SIAP: "I have unbelievable confidence in Coach Wolford."

People are way overreacting. Our run blocking was fantastic. If it was a coaching issue, everything would suck. So while i loathe wolf, i don't see the on field coaching issue.

People on this board still arent properly valuing that kid from sc. Hes literally already the best pass rusher in the nation with a rare combo of elite athleticism and elite skill. Plus be didn't start going really crazy until mincey went out and we had a backup. So combined with a shell shocked qb it was a perfect storm.

It also cant be ignored the qb had an awful game. He held the ball too long on passes that were there, made awful reads on rpo 1) he gave on the jet instead of keeping. 7 yard loss vs 10 yard gain. He missed that read week 1 too 2) threw the wr screen instead of giving to the back. So apparently theyre going to have to take the read from him which hurts the o.

The real coaching issue is with the oc who couldn't adjust to literally one guy and couldn't adjust to his QB being way off his game. This was a game, especially second half, we had to go all in on the run but we never did.
Not going to mention the panic call to go for it on 4th and 1 at our own 30 yard line in a 4 point game??? In the FIRST HALF??

I guess that was OC call too??
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How long have you been a Kentucky football fan? Don't get me wrong, I'm not pleased about what happened Saturday or the apparent trajectory of the program but I have to side eye your comment about "it has to be fans under 30!" comment. I'm 44 and Mark Stoops has been the best Kentucky football coach of my lifetime. Not sure what you mean by "start accepting mediocrity", this isn't basketball. I want to be a football powerhouse more than anything, but your post just misses the mark. IMO

I’m 56 and have been a fan all my life.

We paid our coach a little over ONE million when Stoops first got here. Stoops is now the 9th highest paid coach in the country. Time for things to change!!!
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You're right. He should've said. "We're all doomed. It's the second game of the year, and there is nothing we can do. The offensive line will continue to suck. And the defensive line will only get worse"

Nothing to be happy about. Nothing to defend. But I hate the Mamby Pamby, cowardly, clinically depressed people that just look for all the reasons to moan and belly ache. Coach speak has to happen. I'm glad Stoops doesn't give up like the rest of you losers
Maybe he should have said he was extremely disappointed in the O-line and that he demands better of his coaches.

At least that’s believable.
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We paid our HC a little over ONE million when Stoops first got here. Stoops is now the 9th highest paid coach in the country. Time for things to change!!! 😜

You’ve accepted mediocre football for 52 years and still not demanding better??? That says more about you, than anything else ever will!
I didn't say I had accepted anything but that mediocrity or worse is just what it's been. If you have a plan to get us to the level of UGA or Bama I am sure I, as well as many others including Barnhart, would love to hear it.
Not sure if it's coaching, or we just swung and missed on our OLine players. Lack of coaching does not allow 3 opposing players to rush 7 and get to the QB. That's just lack of player talent, awareness, ability and good old fashion want to. And it's not like it happened once... But multiple times a qrt. D1 OLine men should be able to think enough to stop 3 opposing players with 7 without coaching intervention. While coaching maybe, or is a current problem... We just don't have good players at those positions.
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I didn't say I had accepted anything but that mediocrity or worse is just what it's been. If you have a plan to get us to the level of UGA or Bama I am sure I, as well as many others including Barnhart, would love to hear it.

Step 1: Forfeit the season.

Step 2: Fire every single person that’s associated with the football team from top to bottom. Including equipment managers.

Step 3: Take the 9 million Stoops is currently being paid and start making offers.

Step 4: A smart coach takes a top 10 highest paid job in the country that has zero expectations from mediocre fans and actually builds a powerhouse with no pressure.

Step 5: All of BBN shouts “ThrowBackCat for president” during the parade of celebrating our 2026 National Championship Trophy.

You’re welcome! 🤓

I have no confidence in this dude anymore.
Sadly, I agree. IMO, Stoops seems to think the fans have confidence in him, at this point to even make the statement. Everything is lip-service. In no way, do I expect Stoops to throw his assistants under the bus, but he should know that he has very little credibility in Lexington anymore.
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Step 1: Forfeit the season.

Step 2: Fire every single person that’s associated with the football team from top to bottom. Including equipment managers.

Step 3: Take the 9 million Stoops is currently being paid and start making offers.

Step 4: A smart coach takes a top 10 highest paid job in the country that has zero expectations from mediocre fans and actually builds a powerhouse with no pressure.

Step 5: All of BBN shouts “ThrowBackCat for president” during the parade of celebrating our 2026 National Championship Trophy.

You’re welcome! 🤓
jean ralphio drugs GIF
What does Unbelievable Confidence really mean? I have heard utmost confidence, sounds like Stoops meant to say unbelievable coaching or lack there of.
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Sadly, I agree. IMO, Stoops seems to think the fans have confidence in him, at this point to even make the statement. Everything is lip-service. In no way, do I expect Stoops to throw his assistants under the bus, but he should know that he very little credibility in Lexington anymore.
This. I never want somebody to chew out their subordinate in front of customers. I have had that done to myself and it's infuriating. Anyone that does this to your reports is a damn child. And I will die on that hill. If you feel the need to belittle the people beneath you in front of your moneymakers, then you are a complete asshole.

That being said, this is a public facing job. Your work shows on the field. And nobody reasonable I know is demanding perfection. However, I also don't like over coach speak. Don't piss on me and tell me it's raining. I'm not stupid. I don't expect Stoops to come out and say, "My God. Wolford is a complete incompetent toad." That would be unprofessional. But don't also come out after fans, national media, and other analysts have rightfully said the job was supbar and say, "I have unbelievable confidence in the guy." It makes you look completely foolish and/or insincere. And both are damaging in a public facing job that Stoops has. Fans are your customers. You have to make them happy at some point- other wise your attendance goes down, your viewership goes down, etc. And that means less money coming into the business. And that's when your boss, the AD starts getting questions from his boss, the university president.

Stoops also has a credibility issue at the moment as well. He's hurt his standing with the fanbase just as Cal did. You can only say, "We're gonna get back to work" or "We're going to fix it" so many times. At some point, the results have to show up. And they just haven't on some of his things. Every time he says the discipline on him, he's right. But I don't believe him when he says it because we constantly see the awful procedural penalties week in and week out. That is Wk1 stuff. That is camp stuff. Sure, every now and then players will make a mistake. Happens. Everyone is human. But we've seen it too many times. And all Stoops can say is "That's on me....we'll fix it."

Again, don't pee on me and tell me it's a tropical storm. Show me. And we're still waiting on some of this stuff. "Fast paste" offense. Still kinda waiting. Better clock management? Still waiting. Better on field discipline? Still waiting. Being consistently competitive in the SEC? Still kinda waiting. 12 year and we're STILL waiting on what should be fundamental stuff.
This. I never want somebody to chew out their subordinate in front of customers. I have had that done to myself and it's infuriating. Anyone that does this to your reports is a damn child. And I will die on that hill. If you feel the need to belittle the people beneath you in front of your moneymakers, then you are a complete asshole.

That being said, this is a public facing job. Your work shows on the field. And nobody reasonable I know is demanding perfection. However, I also don't like over coach speak. Don't piss on me and tell me it's raining. I'm not stupid. I don't expect Stoops to come out and say, "My God. Wolford is a complete incompetent toad." That would be unprofessional. But don't also come out after fans, national media, and other analysts have rightfully said the job was supbar and say, "I have unbelievable confidence in the guy." It makes you look completely foolish and/or insincere. And both are damaging in a public facing job that Stoops has. Fans are your customers. You have to make them happy at some point- other wise your attendance goes down, your viewership goes down, etc. And that means less money coming into the business. And that's when your boss, the AD starts getting questions from his boss, the university president.

Stoops also has a credibility issue at the moment as well. He's hurt his standing with the fanbase just as Cal did. You can only say, "We're gonna get back to work" or "We're going to fix it" so many times. At some point, the results have to show up. And they just haven't on some of his things. Every time he says the discipline on him, he's right. But I don't believe him when he says it because we constantly see the awful procedural penalties week in and week out. That is Wk1 stuff. That is camp stuff. Sure, every now and then players will make a mistake. Happens. Everyone is human. But we've seen it too many times. And all Stoops can say is "That's on me....we'll fix it."

Again, don't pee on me and tell me it's a tropical storm. Show me. And we're still waiting on some of this stuff. "Fast paste" offense. Still kinda waiting. Better clock management? Still waiting. Better on field discipline? Still waiting. Being consistently competitive in the SEC? Still kinda waiting. 12 year and we're STILL waiting on what should be fundamental stuff.
I'm not getting any younger and find myself thinking about all the years that have passed and I'm still frustrated with the lack of progress in the program. Stoops has certainly made progress, no doubt, but he just seems that he can't find the next level while he falls back again and again. IDK, maybe there's some explanation but whatever the answer is, I may never experience seeing the program actually find a firm foundation to consistently build on year after year.
Which is pretty much what Stoops said both post game and Mon's PC.
Correct, but he didn't need to give us the BS "unbelievable confidence" in Wolford garbage. Wolford's hire was right to be questioned. Couple that with how bad the line play has been and you've got a bit of a powder keg.
I am 52 years old and we have only been mediocre or better a handful of seasons since I have been old enough to remember. I mean let's not act like we were Bama before Stoops got here. 🤣🤣
Bama, no. But comparing stoops to pre-2006 college football is extremely generous to him and at this point it isn’t a fair one. 2006 was the dividing line where cfb went to 12 games with 40 bowls and slotted to our conference and we also started scheduling our ooc for 3 wins every season by avoiding p5 types. The only real ‘failure period’ we’ve had was jokers last two seasons and stoops first 3. And we’ve only had adequate facilities for the last 7 seasons. We’ve been to 12 bowl games, being moderately successful at UK is no longer a huge reach. To stoops credit we had two high level seasons but acting like other people are not capable of achieving 7 win seasons here under what the environment has been is also stretching it. Now, those 7 will be tougher to come by with the switch in sec scheduling which has been as kind to us as a sec schedule can be for stoops’ tenure with the East being a shell of what it was pre stoops but that’s why the coaching needs to be better.
Wolford's PC comment about 'little things like technique, focus, pad level, etc.' is ridiculous. WTF have they been practicing - bad technique, high pad levels, poor leverage? Gimme a break. Maybe the OL needs a little ass chewing. Their performance was completely unacceptable and did NOT improve as the game wore on. If it were just little things, it could be corrected mid-game. Getting whipped physically, lining up offsides 2 plays in a row, allowing rushers to come straight through without so much as a wave by the OL - those things are NOT little. Maybe it's time to focus on the basics, perhaps change the splits between linemen, move some personnel around (or sit some on the bench). If the first stringer is performing horribly, what have you got to lose by subbing him out?
Wolford was brought in to rebuild the line thru recruiting. He’s been a good recruiter everywhere he’s been. However that’s going to take 3 years for it to even show up. In the meantime they are going to have to find a way to be solid thru the portal. South Carolina was a pathetic showing. They cannot be that bad again.
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Wolford's PC comment about 'little things like technique, focus, pad level, etc.' is ridiculous. WTF have they been practicing - bad technique, high pad levels, poor leverage? Gimme a break. Maybe the OL needs a little ass chewing. Their performance was completely unacceptable and did NOT improve as the game wore on. If it were just little things, it could be corrected mid-game. Getting whipped physically, lining up offsides 2 plays in a row, allowing rushers to come straight through without so much as a wave by the OL - those things are NOT little. Maybe it's time to focus on the basics, perhaps change the splits between linemen, move some personnel around (or sit some on the bench). If the first stringer is performing horribly, what have you got to lose by subbing him out?
This was my thoughts exactly! If you're problem is losing one on one battles due to techniquest and fundamentals at this point you are completely starting over like you didnt even have a spring camp at all! And these guys are not freshman either they are veterans!!! We know they have the size and strength to play the position as much as any other Olineman we've had here, so if they still cant do it by now . . . . . . .

1. Wouldnt they have alreay known this after spring practice?
2. Whats keeping these guys from learninig these techiques and fundamentals that they've been coached on for months/years.
I'm starting to believe that some of our OL problems are due to a lack of physical strength. Way too often for my taste I see Eli, Jager, others get bullied out of the way on just mano-a-mano plays. With several of these guys, they've been in college ball for 3+ years and they're STILL getting physically pushed around at > 300 lbs? That's a problem.
It’s not necessarily strength, the key thing that Schlarman and some of his players would comment on is leverage technique. I think fundamentals and leverage is where where losing our edge on the offensive line
I’ll also add this, blocking was a complete failure from wideouts and running backs that were in a quarterback protection position. Absolute horrid play from the skill players in blocking when Brock needed it.

Hamden needs to tell his skill players that if they’re not going to lay in effective block in QB protection, then they’re not going to play.
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What does Unbelievable Confidence really mean? I have heard utmost confidence, sounds like Stoops meant to say unbelievable coaching or lack there of.
It means, you will find it unbelievable that I have confidence in Coach Wolford.