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Wish I had video of you crying & sweating your balls off every year at the Eli, begging for naps & 4 showers per day, etc.

I know a lot of shit about you, and you know a lot of shit about me. We're shit brothers, so quit being so weather argumentative.
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I mean, its kind of funny that earlier this year all these Republicans were making a stink that Trump wouldn't pledge to support the Republican nominee, and now they are not honoring that pledge...

Good grief Slice, of course you take that down. Unless of course, you are planning on making a career at UPS.

Super hot with no real sports or much else to do, yeah we are in BOAT season. You guys should come check it out.
I mean, its kind of funny that earlier this year all these Republicans were making a stink that Trump wouldn't pledge to support the Republican nominee, and now they are not honoring that pledge...

In Cruz's defense, Trump did insinuate that his father helped to assassinate JFK. [laughing]

That's a tad more ornery than the usual political haymaker.
If not she'll just end up being some random memory when you're in the shower one day after being married for 5 years that you go "Man, I should have totally banged her", and then you forget about it and move on to another girl that was hotter that you really should have banged what were you thinking man I would give anything to go back in time and bang her right now!

It's like my buddy's married older brother told us back about 10 years ago, "no married guy has ever wished he would've banged less women."
LOL at Chad and sheep. Dude is ACTUALLY about as Republican (non religious) as they come, but keeps voting Democrat because that's the party he was baaaaaaaaaaaah, I mean born into.
He's a dem because his dad is a Postal worker. That's the reason. Nothing against that, I don't hate postal workers or chad. Just saying, make a decision for yourself, pal.
I personally have a long held, no workplace bang policy. Some scoff, but I work in an industry with very few good looking women, so it's easier.
You were in the career field and moving up right out of college though, right? Again, if it will complicate your career, hell no. If you're slinging boxes at UPS or a bar tender, hell yes.
Valley Station here I come

I'm waiting on Slice to send me a picture of this broad. Without seeing her though, I'm leaning towards bang. Unless there's a decent chance she ends up murdering him when he tells her he doesn't want anything serious.
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[laughing] Once again, sorry for not being like everyone else in this thread and state.

I'm really curious about all of the conservative view points I actually have.

This is what I have never understood about this area. You righties just can't handle the fact that Democrats exist. It seriously bothers you.

I'm not in here taking shots at Bush or Romney. We're talking about two guys- Trump and Cruz- LOATHED by their own party! The Republican hierarchy isn't even at the RNC!
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Have you even left your slip yet?

Or do you still just sit there and blare your new speakers while Marina Restaurant delivers your grouper fingers?

Sure have, went out last weekend. Will be taking Pti out this Saturday too.

Actually have a modulator to control the back two 7.7's that are over the swim platform, so as to not kill your neighbors while back on the dock.

The marina services are great, those grouper fingers are tasty.
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Rack Anth's advise on this one. My first week of work orientation I meet a chick that was hired in the neighboring office and also based out of Lexington. We proceed to bang for about a month. She eventually wanted a title which was perfectly work legal in our case since we didn't report to the same people. That lasted for about 2 years. We were both 23 so whatever.

Last summer I might have banged a previous intern with a crazy ass ex boyfriend who showed up at my work one day wanting to question if I bang every intern that comes through here. Jesus.....Lesson learned.. Don't ish where you eat.

I like Hillary, always have. I think she's a good person.

She was a US Senator and Secretary of State- a spot given to her by the President, who is campaigning for her. She was, in fact, endorsed by her biggest rival. I know some don't like her, but I do.

I know this is tough to believe for frat boy Kentuckians, but Democrats do exist. We're about to elect the third one in a row to be president.

Get off my dick.
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Just finished reading the Bluegrass conspiracy. What a crazy story, Lexington was a major hub for importing cocaine from Columbia. Rampant police and political corruption. Guess who is also mentioned in the book?

Yup, Bill and Hillary Clinton. Guess they were tight Governor bros. Sounds like they had some pretty shady dealings going on. No mention of Hillary as being a good person.
Chad is a great example of why typically refuse to talk politics. I pretty much hate him more & respect him less than I ever have, which I didn't think was possible.

You, Dennis and Anth are the ones engaging me.

Our different political views have no bearing at all on how I view you or Anth or anyone else in here. I respect you just as much as I always have.
Good call. Prolly best just to keep it simple and stick with Fishing Creek. Don't want you to end up getting lost out on main lake!

Meh, at $4/gallon, 1-4 mpg, x 2 engines...I rarely head out that way. A trip to Harmon creek would be about $600 roundtrip.
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