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-Entourage was great at the beginning. Then it sucked, sucked worse and the movie was a steaming pile of horse shit.

-The League had 2 good seasons and a couple of EXCELLENT episodes. The story line wore out pretty quickly.
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Entourage was one of those awful shows that you couldn't stop watching. Terrible acting, cheesy cameos, hot girls. It did get progressively worse and worse though. Basically like a better version of Ballers.
I love VEEP as well but I think SV edges it out. And to echo Anth, I'm only referring to the early Entourage episodes. I didn't even bother watching the final few seasons.

I still think Summer Heights High trumps them all. May have the highest LPE (laughs per episode) of any show I've ever seen. Highly underrated.
I don't even know who Corey Feldman is, but we actually saw that Today Show performance live in our hotel room...and I thought it was some sort of joke/mock type stunt. It was unbelievable.

Read a few articles about it since, and genuinely feel sorry for the dude, if he was really serious (which he apparently is) Really bizarre.
The only reason The League was ever funny at any point was Rafi. On the same network, ASIP crushed the League for comedy but even still, faded fast.

Top comedy shows that likely will never see and equal are Chappelle's Show and Curb.

Tried Veep but just can't get into it. I would put Silicon Valley ahead of it on the watch list without hesitation.
I don't even know who Corey Feldman is, but we actually saw that Today Show performance live in our hotel room...and I thought it was some sort of joke/mock type stunt. It was unbelievable.

Read a few articles about it since, and genuinely feel sorry for the dude, if he was really serious (which he apparently is) Really bizarre.
Rude Jude kicked him off his Sirius show when Feldman got pissed that Jude was letting callers through who were trashing his singing. Pretty funny tbh
Corey Feldman has had his junk in Michael Jackson's mouth. Pretty much all you need to know about why it's likely 100% serious but equally awful as it is hysterical.
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BBdk, you never watched Stand By Me, License to Drive, or Goonies? I know you aren't a movie guy but those 3 Corey Feldman classics were essential for those who grew up in the 80s.
He was smart enough to marry this
BBdk, you never watched Stand By Me, License to Drive, or Goonies? I know you aren't a movie guy but those 3 Corey Feldman classics were essential for those who grew up in the 80s.

Lost Boys, too. But I'm positive BBDK has never seen that movie.

I googled Corey Feldman just now and haven't seen a single movie or show that he's been in except Cheers. Pretty sure I watched the First Turtles Movie as well.

Edit: Oh, I've seen the Burbs, too.
Are we certain BBdK didn't grow up with Missionary Parents on the coast of Cameroon?
I would've guessed Feldman was Rudy the ND football player guy.

He's Charlie Sheen's kid?

He does have FloRida on the track and the place is jumping. I think this would poll well with the millenials.

It's a pretty well known fact that the "Two Corey's" were getting diddled by a bunch of Hollywood pedophiles...

I mean, kind of explains that video...
I just watched that Corey Feldman performance for the first time. It was terrible, weird, and akward. But you have to admit -- if that were a cute 17 year-old girl instead of a middle-aged man onstage, it would be all over MTV, blowing up ITunes, anth would have it on the official tailgate playlist, and Black Mike would be scheduling a weekend getaway to go see her live in concert in Oklahoma somewhere while opening for The Weeknd..
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Meh, the last time Feldman was in anything of worth was 1987, which was probably a little before BBdK's movie-watching time, such as it was. Not terribly surprised he doesn't know who Corey Feldman is.
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