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Well, my weekend will be spent travelling to Louisville for BIG TIME U10 SOCCER ACTION and then hauling ass back to Lexington for SLIGHTLY LESS BIG TIME U8 SOCCER ACTION. I'll be sure to keep everyone posted.
meh, we survived the mid 2000's. somehow we will survive whatever LAMAR! rings up for them this season.

2004 they go 11-1 we go 2-9. 2005 they were 9-3 & we were 3-8. oh and they went to a touching Final 4 also. then 2006 beat the dogpiss out of us to start the year, went 12-1 & to a BSC bowl.
If you can't appreciate being 17, buying one of your first Penthouse mags (at the Convenient store on 22 no less...of course throwing in a Coke, some gum, and maybe some chips to disguise the purchase), and discovering the gloriousness of Kelly Jackson and her landing strip (unheard of in those times)...and then watch her progress into full blown porn over the next few years...during your college years....well that's on you. B/c I enjoyed those times, and they were ****ing amazing.

Top 3. Maybe the GOAT.
My kids have one (1) soccer game this weekend and one (1) practice this weekend both within 15 minutes of my house so I get it, UCL.
Our two incomes dont quite put us in the Beans/Schems class. I still work in public education, mind you.

We've never really gone on a trip with another couple either. Honestly I wouldnt really enjoy that, as selfish as it sounds.
Five 9pm games in January and February on Tuesday's make for some late nights during work week. Starting in January, all you need to remember is Tuesday and Saturday this year, no Wednesday or Thursday games.

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If Louisville winning the football championship guaranteed UK winning the basketball one, would you cheer for Louisville ????
The preferred street name now is "dog", actually.

May as well just call it fentanyl, but I've heard dog food used as well.

-It's not that uncommon to see a joint being passed in a car, but to look over at an intersection and see a needle emerge from the backseat..:eek:

However, there's still a better chance that their dream season will end in a devastating fashion, in which case we can celebrate and mock them relentlessly online similar to the shit we got for going (gasp) 38-1.

Always prefer the howevers, but am prepared to go along with Chase's option as well.

Your Small Wonder avatar freaks me the F out. Please remove. tia

Brimley..definitely Brimley..
7pm weekday tips give you a chance to watch game til 9 while having a few adult beverages[cheers], eat up the victory for a couple hours in gyero and on twitter and hit the hay at reasonable 11pm hour. I can handle the occasional 9pm tip to switch it up, but i like to enjoy the after victory fun and these tips limit that time. There is also a higher chance i get hangover drunk, by accident of course, waiting around for our game.
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With my schedule, I don't mind the 9pm games. Enough time for dinner and then watch the game in the bubbly.
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