spots, just not 12 million dollars worth of them. With a handful of breaks, this whole situation looks far different. But as my dad always said growing up, you make your breaks and a lot of those bad breaks are because the team was not organized or got skittish under pressure. Those are fixable issues.

Bringing in a defensive coordinator in a similar mold to Gran -- experienced, level-headed, and steady -- could help.

Also, no faith the right hire will be made even if we make a move.

Yup. The problem starts at the top button.

On a macro level, I think that Stoops has been very shrewd in building a base of boosters and getting infrastructure in place. If the administration is just going to hand him free compensation for initial success, it ain't his job to say no.

We are where we are at and Stoops and Barnhart will be here next year. Elliott will be the sacrificial lamb.
Low expectations? If we beat Vandy/MSU we are 4-3 with a decent looking shot to hopefully upset one of Missouri or UGA.

We have a solid run game which will keep scores low and allow our defense to stay out of bad situations.

It's a big IF, but beating Vandy and MSU gives us 3 SEC wins and without checking I think that is the best we would have done in 2 decades including 2007.
Plus the SEC East is complete shit now, and post-Dak Miss St is on our schedule. This is the easiest our SEC schedule is ever going to be, and we are garbage year 4 of Stoops.
Money coming in on the Cats. Opened at -3, bet down to -2, and over the last day or so is back up to -3½.

Honestly, if he can't beat this Vandy team at home in year FOUR he doesn't deserve to return. He almost certainly will, of course, because in the words of Clint Eastwood, "deserve's got nothing to do with it."
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