Duke’s Jalen Johnson Quits Team

you don’t have to believe it. It happens frequently, Nfaly Dante wanted UK and now he’s stuck at oregon.

Lol. Does it really? Thank you Capt Obvious.

Everybody knows it happens. Everybody also "knows a guy" they "heard it from" even when they didn't. You may have, but it's still funny just because everyone says the same thing. Been like that on message boards for almost 25 years
I remember quitting wrestling because I hurt a guy pretty bad in practice. I felt guilty as hell
Know what you’s tough on your way up becoming a trained killer. Reminds me of an altercation I got into with staff at the Waddy Sizzler after taking my Kung Fu final at Western years ago...never knew who they were messing with.
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The NCAA need to clean this sh!t up!
They can’t. They can’t make anyone do what they could do is change the conditions of their scholly. If a kid doesn’t finish the season then he would have to pay back the value of his scholarship, with penalty perhaps. Is may not stop a one and done but it may discourage them.
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Well to be fair then why did he elect, agree and sign on to attend college to play basketball to begin with? Nobody is forced to. He’s quitting now to focus on the draft. Okay, fair enough. But why not just skip college all together and either go G league or just train privately all year to prepare for the draft.

I understand these men are trying to make millions of $. Which is why they should be allowed to go from HS. But what if this starts happening more and more frequently (or here again) and it’s 2 guys who do it? And those 2 guys (or even 1) took away a scholarship and a roster spot for that team from someone else?

Again, nobody is forced to go to college and be “oppressed and exploited.” So why not do your own thing? If he’s worried about being injured and hurting his draft stock then why wasn’t he worried when he signed to play with Duke?
Welp. I agree with everything you just said. Holy sh!tballs batman.
They suck and the kid has decided that the reward for playing isn't worth the risk of being injured. So what!!! How has his decision hurt you? You might think that these kids only purpose in life is to entertain you, but I guess these kids are teaching you and others who think like you the basic economics of protecting the golden goose. You are just upset because you don't possess their leverage. For you, it is a game; for them, it is their financial lives.
Whatever gets you through the day. It’s funny that you seem to think this bothers me. I can assure you it does not. It’s just the fact that the current generation is nothing but selfish quitters that bail when the going gets a little tough. It’s just further damaging a sport that is already suffering. In the end they’re just cutting their own throat. They’re just too stupid and entitled to realize it.
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Miami before lebron-47-35 first round loss to the celtics 1-4.
Cleveland before Lebron’s second stint-33-49 and missed the playoffs
Lakers before lebron-35-47
Come on now. Miami brought in Bosh who was a 5 time all star up to that point. Go look at the Miami roster before LeBron and after.

The Lakers roster is a different story. But LeBron failed to get them playoffs with that roster in his first season there.

Back to Johnson, the guy seems like a quitter no matter where he goes.
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Ratface’s back has to be hurting like hell. I predict he takes the rest of the season off so he has no missed tourney on his resume.
I’m glad that we haven’t had any guys opt out yet (Terrence Clarke conspiracies notwithstanding). I wonder if this is a sign of things to come for the rest of their season as he was unquestionably their most talented player and a likely lottery pick, plus K’s back is due for a flare up any time now.

He has probably already petitioned the NCAA to get this seasons losses put on John Scheyer or Nate James like he did the last time his back went out.
Come on now. Miami brought in Bosh who was a 5 time all star up to that point. Go look at the Miami roster before LeBron and after.

The Lakers roster is a different story. But LeBron failed to get them playoffs with that roster in his first season there.

Back to Johnson, the guy seems like a quitter no matter where he goes.
To be fair, the lakers were on pace to make the playoffs before lebron went down with that groin injury.
Know what you’s tough on your way up becoming a trained killer. Reminds me of an altercation I got into with staff at the Waddy Sizzler after taking my Kung Fu final at Western years ago...never knew who they were messing with.

You can't fk with the Waddy Sizzler folk. You'll be pickin your teeth from the dessert bar, kung fu or no kung fu

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