I hope what’s been said about this board is true.

No one is upset with Pope. For him, it's the chance of a lifetime.

But he's simply not qualified for this position.
I wasn't excited with the hire initially but quickly realized I was looking for "brand" and not substance. CMP has substance, in spades, and will create his brand soon enough, based on coaching and focusing on teaching gratitude, rather than entitlement. Hurley didn't have "brand" when UConn hired him, and it took him a few years to get his system in place and get it rolling. All of the other coaches in this search were driven "first" by money ... not Pope. He wanted the challenge and opportunity to give back what UK had given him. There's NO ONE more qualified ... absolutely no one. Cal wrote the book on branding and is still trying to sell that fraud ... thankfully, Arkansas was still buying. I feel sorry for the players that are still buying it.
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haha. What's funny is that I never drink more than more beer a day and am a flat belly. I love a cold beer with dinner. Just one.

I'm with you, I drink maybe three a week, usually later before bed. I don't flaunt it. i do not think it wrong to drink. What I think is wrong is if I cause another to have issues with the drink. (When my son was growing up I NEVER had alcohol of any kind in my house for 17 or so years. Never drank around my kids and actually just never drank period.)

My son though learned well in High School anyway. he is a nurse for the VA now so he is doing okay. (It was just me..)
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For years a lot of people said the posters on this board were the worst fans anywhere and only represented a TINY minority of real UK fans. I never believed it but now I hope like hell it’s true. I’ll be the first to say that I don’t think Pope is a great hire. But for so many on here calling for his head on a chopping block is ridiculous. He’s a fan favorite from the best UK team we’ve ever had and he won a NC here. Be angry at MB, trustees, whomever. Do whatever makes you happy but criticizing Mark Pope is so wrong. I know a lot of posters are saying they’re not mad at him and my comments aren’t aimed at you but just as many are back stabbing him over and over. If you criticize Mark Pope you’re not a UK fan.
1.) Barnhart knows absolutely jack shit. When he first got here he even admitted basketball wasn’t his thing. He has a track record of making bad hires and decisions: Joker, Billy, Elzy, the contractual details with Stoops, and Kal’s horrible lifetime contract. The one good hire he made, Cal, he had to be forced into. I’d love nothing more than Pope to work because of who he is but I have next to no confidence in him. Hes just not qualified and if he actually turned down having Antigua on staff then he’s just making it even harder on himself and maybe even less qualified for the job than i thought.

2.) After Drew and Hurley he jumped straight to his safety net. He wanted to get a hire down as quickly as possible and didn’t like the optics of being rejected. The fact that he wouldn’t even look at Beard/Pearl and went right to Pope/Shaka Smart after the top 2 is pathetic on his part. He has no business being the AD at a SEC school. He needs to resign and go be a Sunday school teacher somewhere.
You need....something....
I'm just not seeing the chopping block happening. I did not want Pope but I'm on board for 100% support.Why? Because not a thing I can do otherwise. As far as criticism, meh. FWIW I didn't want Donovan either.
I'm just not seeing the chopping block happening. I did not want Pope but I'm on board for 100% support.Why? Because not a thing I can do otherwise. As far as criticism, meh. FWIW I didn't want Donovan either.
Who did you want?
For years a lot of people said the posters on this board were the worst fans anywhere and only represented a TINY minority of real UK fans. I never believed it but now I hope like hell it’s true. I’ll be the first to say that I don’t think Pope is a great hire. But for so many on here calling for his head on a chopping block is ridiculous. He’s a fan favorite from the best UK team we’ve ever had and he won a NC here. Be angry at MB, trustees, whomever. Do whatever makes you happy but criticizing Mark Pope is so wrong. I know a lot of posters are saying they’re not mad at him and my comments aren’t aimed at you but just as many are back stabbing him over and over. If you criticize Mark Pope you’re not a UK fan.
Any well-attended fan board is inherently composed of the worst fans in its fan base. For context, not only am I on Gonazaga’s free board, and their paid one, but I also wandered over to see what’s up over here. Thanks for having me, fellow degenerate pessimists. 🍻
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Oats then Pearl. Never thought Hurley or Pearl were realistic. But I thought Oats was.
Tradition doesn't resonate with people like it used to .
If Pope can get recruits that he can sell on making Kentucky great again, I think he can be successful.
When's the last UK team that you saw play as a team?
And I hate that its this way. We used to be a collective of knowledgeable and respectful fans who came together to discuss and debate the team and sport we all loved.
I have what may be a VERY stupid question...
Who are all of these new posters on here? Some are a few days old. I read one thread yesterday that had a brand new one that signed on THAT DAY and had 5 posts in the same thread. And they were all negative. They're all coming out of the woodwork. And then you have the ones that have been members for years but haven't posted until now. I can almost understand those because it's getting exciting again...but why would someone sign up now just to complain? They must have a very boring life, just like to complain about anything, or trolls? It's gotta be one of the three, doesn't it? I don't even bother to respond to their posts.


EDIT: I don't know if I was clear or not, but those long time members who have been gone a's good to have them back.
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For years a lot of people said the posters on this board were the worst fans anywhere and only represented a TINY minority of real UK fans. I never believed it but now I hope like hell it’s true. I’ll be the first to say that I don’t think Pope is a great hire. But for so many on here calling for his head on a chopping block is ridiculous. He’s a fan favorite from the best UK team we’ve ever had and he won a NC here. Be angry at MB, trustees, whomever. Do whatever makes you happy but criticizing Mark Pope is so wrong. I know a lot of posters are saying they’re not mad at him and my comments aren’t aimed at you but just as many are back stabbing him over and over. If you criticize Mark Pope you’re not a UK fan.
Wait until first loss. [winking]