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Have watched High Fidelity, Good Will Hunting, Bull Durham and Swingers at least 50x a piece.
I'll write them for you. What are you selling?

"Hey, you- buy this Toyota. If you don't, your a idiot. lol ad roast u"

Toyota :30 spots. No shoots, no people and no songs we'd have to pay for.

3 aimed at millennnials, with offers on Corolla and Corolla iM. (former Scion)

3 Auto Show spots.

3 AWD Season spots.

3 digital ads that have to work with no sound. (RAV4 & Corolla)

What you wrote is better than anything I have done thus far.

Learn bourbon, Fancy.
An "Old Spanish" is a fake drink made up by the writers of Mad Men to send fans into a tizzy while trying to look up its ingredients. Ted Chaough orders it after the Heinz presentation.

Ted Chaough's last name is only spoken (pronounced differently and difficulty) for several episodes. The writers did this on purpose to screw with Internet recappers who had to spell it out.

This is the heady, next level TV humor shit we're dealing with here.

It's great.
Wrote a 2016 Corolla today at the office...those cars (like many) have come a long way, was kinda shocked. Good looking practical vehicle.

...coming from a guy who finally came to reality and traded in his dream Tahoe for a Sonata, at least. :flushed:

Daughter's Ford Fusion SE is dope.

What is up with KFB getting involved with worrying about the gays and abortion? I didn't know anything about it until my mom brought it up. They are currently with KFB (have been for years) but are looking to switch because of that nonsense.
An "Old Spanish" is a fake drink made up by the writers of Mad Men to send fans into a tizzy while trying to look up its ingredients. Ted Chaough orders it after the Heinz presentation.

Ted Chaough's last name is only spoken (pronounced differently and difficulty) for several episodes. The writers did this on purpose to screw with Internet recappers who had to spell it out.

This is the heady, next level TV humor shit we're dealing with here.

It's great.

Our two incomes dont quite put us in the Beans/Schems class. I still work in public education, mind you.

We've never really gone on a trip with another couple either. Honestly I wouldnt really enjoy that, as selfish as it sounds.

In 15 years we have only taken 2 actual vacations without other friends (our honeymoon and a trip to Cali after our best friends had to reschedule our bienniel trip with them). We have two couples that we rotate yearly trips with. Pretty good deal.
Finally- I've always thought Toyota missed a real chance but not having Adam Corolla sell actual Corollas. And millennials love the nostalgia of Joe Isuzu and The Man Show, so once again, you're welcome.
It's written in our decree and core principles from 1909 or whatever...that's it. They defend the written foundation and original beliefs of the company when challenged... Kinda like how the Bible isn't rewritten, I suppose.
Our company just reworked our core principles last year to reflect our current ambitions and didn't treat them like a holy text.

Different strokes, I guess!
One good thing about having a terrible football program (sweet blue lights notwithstanding) is never having to worry about seeing any of our beloved all time greats doing this:

BBdK seems extremely defensive about this. First I've ever even heard of all this "controversy".

Honestly, hating the gays is probably good for KYFB's rural business.

If KYFB ran a commercial that said "We fully support gay marriage and will now use an interlocking rainbow in our logo" I don't think there is any doubt they'd lose more business than if they ran a commercial that said "We hate the gays and hope they all go to hell." At least in towns of less than 10K people.
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Who is your company, Joey? Maybe in a few hundred years you will actually mean something. Good luck.

PS - Shave your head, Christ. Bad look, trust a fellow Bald.
I don't know if we'll be up there with the heavy hitters of what must be a multi-county insurance concern in the 26th largest state (that I've never heard of outside of UK broadcasts), but we'll keep plugging away, by God!

For the bald, I just started clipping at the minimum last week actually and don't care to much about the look, obviously. I'm a Midwestern suburban dad now and there is nobody within 1000 miles of here I care to impress. (We're all out of the game here -sorry to break that to you.)

I've also packed on about 30 since I've been back, if you want to go to that well next time. (I carry it well though, TBH.)

Sorry you tied to wagon to Bible thumpers if it's costing you business. Puppies.
You insecure about your weight bub? I've mentioned it zero (0) times...which is 2 less than you have...if you're scoring at home on the Apple.

You're terrible. That's my main point here, again.
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