Duke’s Jalen Johnson Quits Team

I didnt say I like it. But were getting into an era in professional sports where the players have gained more leverage.

There's examples for both sides. I dont like what Blake is doing.. because that guy has no knees and he's no longer a focal point for a team. Its not like he's been in Detroit for years. But on the other hand.. a guy like Watson, has every reason to bail on the Texans. They failed him. Over and over.

I dont have the answer. A sports contract is undoubtedly going to in favor of one side, over the other. Owners and major markets have used their power to create super teams, and some players started to do it themselves, pulling strings to get themselves titles, or just a big pay day.

Thank you for this post. Those trying to paint every player with the same broad brush are being intellectually dishonest. The situation with Watson is a perfect example. That dude has given Houston every thing he has, and they have done nothing but draft horribly, make horrible trades and coaching hires. Why should he waste his career in an organization that doesn’t have a clue?

For whatever reason, people don’t like that the players have the leveraging today’s climate. As long as the owners held all the leverage and could cut a player without paying him what his contract was worth(NFL) it was good. Now it’s a problem that players are able to throw their weight around.
Thank you for this post. Those trying to paint every player with the same broad brush are being intellectually dishonest. The situation with Watson is a perfect example. That dude has given Houston every thing he has, and they have done nothing but draft horribly, make horrible trades and coaching hires. Why should he waste his career in an organization that doesn’t have a clue?

For whatever reason, people don’t like that the players have the leveraging today’s climate. As long as the owners held all the leverage and could cut a player without paying him what his contract was worth(NFL) it was good. Now it’s a problem that players are able to throw their weight around.

For whatever reason people don’t like to put any blame or stipulations on the players it seems. Or it’s the players that are always the victim. For whatever reason

That’s all fine but the same thing should also apply to coaches and owners moving forward. If they feel similar emotions, reasons etc then they should also be able to do as the players do and break a contract or choose not to pay or not to play a player. Just make it even across the board.

Do the players who do this still get to get paid? Is Blake Griffin still getting paid to not play? Or others?
I mean they gave the dude a full ride scholarship to hoop & he quits lol does his scholarship get taken or how does that work exactly with these one and done hoopers
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Wouldn't make a bit of difference. Shoe companies, agents, or boosters would just pick up the cost for them, and they will go on their merry way.

The system is broken and punitive damages will not fix it. The whole system of OAD will have to go away for college basketball to ever have a shot of being something watchable again for the schools and coaches that are foolish enough to chase that fool's gold.
Thanks for the reply. I had forgotten about the shoe companies, etc. You're totally right.
If Blake Griffin and Andre Drummond can refuse to play (despite signing a contract) because they’re unhappy with team management, success etc then surely that means coaches can refuse to play players if they so desire? Or if they feel the player isn’t holding up their end of the bargain? Owners can do the same for the same reasons and elect not to pay them, right? Surely that’s the case.

Jesus man everything is just starting to suck. I mean whatever I get it but seeing massively rich athletes (many whom have had it MADE since they were like 14) bitch and moan about everything under the sun and how awful they have it... preaching to regular ole average Americans (black and white) who spend quite a significant amount of their modest income on cable packages, jerseys, tickets etc while these guys have net worths of hundreds of millions. get to pick 1 of 6 11,000 sqft mansions they’re going to drive home to in their $280,000 car is just cringe inducing.

I hope I live long enough to see the NBA implode . Totally , like down to nothing. Where no one cares .
Bc if by freak accident he tears his ACL/Knee up or achilles his draft stock absolutely plummets like a rock and thats millions of guaranteed money to 0 guaranteed money. Everyone calls him a quitter which he is but forgets half the NBA is tanking at any given moment they mostly don't care.
Then don't go to college. Wait for predraft workouts, go Gleague or over seas professional teams. If you go to college, finish the season.
you want to compare quitting Duke with 3 weeks left in the season to focus on going pro with everyday Joe dropping off on his lucky strikes bowling league team?
I’m seeing lots of posters saying they hate quitters in general. Talking about millennials quitting etc
So no one here ever quit anything. Got it.
And when regular people quit....
1. The job you were at usually stops paying you immediately.
2. Your resume usually shows if you can't hold a job but for a short span....usually follows you and people are hesitant to trust you in next job
3. Don't usually get a former employer paying lip service like we support his/her decision, etc...nonsense.

So if we regular people aren't shielded from consequences of quitting....why should we shield dudes like Terrance Clarke, Jalen Johnson, etc..? We are shooting for equality are we not?
He opted out for the same reason why football players opted out this season, college and professional.
No he didn’t. They opted out because of Covid and they didn’t do it in the middle or near the end of the season. Johnson is opting out because his team sucks and he most likely never wanted to have to go to college to begin with.
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Hate it. But kinda agree. Not surprised, with top college football players starting opting out of bowl games a few years ago.
Not the same thing. No one really cares about bowl games any more unless they’re playoff games. Those players finished the regular season and to my knowledge not a single player has opted out of a playoff bowl game. Johnson opted out with 3 weeks remaining in the season and the possibility of going to the NCAAT. Not to mention there’s a much greater chance of injury in football than basketball.
Do what? Why do we rationalize a guy quitting for these reasons? I mean I can't stand Duke but these kids acting like college basketball is a glorified scrimmage/AAU circuit is ridiculous.

I truly hope these issue wake up college officials to change our game's landscape and work to get to a baseball model to let kids go pro w/o college or if you do come, you have to play for college and enough of this nonsense.
It's good that the kid is a dookie...any other school, adn teh ncaa wouldn't recognize the need for change
That’s the thing though- this selfish “me attitude” and the like is spread across all of society unfortunately. GM’s, and evaluators etc are probably like “derp derp good for him! College basketball is just oppressed exploitation anyways. He’s just doing what’s best for him and not caring that the NCAA can’t “exploit” him anymore. He must do what’s best for him!”

Many of us know your above statement to be factual and true but many many others think the exact opposite. It’s 2021- hypocrisy runs amuck.
The NCAA could fix this in 60 seconds. Freshmen are not eligible to play.
Hey, this happens to program that take on a lot of 5 star kids. Kentucky is no different cuz Clarke hasn't quit no has opted out nor will play again this season, etc... It's not like players haven't left/quit, transferred out mid season... look at least season. Even Gonzaga had a guy bail to play over seas and Kentucky was the beneficiary of a player who quit on West Virginia
You could put opt out players back into the general student population. Regular dorm, no training table, no special access to gym, etc. Thats what I’d do.
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I think this was more of a K decision than a Johnson one.
Of course. K has to protect the Duke name and he loves Johnson and wants to protect his draft status. The rat face always does what is best for everyone. Such a wonderful human being.
I don't believe in quitting at anything you start. However, with the $hit Show this year has been, if a player is a Top 25 draft prospect, and his team is playing like Duke, UK and some of the other teams, I understand why a player would set the rest of the year out. At a lot of schools, players go to a college to win a National Championship, and then go to the pros. When the dream of winning a National Championship is basically gone, based on the team's play, I understand the player doesn't want to take a chance of getting hurt, and his draft prospect taken away. At other schools, some players just want to get the year over so they can go to the NBA, and may have to still prove they are good enough to make the Top 25 to be drafted. I wish the NBA and NCAA would allow the players to go to the NBA out of high school, but if they elected to go to college, require them to stay at least three years in college, and maintain at least a 3.0 GPA. Then, if the can't make it in the pros, allow them to come back to college, at the University's expense, not play basketball, but get their degree.

I'd say somebody is angling for a pay increase! Shouldn't have left last years books out where he could see them. Awkward!
The NCAA could fix this in 60 seconds. Freshmen are not eligible to play.
This exactly. Force the NBA to make it a choice between straight to the NBA out of high school....two years in college....and allow the option to return to college if you are not drafted.
Do what is best for the kids and the fans. The rest will work itself out.
The current system is killing college basketball and not in the best interest of the NBA in the long run.
I don’t give a flying F what reason the guy uses he is a flat out quitter. If I was in the league I would refuse to play for any franchise stupid enough to draft this jackass.

K should pull his scholarship, bulldoze whatever house he may given his family, and ban him from using any facilities Duke players have access to. This kid is everything you ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT from a young man and I hope this decision comes back to haunt him. May he never live it down.
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Well to be fair then why did he elect, agree and sign on to attend college to play basketball to begin with? Nobody is forced to. He’s quitting now to focus on the draft. Okay, fair enough. But why not just skip college all together and either go G league or just train privately all year to prepare for the draft.

I understand these men are trying to make millions of $. Which is why they should be allowed to go from HS. But what if this starts happening more and more frequently (or here again) and it’s 2 guys who do it? And those 2 guys (or even 1) took away a scholarship and a roster spot for that team from someone else?

Again, nobody is forced to go to college and be “oppressed and exploited.” So why not do your own thing? If he’s worried about being injured and hurting his draft stock then why wasn’t he worried when he signed to play with Duke?
Well said.
Patrick Baldwin Jr. said Jalen Johnson’s time with duke would really impact his decision. Lolz, looks like this will cost Duke more just than losing Johnson.
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Patrick Baldwin Jr. said Jalen Johnson’s time with duke would really impact his decision. Lolz, looks like this will cost Duke more just than losing Johnson.

It can't be a good look for the coach and team when a player quits. But I'm afraid Jalen Johnson won't be the only one. I would be very surprised if Clarke doesn't wind up doing the same, or possibly even Boston if we don't win a few games. The good part about Boston is that he still needs to play better.. he could find his way back into a lottery pick very fast.. but to do so, he has to play.
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It can't be a good look for the coach and team when a player quits. But I'm afraid Jalen Johnson won't be the only one. I would be very surprised if Clarke doesn't wind up doing the same, or possibly even Boston if we don't win a few games. The good part about Boston is that he still needs to play better.. he could find his way back into a lottery pick very fast.. but to do so, he has to play.
He’s been pretty damn good, the last 3 games.
I’m glad that we haven’t had any guys opt out yet (Terrence Clarke conspiracies notwithstanding). I wonder if this is a sign of things to come for the rest of their season as he was unquestionably their most talented player and a likely lottery pick, plus K’s back is due for a flare up any time now.

Terrence Clarke conspiracies? he obviously has quit on his team...nobody has ever missed 12 games and counting with a sprained ankle
I don't believe in quitting at anything you start. However, with the $hit Show this year has been, if a player is a Top 25 draft prospect, and his team is playing like Duke, UK and some of the other teams, I understand why a player would set the rest of the year out. At a lot of schools, players go to a college to win a National Championship, and then go to the pros. When the dream of winning a National Championship is basically gone, based on the team's play, I understand the player doesn't want to take a chance of getting hurt, and his draft prospect taken away. At other schools, some players just want to get the year over so they can go to the NBA, and may have to still prove they are good enough to make the Top 25 to be drafted. I wish the NBA and NCAA would allow the players to go to the NBA out of high school, but if they elected to go to college, require them to stay at least three years in college, and maintain at least a 3.0 GPA. Then, if the can't make it in the pros, allow them to come back to college, at the University's expense, not play basketball, but get their degree.

But Duke isn't out of position to win a title. They aren't going to be seeded very high but they are not like UK which has to win conference tourney. But with all teams that get to play conference tournaments....there is no excuse for anyone to be quitting. Dude is an entitled kid....and his stats this year indicate he's not all that amazing basketball player. So we'll see how life treats him but looks entirely a "me" orientated person and not sure how fans would like him on their favorite teams.
No he didn’t. They opted out because of Covid and they didn’t do it in the middle or near the end of the season. Johnson is opting out because his team sucks and he most likely never wanted to have to go to college to begin with.
They suck and the kid has decided that the reward for playing isn't worth the risk of being injured. So what!!! How has his decision hurt you? You might think that these kids only purpose in life is to entertain you, but I guess these kids are teaching you and others who think like you the basic economics of protecting the golden goose. You are just upset because you don't possess their leverage. For you, it is a game; for them, it is their financial lives.
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