Easy solution if you don’t like the tone of the board these days….

So to be clear.... You think the problem is that this board is "too positive".... Ok
YES ! Exactly ! But more precisely ... unreasonably and ridiculously positive about anything and everything that has to do with CCC. And all of us about whom this post is addressed clearly and unequivocally distinguish between John Calipari, on the one hand, and the U.K. basketball program as a separate entity, on the other hand. And -- all of us about whom this post is addressed are clearly and unequivocally devoted to the U.K. basketball program [and many of us have been devoted to the program since (probably) before you were born.]
YES ! Exactly ! But more precisely ... unreasonably and ridiculously positive about anything and everything that has to do with CCC. And all of us about whom this post is addressed clearly and unequivocally distinguish between John Calipari, on the one hand, and the U.K. basketball program as a separate entity, on the other hand. And -- all of us about whom this post is addressed are clearly and unequivocally devoted to the U.K. basketball program [and many of us have been devoted to the program since (probably) before you were born.]
Well you might be older than me (makes sense people get more negative as they grow older), but I've been on this board longer than you so.....

Or does duration of time of something not quite equate to level of passion? Thus you being a fan longer than I've been alive and me being on this board longer really means nothing and is a silly way to try to compare Fandom
we have always had a few disgruntled fans a whole lot of trolls that love to gas light and drag down a few good fans with them
YES ! Exactly ! But more precisely ... unreasonably and ridiculously positive about anything and everything that has to do with CCC. And all of us about whom this post is addressed clearly and unequivocally distinguish between John Calipari, on the one hand, and the U.K. basketball program as a separate entity, on the other hand. And -- all of us about whom this post is addressed are clearly and unequivocally devoted to the U.K. basketball program [and many of us have been devoted to the program since (probably) before you were born.]
Come on man. You will not be happy until everyone, including me, agrees with your opinion. What difference does it make.
I do not agree with you and I bet that I have been a UK fan longer than you. I am also guessing you will always be unhappy. If you can actually read this board and think it is too positive toward Calipari, you are off your feed.
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Ever since the lean years at the end of the Tubby era, there has always been a vocal portion of this fan base (and board) that wants to gatekeep who is and isn’t a real fan based on a strict “positivity only” policy they seem to enforce as a group. I can’t really put my finger on what causes this, but it’s like they saw an episode of Seinfeld and decided they wanted to be Puddy in the Devils episode every day forever.

If you are one of those people, please know that we see you and we get it. We already know what you think and that’s fine, but it does nothing to advance the conversation and it seems like you’re just being disingenuous and contrary at times. There are other outlets that regurgitate the same brainlet takes your lot is so fond of, it seems like you’d me much happier joining that circle jerk instead of being pissy at this one.
Does this apply to the state of the Country also? Asking for a friend
Just something I think that needs to be said…

It’s a freaking message board.

People should not be sensitive about stuff like this.

If you want to hail Cal as king, then be prepared to be bashed.

If you want to trash Cal, then be prepared to be called a bad fan.

If you’re on this board, then your opinion is fine and you’re entitled to it.

Don’t worry what others think of you, because hardly any of us know each other personally or have any idea what each others lives are like.

It’s a message board.

Let it rip, criticize, laugh, pontificate, question, cheer, etc…

Do whatever. The people who go at you over a post will mean very little to your existence in the end!

Go Big Blue!
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