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My wife and I came to the realization a while back that we genuinely enjoy running around doing all this kid stuff on the weekend. It allows us to socialize with other grown-ups and the kids are actually pretty good so we don't have to be embarrassed by their futility. Also, it gets them out of the house so I don't want to murder them.
My wife and I came to the realization a while back that we genuinely enjoy running around doing all this kid stuff on the weekend. It allows us to socialize with other grown-ups and the kids are actually pretty good so we don't have to be embarrassed by their futility. Also, it gets them out of the house so I don't want to murder them.
This is actually very true. Sitting around the house with kids running around is pretty awful and another reason to hate winter when you can't make them go outside and leave you alone.
9PM tip time sucks ass. I'm downstairs by myself getting all riled up as we are in a barn burner with Miss State who just hit their 13th consecutive 3-pointer - 7 more than they've made all year!! - and then the game ends at 11:30 and then I'm all riled up till 1 am and I feel like shit the next two days.
My wife and I came to the realization a while back that we genuinely enjoy running around doing all this kid stuff on the weekend. It allows us to socialize with other grown-ups and the kids are actually pretty good so we don't have to be embarrassed by their futility. Also, it gets them out of the house so I don't want to murder them.

I have a 5-month-old golden retriever, so trust me, I feel ya, bro.
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9PM tip time sucks ass. I'm downstairs by myself getting all riled up as we are in a barn burner with Miss State who just hit their 13th consecutive 3-pointer - 7 more than they've made all year!! - and then the game ends at 11:30 and then I'm all riled up till 1 am and I feel like shit the next two days.

Yup. I've seriously found myself up at 1:30am on CatPaw before- no sleep in sight.
^ Once again why Central Time rules. Sure it may be dark af (at five), but I get that extra hour to calm down before I go to bed. You faincy Louisville and Lexington folk are making redass posts at 12:30 a.m. while I'm settiling down from my own game and trying to relax by reading them. I'll be in bed right before midnight.
I like the dogs playing poker bit but I can't see Mitch playing cards with anybody... ever. My artist's interpretation would be a Norman Rockwell rendition of him rubbing his chin in earnest thought with a stack of cash in one hand while some slick country patent medicine man is trying to sell him magic beans and the guy has a shit-eating grin and thumbs stuck behind his suspenders. If someone could make that, I'd buy it.
So have Slice and Shitbag put out anymore podcasts?

I mean, we're well into fall semester and haven't heard any dome stories or nothing...millennials man.
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So have Slice and Shitbag put out anymore podcasts?

I mean, we're well into fall semester and haven't heard any dome stories or nothing...millennials man.

Probably not allowed to associate with GYERO anymore per KSR rules on account of all the negativity towards Milk Toast.
9:00 games really suck when you have to drive 2 hours after the game. [banana]

I'm supposed to have 12 commercials written by tomorrow at noon. I am currently at 1 and a half. :weary::chairshot:
I've watched Mad Men in its entirety five times.

Let me know when you want to tag me in.

(I've got a Godlberger lecture tonight at the Architectural Foundation, but I'll be free around 9:30.)
My favorite UK boxing team story:

My cousin boxed for UK and he had a country-bumpkin buddy on the team who was an awful boxer but just tougher than bejeesus. Also, dude was crazy.

They went hunting or camping or something outside and the crazy dude started ranting about finding a use for kudzu, so he gathered up a bunch of it and put it in his pack. After they returned to civilization, we all went to eat at Billy's BBQ.

Crazy dude had heard somewhere that you could eat fried kudzu leaves and convinced the waitress to have the kitchen staff fry him up a basket of these stupid leaves. Since it was Billy's and everyone was probably high as a kite, they actually did this and brought it out for the table.

So everyone at the table had to taste deep-fried kudzu leaves or be branded a pussy for life. Predictably, it was indescribably awful.

Without missing a beat, the crazy dude just looks up and says, "You know, I bet the first potato chip tasted like shit, too."
After a long day of sometimes toiling in the absurd and dealing with general half-assery, it is nice to sit back and let something well executed just wash over you.*

Mad Men is unbelievably well executed and "detailed to the gnat's ass" as we like to say. (You guys wouldn't believe how long I chased around 1/4" while laying out a nice staircase today.)

The fact that Don's line of work is similar to mine makes it even better - competing through the medium of "ideas" and then striving to execute and deliver those "ideas."

And once you intuitively know all of the plot machinations and what's going to happen, you can free up your mind grapes and it becomes one of the funniest shows of all time.

Pour me an "Old Spanish."

*Also, I haven't had cable for eight years.
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