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Stoops happened to be around during the crazy-money phase of SEC TV contracts, so he gets complete credit for building & helping "design" the facility. "Miracle Worker Mark."
yeah, been reading him getting credit quite a bit, that he sweet talked a lot of former basketball-only well heeled fans into giving football cash. isnt the truth that there was no big huge donations received in order to do the stadium + training facility? that UK just bonded every penny, and expects to meet the payments with the added SECN paycheck?
- I don't see how anyone could have watched last night's special on Jonbenet and think anything but it was a family cover up. Same with Peter Jennings' special on the JFK assassination years back. Oswald acted alone, 100% no doubt. Can't wait for tonight's conclusion. It's some riveting shit!

- I much rather be buried alive than eaten alive. That's my #1 most feared way to go.

-I'm starting to get Mike Leach fever again. Is it possible?
It's so cold in the D
How the **** do we 'sposed to keep peace?

I guess the KSR guys were read a memo before today's show.

That was some well-feigned positivity.
Neal Brown will have a really good year at Troy, but we decide to keep Stoops. Brown stays at Troy for another year. Brown gets a better job offer the next year as we are searching for a coach and we miss out on him. Larry Vaught is inconsolable.
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I mean, I love both Veep and Silicon Valley...but if I had to pick, I'd give the nod to Veep.
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