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"Hey guys, my skinny jeans are in the wash getting more shrunk, what say we put on some clown costumes, drink some PBR in the woods and flash-scare some kids?"

^ probably
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This clown thing is a millennial thing isn't it?

What little I read about it seems like some kinda viral marketing with clowns standing by the roads but then people started making stories up about the clowns/kids. Only charges I could find filed were for filing a false report. Hoax?
Gyero posters most likely to dress as clowns?


And of course, Hyman.
Clowns - don't like them nor hate them. Indifferent. Having said that I've always had a good laugh at these:

Doing it to kids is an entirely different story though.
Good God clowns creep me out. No way I'm clicking play on that.

I LOVE horror movies, but I've never seen "IT" and never will.
I thought the clowns were a hoax. There are really people dressing up as clowns and frolicking in the woods?
-Hopefully it's the old, "can't lose your job while injured." Because playing the wrong QB will get you fired. Barker's leash better be like 2 series.

-Clowns, no thanks since 'Killer Klowns from Outer Space.'
Have no fear of clowns but anything that helped create Insane Clown Posse and whatever their inbred trash fans call themselves need to be put to death by fire.

Also, I wish more prank videos ended up like this one. The slap after the guy finds out he's on TV is fantastic.

"It" is actually not scary in the slightest as an adult. Not in the way all horror movies lose something after you hit puberty, but that it's just not even remotely tense or scary. It's just bad
If somebody pulled one of those clown "pranks" on somebody who was carrying, and they shot the clown, they would walk. Not hard to prove you feared for your life when somebody charges at you with a weapon.
CMD's Phobias:

  • Taphophobia - fear of being buried alive
  • Arachnophobia - fear of spiders
  • Coulrophobia - fear of clowns
  • Claustrophobia - fear of small spaces
  • Glossaphobia - fear of public speaking

My bad. Came home from Lex and btw Facebook, Twitter, and ESPN talking heads all slurping LAMAR & YOU DON'T WANT THESE CARDS I became pissy. Saw your tweets about them running the table, winning the title and beating Bama and lashed out here.

- Stephen Johnson deserves to start. Get that NMSU isn't high level competition but the kid showed poise and a pocket presence. Watched his interviewed ystdy online and he seems like a bright, humble and level headed dude. I'm a fan.

- Benny Snell embraces contact. Love it.
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This is Stoops's way of showing that he's the boss, he knows what's best, he's the captain of the ship, etc. Very common among lame duck coaches. Curry refusing to play Couch is an example.
While Joker's tenure was objectively terrible, he is the first coach since Jerry F'ing Claiborne to beat the Vols, and he gave Spurrier his first loss ever to Kentucky. What's Stoops best moment at UK? Stealing Jason Hatcher away from the Trojans? Beating a "ranked" Mizzou team last year? ALMOST beating Florida in The Swamp???

Stoops is probably still ahead of Joker, but it's pretty damn close. Apologies to CoolCat...
Stoops happened to be around during the crazy-money phase of SEC TV contracts, so he gets complete credit for building & helping "design" the facility. "Miracle Worker Mark."
If you're dressing up as a clown and being creepy somewhere close enough to have a Hazard sign you'll end up shot.

"I mean he was dressed as a clown and standing by the side of the road. Of course I shot him in the face. What was I supposed to do... not shoot him in the face?"
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