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The UK football head coaching job is a Lovecraftian abyss from which no one escapes unscathed.
Rich Brooks & his tomato plants laughs at this. if god is generous my retirement life will be 1/2 as good as he has lived since getting TF out.
Fun fact about Gary Barnett is that he was Pat Forde's high school football coach. Pat wrote a couple of glowing columns about Barnett while at the CJ when Barnett was turning around Northwestern and getting the job at Colorado. Barnett one of the good guys, great man, etc. Of course then we have Barnett accused of providing sex and alcohol to recruits (common theme w/Forde favorite coachs), the raped female kicker that he went out of his way to publicly humiliate and even the University president accusing him of tampering with evidence during the investigation into that and other improprieties.
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Just read this on my facebook wall

Jackie toCraig

I remember you I had the biggest crush on you in high school you ruined that on the school bus when I was passed out from anti-anxiety meditation because my father had just passed away. U smacked me in the head with your penis. I truly hope that you have a blessed life. Just so you know I have not forgotten that but I forgive you may God bless you and your family
Did y'all mention the fact that Crapilutou threatened to resign if the BOT wanted to collectively vote on this issue?

Why can't Mitch threaten to leave us.

The University of Kentucky has lost $70 million in state funding since 2008, so there was little shock earlier this month when they announced layoffs and a 5 percent tuition increase.

What did come as a surprise for many was the June 24 announcement that UK President Eli Capilouto would get a 48 percent increase in his base pay, bringing it to $790,000, and a contract extension.


48%. OK. Sounds legit. That was this year. He got a raise and performance bonus in 2014 and then donated 250k to UK Healthcare and said this weird ass shit...

"I think it is time to make death a beggar in Kentucky," he said. "But we cannot do it without talent and infrastructure."

"Every three years — less than that, really — we fill a cemetery the size of the one I witnessed in Normandy," he said. "Every three years, we create a Normandy of death and loss — dreams denied, lives cut short, potential lost for our state."


Where the shit did they find this weirdo. Any confusions as to why UK has bozos like Crapilutou, Mitch, and Stoops making stupid money while totally sucking at their jobs? Do we need Bevin to fire our BOT, or something. What is going on.

I was just trying to quickly find the most recent articles about Crap's most recent nonsense, and somehow, those very recent articles didn't pop up first, so I instead reflected back on all this other bullshit he's been applauded for...

btw, the reason why he got a raise, 48% tbe, is because the BOT hired an outside consulting firm (because they can't do their job) for 53k, and that firm told them Cap was way underpaid and also that five other SEC schools where looking at him.
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“We can’t easily absorb cuts of this magnitude,” he told the House Postsecondary Education Budget Subcommittee on Thursday. “We can’t protect any part of our campus in the face of these draconian cuts.”

Said this 5 months before his 48% raise.
Obviously, campus rape is a huge hot button issue right now. "No means no" is obvious. Taking advantage of a girl who's passed out is obvious. My question is, legally speaking, is it considered rape if the girl doesn't remember it- like If she is black-out drunk? I was just reading about this UNC case where the girl called the presser regarding a Tar Heel football player and I think that's the issue. How is she supposed to know if she went along with it or not?

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I can't take you seriously when you refer to him as Crapilutou. Doesn't matter if what you say is 100% accurate. It's thisclose to Zipp'isms, which are intolerable.

Congrats the politician who fights bitches agrees with you. Tommy will be on the BOT in no time.
Obviously, campus rape is a huge hot button issue right now. "No means no" is obvious. Taking advantage of a girl who's passed out is obvious. My question is, legally speaking, is it considered rape if the girl doesn't remember it- like If she is black-out drunk? I was just reading about this UNC case where the girl called the presser regarding a Tar Heel football player and I think that's the issue. How is she supposed to know if she went along with it or not?

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See the Vandy case. Granted she was passed out and not black out.
Sadly, I could probably get a 3-4 page thread out of those dung-centric nicknames had I posted that on Rupps Rafters.
See the Vandy case. Granted she was passed out and not black out.

Well, that's a huge difference. Passed out is pretty obvious. Blacked out isn't, necessarily. Lord knows I've blacked out before and no one was the wiser.
If you are blacked-out drunk - AKA really damn drunk but still functional and some people wouldn't realize it (85% of my blacked out drunk states) and you banged some dude that's on you. I've woken up before with someone beside me and not really remembered much of it. I obviously don't condone it and I know its different to compare a blacked out guy having sex with a less drunk girl and vice versa, but I think its completely unfair to the other person to accuse them of raping you if you don't remember it, it could completely ruin their life and for all you know you were just as involved.
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If you are blacked-out drunk - AKA really damn drunk but still functional and some people wouldn't realize it (85% of my blacked out drunk states) and you banged some dude that's on you. I've woken up before with someone beside me and not really remembered much of it. I obviously don't condone it and I know its different to compare a blacked out guy having sex with a less drunk girl and vice versa, but I think its completely unfair to the other person to accuse them of raping you if you don't remember it, it could complete ruin their life and for all you know you were just as involved.

That's what I'm getting at, and I'm curious about the legality of it.
The new "rules" of sexual engagement are wack af.

Drunk, buzzed, under the influence of any kind can be rape because you cannot give consent if you're under the influence.

Then, once you've established everyone is sober, you must verbally ask permission, and receive the OK to for ahead with each step. Can I touch you here? Ok. Can I stick it here? Ok, can I deposit this on your face. NOOOOO.

I'm not joking. This is what they're teaching kids. Before long you will need sexual contracts.
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See the Vandy case. Granted she was passed out and not black out.

Huge difference. I used to black out way too often in my early 20's. I would not remember a thing, but apparently kept partying all night. I would appear buzzed to my friends, but they had no idea I was in blackout mode.

If you can't tell a girl is blacked out, if she appears to be buzzed, but coherent, it isn't your fault if she can't remember, IMO.

Obviously incapacitated or rendered helpless is a whole different ballgame. And predators who take advantage of those sitches should be punished.
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Right, I misread it at first hence the edit to add "granted she was passed out." Also wasn't making any judgments, as I agree if you're both blacked out with no witnesses, who the hell knows?
That's what I'm getting at, and I'm curious about the legality of it.
I'm not 100% sure on this (more like 95% sure), but the law in most states is that a person is legally considered unable to provide the requisite consent if they are too intoxicated to understand their own actions (i.e., blacked out, but not passed out).
Got to check out the renovations at Belle's today. Massive upgrade. The second floor little bar in the corner has been torn out. Actually that whole back wall has been torn out. Instead of that little corner 8 ft bar, there is now a 25 ft bar. There are two stair cases going up to the roof, which is going to be very nice. They are talking about doing it up on the roof, not just trotting out some chairs and tables. Won't be ready this fall, but spring should be awesome.
Just got around to hearing Kevin Harlan's call of the Niners/Rams streaker incident. [laughing]

That guy is awesome and is now probably my favorite play by play guy. It's a shame he was stuck doing the radio broadcast of that game. He's good enough to be the next "big game voice" in sports.
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Obviously, campus rape is a huge hot button issue right now. "No means no" is obvious. Taking advantage of a girl who's passed out is obvious. My question is, legally speaking, is it considered rape if the girl doesn't remember it- like If she is black-out drunk? I was just reading about this UNC case where the girl called the presser regarding a Tar Heel football player and I think that's the issue. How is she supposed to know if she went along with it or not?

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Not sure if it's been mentioned but the UF wide receiver was let off of his rape charge and allowed to play again basically because of this reason, supposedly.

The girl claimed rape, however she admitted she was too drunk to say no so the judge decided it wasn't rape in that instance.
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