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Yep, rape and UK football. The last 2 days of GYERO have been consumed with 2 of the worst possible topics for discussion in the entire world.

Tomorrow lets shoot for politics, suicide and lets relive 9-11.


What's everyone's take on religion? You for it? Against it? You take the Bible literally, etc?

Inquiring minds want to know.
idk what this guy did...apparently used some bad language around folks, and questioned spending.

Wonder what happened with Kearney.

One of, if not the, best of our best professors in med school. He had a filthy mouth and said whatever the touch was on his mind, but he knew what he was talking about and ultimately cared about his patients a great deal. He's alleged to have called a quadriplegic patient a "f***ing quad." Without being there, I'm absolutely certain he did that. He called black patients the n word too. Pretty much anything goes in the operating room and he pushed the limits more than most.

He's been quite outspoken about Karpf being corrupt for years. c_b can correct me if I'm wrong but I believe most of it stems from UK's handling of transplant surgeries. Karpf was from UCLA and there was a lot of shady shit going on there. *All that follows is alleged* Stories were that a lot of Japanese patients, thought to have ties to the Yakuza, were showing up and having liver transplants ahead of more deserving (but poorer) patients. After they had their surgery, "anonymous" donations of $1-3 million dollars each to the hospital would show up. Karpf left UCLA, went to UK, and guess what… transplant surgery took off, and most of the patients were foreign. And anonymous donations increased too. Kearney was outspoken about this when I was a student there 5-6 years ago, can only imagine he got more and more fired up about it. He's a damn good surgeon, and the guy you want taking care of you or your family member if anything went wrong. He just has a filthy mouth which is easy to target if you want him fired.
Got to check out the renovations at Belle's today. Massive upgrade. The second floor little bar in the corner has been torn out. Actually that whole back wall has been torn out. Instead of that little corner 8 ft bar, there is now a 25 ft bar. There are two stair cases going up to the roof, which is going to be very nice. They are talking about doing it up on the roof, not just trotting out some chairs and tables. Won't be ready this fall, but spring should be awesome.
Thanks for the update.
Lol that's good stuff and I 1000% believe the yakuza theory. Kearny looked a bit like Jeff Bridges in that photo.

Cap tried to ban him from campus...lmao, and did? Forgot what ended of that. He got alumni status back. Thy took his laptop hard drive citing 17 hospital files he couldn't have.

All I want is Lloyd. I want the same dedication to cheating and shady practices happening all over campus to happen with our damn football team. You're allowed and expected to chest real hard at football and we're to stupid to do it right for some reason.
In 2014 Kearney threw out the word "audit" in a meeting to discuss why there were no meetings, and he was gone 3 months after that.
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We're actually pretty good friends with TK. He joins us at family dinner occasionally. He... certainly says what's on his mind but I would trust him with my life. Also, the quad story is accurate although the patient was so intoxicated he didn't think he would comprehend. Regardless, following the story that Karpf guy is up to no good. Hopefully Tony keeps moving forward in his case.
73- how was Crooked Stick?

Pretty awesome. Thanks for the tickets.

Ended up taking my dad and 05 and 07. Found out that kids under 16 were free (including access to the clubs) with an adult ticket. That's pretty awesome that they encourage that...and kids and families were everywhere. My kids ended up hanging out under the Dye Club tent most of the afternoon, and would meet the golfers as they walked from 15 green to 16 tee. They got high fives and fist bumps from almost everyone...except Bubba :)rolleyes:). Even Spieth acknowledged the group of kids, even though it took him 3 shots from 20 feet to get in on 15 and he was clearly pissed. Pretty cool scene all around. Kids loved it, though they saw very little action.

Course was super easy to get around. Loved the stadium setups on 15, 16, 17, and 18. Just had a big-time atmosphere. The most raucous tent was the BMW Owner's tent over the 17 Tee/16 Green. Most of the players would interact and play up to the crowd while waiting for their tee shots on 17.

The neighborhood around the course was really nice. We only saw the back nine (there is no overlap between front and back nine so you basically choose a side) but there were great party setups at several huge houses from 12-15. Seems very similar to the setup at The Memorial from what I've read/heard.

Glad my dad decided to go. He doesn't get around as much as he used to, and the access to the grandstand and club at 15 made it easy for him. He met up with another grandfather type in the club and they chatted for much of the afternoon while I walked the course with my kids. Huge shade tree over the Club made it very comfortable to sit outside and watch the players come in.

This could be said over and over...but it's amazing how far the players hit the ball, and with remarkable consistency. And Dustin Johnson is just on a different planet than everyone else. Averaging 325 yds off the tee. That's absurd.

Anyway, thanks for the tickets. We had a blast.
I'll tell you what I'm not comfortable with these days -- Marty Smith's significantly enhanced role on ESPN/Sportscenter. He's perfect for NASCAR, but truly has no business doing college football, or human interest stories. None at all.
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Louisville. smh. Helluva town!

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I'll tell you what I'm not comfortable with these days -- Marty Smith's significantly enhanced role on ESPN/Sportscenter. He's perfect for NASCAR, but truly has no business doing college football, or human interest stories. None at all.

Disagree. Marty Smith is awesome and needs an even larger role. Dude IZ REAL and KEEPS IT REAL. jmo
He's actually one of the dudes from Florida-Georgia Line.

Is that a strike against, or a vote in his favor? In your opinion.

No, he's completely the opposite of that. He's a good ol' boy that likes his NASCAR and college football, probably likes to drink some beer, hunt, soak a dip, his accent is real...while those jokers look like this:

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This could be said over and over...but it's amazing how far the players hit the ball, and with remarkable consistency. And Dustin Johnson is just on a different planet than everyone else. Averaging 325 yds off the tee. That's absurd.
Good stuff- glad you all got to go. My dad was pretty pleased that we found another father/son to use them.

Fowler picking up one of the Captains slots was a bit unexpected considering his record in the event and how many other guys could make a case for those spots.
<------ speaks from a position of knowledge re: snitches, trifling and all varieties
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You know, I had like 14 people ask me this week -- "why does NOBODY like wcc anymore?"

Welp, I guess we all know now. Freaking Marty Smith. Ugh. You dug your own grave, pal.
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I'm at the point now where my expectation is simply that uniforms are blue and white. The bar has been lowered that far.

As such -- not a fan.....but there are WAY worse options out there.
I honestly don't get the Secretariat connection to UK granted I'm not a horse guy. What am I missing? I guess they're just going to shove this checkerboard down our throats along with the Houston logo and the H and the 'til the battle is won. [eyeroll]
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