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Blue - White tickets are on sale, as of 10 minutes ago you were still able to get 2 floor seats if you search a few times.
The best will be when Ms WCC sends out invites for THEIR endless annoying couples, wedding, baby showers, Engagement photos, etc, etc. That will be cause for the ultimate GYERO celebration.

I'm not dumb enough to say some of that won't happen, but I promise that I will fight it as hard as I can. This is my pledge to you.

I also promise that IF I do have a damn couples shower, I will not try to sell it as something other than that. I will NOT say, "it's just like a party, man. Just drinking beer. I bought two 12ers of crafties. Should be fun." GD it.
Oh WCC... you poor, ignorant bastard.

She's just much more vicious than me about being pissed off, I have found out. It seeps into every aspect of the day and evening. It lasts longer. It takes more to resolve it. When I'm pissed- I yell or cuss and then I'm over it in a couple minutes. When she's pissed off, it's an entire production and it usually isn't over until we talk about it and I hate talking about it because it doesn't make any damn sense to me. So, yeah, I try to stay the right of that shit as much as I can.

Why am I in a relationship again?
She's just much more vicious than me about being pissed off, I have found out. It seeps into every aspect of the day and evening. It lasts longer. It takes more to resolve it. When I'm pissed- I yell or cuss and then I'm over it in a couple minutes. When she's pissed off, it's an entire production and it usually isn't over until we talk about it and I hate talking about it because it doesn't make any damn sense to me. So, yeah, I try to stay the right of that shit as much as I can.

Damn, she sounds like a woman. Congrats & Puppies
She's just much more vicious than me about being pissed off, I have found out. It seeps into every aspect of the day and evening. It lasts longer. It takes more to resolve it. When I'm pissed- I yell or cuss and then I'm over it in a couple minutes. When she's pissed off, it's an entire production and it usually isn't over until we talk about it and I hate talking about it because it doesn't make any damn sense to me. So, yeah, I try to stay the right of that shit as much as I can.

Why am I in a relationship again?
Wow. That's totally strange and what you're describing is nothing like what I, or any other marriedGYERO or dadGYERO, have ever experienced ever.

Maybe she has brain damage? I dunno man, good luck.
Does she get even madder when you don't know why she's mad? Does she get angry with you for something someone else did? Does she get bring up things you did a long time ago when she is mad?
Does she get even madder when you don't know why she's mad? Does she get angry with you for something someone else did? Does she get bring up things you did a long time ago when she is mad?

My favorite is when she gets pissed off at me for some ridiculous reason and then waits until I react with anger over the stupidity of it all and then pivots all of the blame to my reaction. That's the best. smh
I have no clue. I mean its not like my wife does something dumb and then when I call her on it she manages to turn the whole thing on me by bringing up any number of mistakes I've made that she "let slide" so I should be quit being an asshole.
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Wow. You guys have some messed up girls.

I watched the debate last night for 30 minutes and turned it off. I can't. Just can't. I tried to get into politics, its awful. Just ready for this damn election to end.

Getting really excited for BBM and basketball starting up. Really nice to see that we have very little pressure for the first time in a while this year, its all on Duke. I've seen Villanova, Kansas, Michigan State, Oregon ranked ahead of us in various polls, will be nice to let the team progress a little. Last year was a foggy hangover from 2015 that I wasn't really ever able to fully get into so I'm ready for this year.
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-McD’s in Middlesboro gave me a BEC biscuit this past weekend that consisted of 2 whole biscuits with the BEC stuffed between. Top 5 moment in my life and reason #765 I love going back home.

-Pretty awesome sports weekend. Ryder Cup early Friday and Saturday, some really interesting college football games spread throughout the day (UT/UGA and Wiscy/Mich at 3:30, Cats at The Capstone, UofL/Clemson and finish up with Pac-12 after dark Stanford/Washington) then relax Sunday with Ryder Cup singles and total avoidance of the NFL. I’ll take it.

-Always enjoy going to the Blue/White game. Don’t have one inkling of desire to ever attend another Madness.
So ACL tweeted out a +2000 on Hillary wearing Red last night...then tweeted out that she'd gotten out of the car wearing Red begging everyone to POUND...and the bet stayed up on various sites/markets for like 30 minutes after that. o_O

May need to sign up for an alternate account somewhere that offers these things, he does this shit ALL THE TIME with entertainment type props: Wrestling, Politics, Awards Shows, etc.
It's rare to actually "win" an argument with a female, you just survive it and move on providing her with the least amount of future ammo as possible. My best technique, which is very difficult, is to maintain extreme calmness and speak in a kind tone no matter what is being said to you (take all emotion out of it and understand you aren't dealing with a logical human being at that moment); HOWEVER, this absolutely cannot under any circumstances come across as condescending. If so, all is lost. If executed effectively, it takes away her ability to spin the argument into an all out assault on your reaction and de-escalates the situation pretty quickly.

It's pretty comparable to fighting a grizzly bear. Move slowly, speak easy, play dead, and in a few minutes she'll start licking you instead of ripping you limb from limb.
Donald Trump needs to take the same approach with Hillary. Just ignore her altogether. Don't even engage her. She'll blow her top in less than 30 question. She'll stand up there dazed and confused...she might even faint.
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Best free (or reasonable) online (or app) medical dictionary? Over the years I've used several different ones that have come up on Google, but I'm curious as to what would be considered the best.
I miss the old Adrian, straight from the 'Go Adrian
Chop up the soul Adrian, set on his goals Adrian
I h8 the new Adrian, the bad mood Adrian
The always rude Adrian, spaz in the news Adrian
I miss the sweet Adrian, chop up the beats Adrian
I gotta to say, at that time I'd like to meet Adrian
See I invented Adrian, it wasn't any Adrians
And now I look and look around and there's so many Adrians
I used to love Adrian, I used to love Adrian
I even had the pink Polo, I thought I was Adrian
What if Adrian made a song, about Adrian?
Called "I Miss The Old Adrian," man that'd be so Adrian
That's all it was Adrian, we still love Adrian
And I love you like Adrian loves Adrian
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