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I'm skeptical that he can keep it up against a team with a defensive pulse. I'm also skeptical that Barker will lose his job because of an injury. An entire PR campaign was built around him, so I have a hard time believing he'll be benched for good.
Which is maybe why building a PR campaign around a then HS senior QB isn't a good idea I dunno just spitballing here
They ran off Jim Bunning's grandson for Barker after Towles proved to be halfway decent. I can't imagine they are going to turn the keys to an unknown JUCO after a game against one of the few D-I defenses worse than our own.

This will be interesting as it unfolds. Stoops may be damned if he does (throws yet another QB under the bus to save his skin - one that he supposedly built his whole program around) or damned if he doesn't (be stubborn and not give us what would appear to be the best chance to win, by playing Johnson).

His only satisfactory solution is to make the right choice and win games doing it.
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Unfortunately the money involved in the buyout is just one of the many concerns. Also have to take into account the coaches that will be available in the off season, do they scrap all of the assistant coaches, and who in the hell is making this hire.

I mean I hate to say it but unless the stars align and we have some confidence in an available coach to get us back to the glory days of 6-6, and have the right personnel to make the hire of that coach- there is no use searching for the buyout money. In 2 years we'd likely be in a similar position (where wee have been historically), and we'd just waste a ton of money.

The results are inevitable this year, and probably next year. I would love for someone to come along and save this team, but I think we are stuck just riding out this contract and parting ways after the fact.
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Both QBs will get their chance. One or both will be killed by a real SEC team's basic 4-man Rush.

Killed. Dead.

I am worried.

Johnson looks awfully thin to try running against an SEC line and Barker has already been hospitalized for a hit. Just saying.
This will be interesting as it unfolds. Stoops may be damned if he does (throws yet another QB under the bus to save his skin - one that he supposedly built his whole program around) or damned if he doesn't (be stubborn and not give us what would appear to be the best chance to win, by playing Johnson).

His only satisfactory solution is to make the right choice and win games doing it.

Maybe he needs to give a motivational speech like Pacino in Any Given Sunday when Willy Beamen took over for Cap Rooney to bring the team together. Sort of like this:

Probably will sound like this though:

Unfortunately the money involved in the buyout is just one of the many concerns. Also have to take into account the coaches that will be available in the off season, do they scrap all of the assistant coaches, and who in the hell is making this hire.

I mean I hate to say it but unless the stars align and we have some confidence in an available coach to get us back to the glory days of 6-6, and have the right personnel to make the hire of that coach- there is no use searching for the buyout money. In 2 years we'd likely be in a similar position (where wee have been historically), and we'd just waste a ton of money.

The results are inevitable this year, and probably next year. I would love for someone to come along and save this team, but I think we are stuck just riding out this contract and parting ways after the fact.

Any halfway decent AD would have feelers out right now to coaches seeing if they would have any interest in the job. Gauge what kind of interest you may have on the market and make the best decision.

Unfortunately, there is zero chance Mitch is doing any of that. I mean, the guy hired a GD search firm for the head basketball coach at Kentucky...the most high profile coaching job in college basketball. And still ended up with Gillispie.

Seriously, a search firm? You didn't have the balls to call a couple agents yourself and see if someone is interested? Really unbelievable.
They ran off Jim Bunning's grandson for Barker after Towles proved to be halfway decent. I can't imagine they are going to turn the keys to an unknown JUCO after a game against one of the few D-I defenses worse than our own.

Towels looked great yesterday Vs. VT - 8/20 for sub-100 yards and 2 INT.

You can take the boy out of Kentucky football..
Dawson threw 52 passes (completed 24 of them!) and failed to convert at the 9 yard line at the end of the game.

Troy's defense broke up 10 passes, forced three turnovers and had a season-high eight three-and-outs. Troy also had 36 minutes Time of Possession to Southern Miss' 24.

Sure sounds familiar.
I mean I hate to say it but unless the stars align and we have some confidence in an available coach to get us back to the glory days of 6-6, and have the right personnel to make the hire of that coach- there is no use searching for the buyout money. In 2 years we'd likely be in a similar position (where wee have been historically), and we'd just waste a ton of money.

The results are inevitable this year, and probably next year. I would love for someone to come along and save this team, but I think we are stuck just riding out this contract and parting ways after.
Ive been screaming this at my buddies that are all in for firing Stoops now. Why? Well suck this year and next and the next either way. If you buy Stoops out, throw 12 million at him, hire a new shitty coach that inevitably loses here, everyone will be yelling to buy him out too in 3-4 years.

Basically, why waste the 12 million?
Ive been screaming this at my buddies that are all in for firing Stoops now. Why? Well suck this year and next and the next either way. If you buy Stoops out, throw 12 million at him, hire a new shitty coach that inevitably loses here, everyone will be yelling to buy him out too in 3-4 years.

Basically, why waste the 12 million?

Anybody against firing Stoops, at any point moving forward, is just a stupid SOB.
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12 mil is for Stoops, a smooth 18 if you can the entire staff.

Marcus just set fire to all your coaching short lists.

And if we spin into some sort of alternative universe and CMS wins 7 this year and some crazy AD wants to take a flier on him...he, their school, owes a whopping...0.

Good job, good effort!
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Anyone who talks about firing Stoops now or anytime soon while allowing the same AD who hired him & negotiated his contract is a monumental moron. I mean bang your head against brick wall causing CTE stupid, wanting to do the same failure over & over again expecting it to be different NEXT time.

Call him bad, call him Freido, whatever, but he stays until someone else is in charge at UK hiring & writing up multi million multi year contracts IMO.

Next week should be the same kind of cripple-fight entertainment as yesterday. 1st to 50 will win, over/under set at 101.5
Exactly. This is why the narrative the school is pushing through the local media doesn't hold water. If Mitch were trying to fend off potential suitors for Stoops with the second extension, he failed miserably. There was no greater penalty for Stoops leaving written into the deal. Stoops had a savvy agent and fleeced the university.

Yet in the bizarro, unlikely scenario where Stoops could pull 6 wins out of his ass this year, the lack of buyout on his end would make him a more attractive candidate for a Tubby-to-Minnesota style move where everyone could save face and move on.

In that hugely improbable set of circumstances, Mitch would have been one smooth negotiator. He probably saw it coming all along.
Anyone who talks about firing Stoops now or anytime soon while allowing the same AD who hired him & negotiated his contract is a monumental moron. I mean bang your head against brick wall causing CTE stupid, wanting to do the same failure over & over again expecting it to be different NEXT time.

Call him bad, call him Freido, whatever, but he stays until someone else is in charge at UK hiring & writing up multi million multi year contracts IMO.

Next week should be the same kind of cripple-fight entertainment as yesterday. 1st to 50 will win, over/under set at 101.5

Just assumed when you cost a university twenty million or so in multiple buyouts you lose your job. Any ideas who Mitch would see fit to mold these young men? How is that McIntyre guy doing that was 2nd on his list?
Ive been screaming this at my buddies that are all in for firing Stoops now. Why? Well suck this year and next and the next either way. If you buy Stoops out, throw 12 million at him, hire a new shitty coach that inevitably loses here, everyone will be yelling to buy him out too in 3-4 years.

Basically, why waste the 12 million?

The operative premise here is that UK football and Stoops deserve each other. Which, unfortunately, is pretty much the case.
If you believe that you will have to fire him next year, which looks likely, then you are only costing yourself 5.4 million. And you might lose that much in season ticket sales, concessions, etc. if you don't fire him.

Basically, damned if you do and damned if you don't.
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The epidemic of cfb dudes in such a rush to drop football's while scoring a td as if the ball were a stinky slimy piece of ish just cracks me up so much
Well I'm out on both, so there ya go. Wagon empty. We win maybe 3 and get our shit pushed by UL to end the season.

Shouldn't be a QB controversy. Pretty obvious that SJ played as well as any QB here in years.

We are awful. I think MCF said "historically bad d." Sounds about right. In year four. Get out limp dick. MB is a Christian, they're great at fleecing people for money. Go find it. If not and stoops is back then milk toast neck is on the line.
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