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Looking forward to all the complaints about the doctors at the ER!

What doctors at the ER? Are there even doctors in the ER? In the 5 hours we were there, we saw a doctor for 5 minutes max, after all the work had been done. The nurses and the Physician Assistant, who put about 20 stitches in my wife, were perfectly fine. Besides the 3 hour window when they basically just let my wife bleed of course

And you can eat a bag of dicks. All the dicks. Go touch yourself, you piece of shit.
Football is awful. Accepting minor league soccer as my sport and savior has been a real blessing.
I assume Elliot has nudes of Mark's wife. It is inexplicable. We are giving up 44 pts/game to two of the worst offensive teams on our schedule and the other is gd Shannon Dawson. On top of that, this will likely be the worst 3rd-down defense that Kentucky has ever produced, which I really didn't think was possible. Only one team stands between UK and dead last in FBS Third-Down defense.

The worst part is that the D will actually get worse. There is zero depth, zero youth and we have yet to have any attrition at this point in the year. That will change once Scarborough/Harris ragdoll the shit out of our front seven.

I can't even quit watching. UK football fandom is what I would assume doing heroin is like.
So they sent Elliot to the booth for the 2nd half and then took off their headsets? That happened? Fantastic...

NMST's headphones went out, we had to cut off ours off as well, which forced Eliot to come down from the booth for the rest of the game.

This also allowed us make those big halftime adjustments that held them to 7 points in the second half.

-Right now though, I'm more concerned with my status at Winchell's than anything...:eek:
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Stoops' 2nd contract extension had to go exactly like when Kramer was settling his lawsuit against Java World on Seinfeld.
Economists refer to the $12 million as a "sunk cost."

That's why.
exactly like @JHB4UK said. What's the point of letting Mitch hire another guy? Let's just throw away 24 million and hire the guy after Mitch's next head coach. I mean, we all know he's going to suck too. Sunk cost? No, just keep it and continue with the same product well get either way.
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— On Bobby Petrino: “Coach Petrino is a good football coach, no question about that…that was not a path I wanted to go down. That doesn’t mean I don’t think people should have second chances, I just didn’t want that second chance to come with our program.

— Mitch began the search by confiding in DeWayne Peevy, Mark Hill (executive associate athletic director, formerly the strength coach), and President Capilouto. The criteria?

1) Defensive improvement — “You will not continually outscore people in this league. At the end of the day, you have to play some defense.”
— After the meeting, Stoops continued to “recruit Kentucky.” Barnhart said that Stoops would often text him after men’s basketball and women’s basketball victories and that every time they talked, Stoops “always had a line” to end the conversation, including “I’ve got G and I’m sitting on O. Let’s go!”

Lmao. Mitch got played. Hard. Like a bitch. And he doesn't even know it.
Petrino's gay son sucks less cawk than some of you would for him.

- He's coaching at UL
- UL is really good
- UK is really bad

GTFO it. Absolutely nothing will change for this program until Mitch is on his ass. Not a GD thing. Keep harping on what could have been and how you were right all along, etc...and go over to that morally bankrupt and scandalous program and shove your 'L-yeah' up your f'ing ass.
Since Dennis seems to hate all doctors I just wanted to throw it out there that CClark is also a doctor.
Thanks for all the well wishes. It really meant a lot coming from people I've known now for 12 years or so and some I've yet to meet.

It's been a crazy couple of weeks that isn't quite over yet. I'm flying back with my Grandmother to San Diego in the morning because she doesn't want to be alone on the flight. I'm staying until Friday then coming back home.

Common Law.....false.

Dad didn't have a will and has been living with his GF for 28 years. In the eyes of the law, she can't make decisions in regards to Dad. I'm now trying to figure out what to do next. He didn't have too much...a lot of tools, a truck that's paid for, and a few bucks in his account. He was retired, but worked a few side jobs to pay for vacationing almost as much as Wodie.
Personally don't want to see another Drew Barker snap ever again. Johnson isn't turbo special or anything but he's a running threat and keeps the defensive ends honest. He doesn't have a canon either but he got the ball to our play makers and that's all you need to do w/ the skill we have on the perimeter. (isn't that the point?) I know it was a shit Sun Belt opponent but he showed nice poise and took what the defense gave him.

Barker seems like a bit of a bitch out there to me and doesn't have the 'it' to get guys to rally around him.

- To put it mildly, Courtney Love is atrocious. What's the harm at this point in getting Kash Daniel some snaps? I guarantee you the defense wouldn't be any worse.

- The defensive backfield - lol. They definitely give quite the soft cushion underneath. I don't understand it. Press up and make someone beat you over the top, right? They need to be as close to the LOS as possible to clean up the front seven's mess, anyway.

- Took LSAT to Malone's yesterday and they botched her filet. Twice. SMH. When will I learn?
Football recruiting amazes me. This video is proof. Granted, it's pretty much a highlight film, but comments like "did I see a guy who would be *this* fast at the college level?" boggle my mind. What in the *uck are they watching? Dude is slinging rockets and throwing bombs all over the field, sprinting past everyone on long TD runs, hurdling players on the sideline. And this is in South Florida. Yeah, guys like that typically don't do well in college. It really is crazy that so many colleges didn't see this coming. He didn't even have an offer from And the guy on the video still holds his ground..."well, it looks like Lamar Jackson may have been a bit underranked coming out of HS (o_O), but you have to remember...he is in the right system. Who knows what he would be doing at Florida or Miami or Florida St? :)okay:)"

I do like our JUCO QB though, and hope he gets the start. Barker is a mental midget, and has proven that over and over and over. Regardless of his physical tools, the kid is empty upstairs, and it's time to move on. At least Johnson gives us a chance.
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^Wow. Solid randoms drop by geese. Great call on Love, had totally forgot about him. Does he have a tackle on the season? I'm not a college football but I'm assuming a lot of the 2ndary issues are related to the DL and coaches. Completely agree on SJ and Barker. SJ isn't Vick back there but the threat of run opened up a few plays. Dudleys, Azur, Coles735, Tony's all have good steaks that are properly prepared most of the time.

-UCL is absolutely right. MB just got his retirement extension. However, if we finish the season with 2 or 3 wins and UL is in the playoff you can bet it's going to be really stuffy near that top button.

-Absolutely poured for about 75% over the B2BC which presented a few issues but overall a great time. Team absolutely crushed it in a year that Mom wasn't 100% all in due to handling Grandpas affairs.

-Got home at the end of the 1st, walked about 100 yards towards the stadium, stopped and walked back to my deck and watched the rest. Posted up the rest of the evening with the Bellydancers. Wish we saw them more often.

-Fat kid yesterday -> homemade bacon, egg and cheese. Wings and fries for lunch. Pizza for dinner.

-All over the place the next 2 weeks. Tired just thinking about it.

-Can we stop talking about Petrino, Lamar and sucking off UL? Just for a day.

-STK booked for Vegas. LEGGO.
Mitch isn't going anywhere. It's amazing to me that so many people can't get a grip on that.

I guarantee we are going to hear that he's going to make getting "mess" right for UK football his legacy and that he owes it to the University to stay until he can hand a solid foundation over to his successor.

Had a work function that trickled over to Chinoe Pub on Friday night. Haven't seen that many lesbians since college, I think. Rough. Probably comprised of 15% of the UK Hoops season ticket holders. Our VP of sales crushed 'My Way' and got a huge ovation from the dyke contingent. $2.50 Miller Lites, tho. Can't beat that.

- In for the South Carolina game. Looking for 4 tix floating around if anyone has any extras. Super solid text thread is looking TIA. Looking forward to stopping by Anth's and meeting LadyCat. Schwalbach bringing the lass or nah? Not aware of any trendy gallery hops this weekend, bruh.

- Set up the crib this weekend and bought another outrageous 'glider'. And the baby's sheets must be French Toile, guys. Shew, baby-making is some costly shit. Glad we got all the seats/bassinet/toys already. Kinda wanted a boy to mix it up but having two girls is OK, I guess. [winking]
Great call on Love, had totally forgot about him. Does he have a tackle on the season?
ditto with DeNiro Laster. transfers who get ink for a year +, go to SEC media days to represent the program and come the real lights turning on don't do shiiiiiiiiiiit.

I can tell the changes he is attempting on the fly with the defense, and they are smart. we are going to zone with huge cushions & the front 7 crowding the line, begging defenses to attempt easy throws underneath. teams will have to make accurate pass completions to get 1st downs/march down the field, no huge yardage plays, and hopefully Westry/Beity/Edwards can close & pick a ball off or jar it loose. sound plan, but so stupid it took until game 3 & for the head coach to take over for it to happen.

forget his running, the most thrilling part of Johnson's play is tossing it to tight ends. but since we are UK under Stoops I can easily see team dissension/turmoil of a split locker room, one side Barker one side Johnson. especially with our diva receivers who will obviously not get as many downfield catching opportunities if we stick with Johnson over Barker.
Johnson isn't turbo special or anything but he's a running threat and keeps the defensive ends honest. He doesn't have a canon either but he got the ball to our play makers and that's all you need to do w/ the skill we have on the perimeter. (isn't that the point?) I know it was a shit Sun Belt opponent but he showed nice poise and took what the defense gave him.

I really liked the run/pass option. We've never done that. I know many are worried by his size but keep running him out there until something happens. I mean what else do we have to lose?
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