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David Pollock has gotta be full of shit. They've probably reached out to Bobby's agent but no way four weeks into the season with Louisville in the running for a playoff spot that anyone would entertain any idea of Bobby talking with LSU. Tomma certainly wouldn't allow it but it does sound like something Floyd Street would float out to the media that this job is so special that LSU reached out and Bobby told them no.

Nope. Every reported coaching rumor is true. All of them.
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Yeah the Dee Gordon at bat made me tear up- well after he finished his trot and grown men are hugging him as hes fighting back tears going back to the dugout with every man on the team wearing Fernandez jerseys- thats when i caught myself... Jesus.

And baseball is the ultimate father/son appointment viewing. Extra points if you keep a baseball in one hand at all times while youre watching.
We're going to have to listen to one of these two jackasses on tv for the next four years.

Lester Holt is the most presidential person in this shitshow.
After reading up on Stoops call in show tonight I've come to the conclusion that he won't be here long either way. Either he will fail and be fired or make a bowl and jump ship quick. He does not seemed thrilled by the BBN anymore.
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The real winner in this is Putin. That evil prick is just getting handed a full house.

I imagine that he is watching this and cackling maniacally while stroking a white cat.
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After reading up on Stoops call in show tonight I've come to the conclusion that he won't be here long either way. Either he will fail and be fired or make a bowl and jump ship quick. He does not seemed thrilled by the BBN anymore.

Honestly, after all the bullshit that came about this weekend, and if somehow we were to to go bowling this season, and he got another offer, I wouldn't blame him.
Honestly, after all the bullshit that came about this weekend, and if somehow we were to to go bowling this season, and he got another offer, I wouldn't blame him.


He negotiated a 12 million dollar buyout without penalty, has his tentacles in SEC football money, a goofball AD who just rolls over and hands him the keys to the safe, and his only pressure is to be decent. Not good. Not great. Just not shitty.

If he jumps ship because of some bullshit rumor, he's too dense and/or thin-skinned to be an SEC football coach any way.

I'm disappointed that DJ Elliott hasn't been publicly gnoshing on gummy dicks and I am disappointed that Stoops hasn't made a ridiculous amount of Arnold Schwarzenegger references this week. Marcus Welby.

Honestly, after all the bullshit that came about this weekend, and if somehow we were to to go bowling this season, and he got another offer, I wouldn't blame him.

I heard all kinds of stories about Stoops this weekend. Yeah some of them were quite salacious. And yeah it did overshadow the game. Is everyone just assuming it's all BS now?
I'm so sick of this blaming the UK football fans. Touch you.
There isn't a better example of loyalty vs. lack of respect in the history of the world than UK football fans. The battered women association thinks UK football fans get shit on.
Get out of here with that shit
And just like some battered women we continue to find some reason to come back, and then defend that decision.

I'm not blaming the fans,if that was directed at me. However, the idiots that came out of the woodwork with their own "sources" to further their own bullshit agenda was embarrassing.
The only thing better than the sports writer twitter beef was their condescension towards the people in their mentions (just an hour later), because they had "talked it out like adults!"

There is not a more unaware, self-important group this side of politicians than sports writers. Make my skin crawl
Kyle Tucker is pretty good at his job, but there is no way I could be friends with that dingbat in real life. Whole bunch of "right-fighter" in him.

Take that, Kyle!
chances that Kyle Tucker has ever pushed someone down at a tailgate for trying to take a joke photograph:
way over, +500
- Amazes me why TV execs insist on these awkward, unwieldy 10-person booths for sports and politics.

- Lass is headed to Denver for a bachelorette party this weekend so I finally get a free weekend to booze all day with my buddies. Helluva time for it too, with college football and the Ryder Cup going. [banana]

- Does anyone think we have a shot in hell with Romeo Langford?
I'm getting a kick out of Tubby...errr Roy's recruiting right now. Has commits from two guys who are barely Top 100 and just offered another one.
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People around here think he's got a chance to be among the best ever from this area (and Indiana).

-How old is Chad's lass, 23? Guess her friends got started late...she's breaking wedding-related records this year it seems like.
People around here think he's got a chance to be among the best ever from this area (and Indiana).

-How old is Chad's lass, 23? Guess her friends got started late...she's breaking wedding-related records this year it seems like.

- Sadly, it sounds like a Duke-Louisville battle, although I imagine Indiana will have their nose in it. Maybe Cal can Teague everyone again.

- She's 29, but went to school in Boston. Unlike the midwest and south hags, these big city bitches tend to wait a little longer. It's only going to get worse the next two years.
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