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Those unis are pretty bad.


Kentucky Basketball = Secratariat
Kentucky Football = the old horse the commie pigs sell to the slaughter house in the book Animal Farm

Duke added black to their uniform so they can get pumped.
Been working with UK's marketing department recently and I've got a few designs I think fans will be wild about.

Alt Jerseys for BIG GAMES:


A new mascot, Harry Horsey, to go alongside Scratch at home games (If the fans love him like I think they will we may take him to the SEC tournament).


My secretary(iat)([laughing]) tells me Make-A-Wish is on line 1. This is going to be HUGE.
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Until they came up with the 78 throw backs that Rondo was wearing these were my favorite:

The Rondo throwbacks are just gorgeous. I get the same feelings looking at those as art enthusiasts do when gazing upon the Mona Lisa, just something to behold.
this thread has been depressing as hell to read this week

Well, ultimately we're all here because of a shared passion for UK sports. And thus far one of the two biggest is a national embarrassment. We're seeing a disheartening display of incompetence, from the coaching staff to the AD. At the same time, our biggest rival is in the top 10, hosting Gameday, and scoring a ridiculous amount of points with a leading Heisman candidate at QB. And this is all being orchestrated by a coach our AD passed on. So, yeah, I think we're all feeling a little bitter and jaded. Fall hasn't begun in earnest. Keeneland isn't running yet. Big Blue Madness is still a month away. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm feeling a little :grimace: right now.
The worst UK basketball uniforms ever were those stupid shiny chrome ones they trotted out for the MSU game we lost 2-1 in the Tubby years and then promptly retired.

Looked like they were playing in a damn space ship or something.
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I'll bet UK is the first team to host a game on an actual spaceship.

We'll play Texas probably.
Remember when Cal got here and he spent a bunch of time courting Chinese basketball officials and claimed we would have the first collegiate Chinese player and stuff.

What ever happened to that?
I figured he was just trying to get some Orange Leaf franchises licensed in Shangai, but whatever.
it's going to be one of the all time nights in Louisville entertainment history... J-Dub will have the whole city LIT at the victory party. Snitches included.
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Not sure where the weather man has been, sure feels like summer today.

Wheels up to Nashville.
Surely to goodness the screeners aren't privy to ALL the jokes about UofL.

A motorcycle reference, they'll catch.

But the basketball stuff? A big "Squirt" logo? A huge picture of Rod Ni? A poster that just says "1-8?"

Nobody would get it besides UK fans but whatever.
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