Duke’s Jalen Johnson Quits Team

I’m going to say no to the second question. How is it the best decision for him? It makes him a quitter and really fuels questions about his character.
Bc if by freak accident he tears his ACL/Knee up or achilles his draft stock absolutely plummets like a rock and thats millions of guaranteed money to 0 guaranteed money. Everyone calls him a quitter which he is but forgets half the NBA is tanking at any given moment they mostly don't care.
Jay Bilas just blistered him on ESPN!
Hopefully the kid doesn't care what Jay says. If the kid experiences a career ending injury while finishing out the remainder of their worthless season, Jay isn't going to put money in his pockets.
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Bc if by freak accident he tears his ACL/Knee up or achilles his draft stock absolutely plummets like a rock and thats millions of guaranteed money to 0 guaranteed money. Everyone calls him a quitter which he is but forgets half the NBA is tanking at any given moment they mostly don't care.
Yeah, but you can’t let a possible but very unlikely injury decide that for you. If so, why would any of the players figured to be drafted in the top 10 even play at all? I think it’s a very bad decision, but since it hurts Dook I don’t really care.
We just don't announce when ours quit.
I'm waiting to see if K pulls a Cal and makes us some bullcrap like "we support Jalen totally and it's HIS future we care about"...... And he basically did pull a Cal and pacify this nonsense....this is insane to me.

“While we are encouraged by what we are seeing medically, for Jalen’s future, we believe this decision is in his best interest,” Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski announced. “We are ultimately careful with every one of our players and will continue to support Jalen as he progresses toward his goal of playing professional basketball. He deserves to be fully healthy for the upcoming NBA Draft.”
Dude was like f this I’m out 😂. Personally think he’s highly overrated in the first place watch him not be a first rd pick 😂😂😂
I'm sure you have inside knowledge he's faking.. You're Stupid and so are your posts
Even Cal was calling him out before he backtracked when he found out he was quitting. Get your head out of the sand. And if you don’t like my posts don’t read them or put me on ignore. You have 400 posts in 12 years. That makes you a troll.
Refresh things for me but wasn't he the guy who was booted from IMG last year for some off the court stuff? Now he quits on Duke? Going to have to answer some ?'s when Draft comes up that's for sure.

If I was working for the NBA and doing the interviewing, this would be the 1st question I would ask. " Why did you quit on your teams ?"
A few other thoughts:

1. Maybe this opt-out coming from Duke will shake the sport enough to try and work something out with the NBA and the players association. One Duke hardship is worth 10 for Kentucky, as far as the media is concerned.

2. This comes on a day where Blake Griffin AND Andre Drummond both opted to stop playing until they are traded. This isn't just a college thing or even some generation thing. This is player's knowing their worth and having the ability to leverage that over owners and franchises. Now, I dont like players quitting.. but maybe this "players movement" has some merit. Maybe this will shake up future contracts and the player/owner relationship.. for better or worse.
If I was working for the NBA and doing the interviewing, this would be the 1st question I would ask. " Why did you quit on your teams ?"
He opted out for the same reason why football players opted out this season, college and professional.
This is really amazing. As much as I can't stand Duke and hope it hurts them for the rest of the season with no wins ever again, this could have an adverse effect on other teams. Let's face it, Duke helped by the media is considered one of the top programs overall. So if it can happen at a program like Duke it can happen at other top programs. It's already bad enough with this one and done crap but now add 2/3rds and done?
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This is really amazing. As much as I can't stand Duke and hope it hurts them for the rest of the season with no wins ever again, this could have an adverse effect on other teams. Let's face it, Duke helped by the media is considered one of the top programs overall. So if it can happen at a program like Duke it can happen at other top programs. It's already bad enough with this one and done crap but now add 2/3rds and done?

You could be right. But Duke has also clearly been paying players for years now.. which means these are guys who likely would have gone elsewhere, if not for money. These players had no intentions playing for Duke or coach K, so why stay a minute longer than you need to?

Say what you will about our guys.. but they want to play for Cal and UK. There's no job position for their cousin or a house for their family. Things might not work out as they imagined, and some may transfer, but they wanted to be here and play here. Cant say the same for Giles or Zion or Jalen or Banchero..
What no one is talking about, K played him a grand total of 8 minutes during Saturday's blowout win over NC State, and JJ pretty much said enough of this $ hit from K.

Not going to allow K to coach him down to a late first rounder. Lottery pick B A B Y!! In my best Dick Vitale screech.
I’m going to say no to the second question. How is it the best decision for him? It makes him a quitter and really fuels questions about his character.

That’s the thing though- this selfish “me attitude” and the like is spread across all of society unfortunately. GM’s, and evaluators etc are probably like “derp derp good for him! College basketball is just oppressed exploitation anyways. He’s just doing what’s best for him and not caring that the NCAA can’t “exploit” him anymore. He must do what’s best for him!”

Many of us know your above statement to be factual and true but many many others think the exact opposite. It’s 2021- hypocrisy runs amuck.
Need to either let the kids go or adopt a no-opt out rule. Something or this will continue to be a trend.

If they opt out. They need to pay triple the tuition. This is ridiculous
I agree!!! I've said in other posts that if they do quit, then they need to pay back the equivalent of the amount of their scholarship, room and board, and any other no more use of the facilities for training, etc. They were given those things because they agreed to play college basketball. You know, kinda like a contract!
UK’s co -poster boy pretty much has too, although not yet officially!
From the backlash that Johnson, Coach Ratface, and Duke are getting, along with a lot of negative publicity to go with it, I understand why Cal throws up so many smokescreens and pretty much covers up for all the OAD players whether it is a real injury, feelings hurt, opting out, agents/handlers decision to shut a player down, etc.

Have to keep that curtain closed from the media and the general public to prevent issues with players/coaches from negatively impacting Draft status for the player, and future recruiting for the coach.

That crap just wouldn't be worth the effort for me. I would just pass on all that drama and try to recruit the best recruits available that actually wanted to attend college, and build for a big winner every 4 years or so.
Bc if by freak accident he tears his ACL/Knee up or achilles his draft stock absolutely plummets like a rock and thats millions of guaranteed money to 0 guaranteed money. Everyone calls him a quitter which he is but forgets half the NBA is tanking at any given moment they mostly don't care.

Well to be fair then why did he elect, agree and sign on to attend college to play basketball to begin with? Nobody is forced to. He’s quitting now to focus on the draft. Okay, fair enough. But why not just skip college all together and either go G league or just train privately all year to prepare for the draft.

I understand these men are trying to make millions of $. Which is why they should be allowed to go from HS. But what if this starts happening more and more frequently (or here again) and it’s 2 guys who do it? And those 2 guys (or even 1) took away a scholarship and a roster spot for that team from someone else?

Again, nobody is forced to go to college and be “oppressed and exploited.” So why not do your own thing? If he’s worried about being injured and hurting his draft stock then why wasn’t he worried when he signed to play with Duke?
You could be right. But Duke has also clearly been paying players for years now.. which means these are guys who likely would have gone elsewhere, if not for money. These players had no intentions playing for Duke or coach K, so why stay a minute longer than you need to?

Say what you will about our guys.. but they want to play for Cal and UK. There's no job position for their cousin or a house for their family. Things might not work out as they imagined, and some may transfer, but they wanted to be here and play here. Cant say the same for Giles or Zion or Jalen or Banchero..

It’s way more than “some”. No other college comes close to our mass roster turnover year after year after year.
I agree!!! I've said in other posts that if they do quit, then they need to pay back the equivalent of the amount of their scholarship, room and board, and any other no more use of the facilities for training, etc. They were given those things because they agreed to play college basketball. You know, kinda like a contract!
Wouldn't make a bit of difference. Shoe companies, agents, or boosters would just pick up the cost for them, and they will go on their merry way.

The system is broken and punitive damages will not fix it. The whole system of OAD will have to go away for college basketball to ever have a shot of being something watchable again for the schools and coaches that are foolish enough to chase that fool's gold.
I’m glad that we haven’t had any guys opt out yet (Terrence Clarke conspiracies notwithstanding). I wonder if this is a sign of things to come for the rest of their season as he was unquestionably their most talented player and a likely lottery pick, plus K’s back is due for a flare up any time now.

There is no excuse for this. We have raised and fostered the most pitiful generation in history. Totally entitled and all about themselves. One and done must end. Go pro or go to college for 3 years and stop this foolishness.
If Blake Griffin and Andre Drummond can refuse to play (despite signing a contract) because they’re unhappy with team management, success etc then surely that means coaches can refuse to play players if they so desire? Or if they feel the player isn’t holding up their end of the bargain? Owners can do the same for the same reasons and elect not to pay them, right? Surely that’s the case.

Jesus man everything is just starting to suck. I mean whatever I get it but seeing massively rich athletes (many whom have had it MADE since they were like 14) bitch and moan about everything under the sun and how awful they have it... preaching to regular ole average Americans (black and white) who spend quite a significant amount of their modest income on cable packages, jerseys, tickets etc while these guys have net worths of hundreds of millions. get to pick 1 of 6 11,000 sqft mansions they’re going to drive home to in their $280,000 car is just cringe inducing.
If Blake Griffin and Andre Drummond can refuse to play (despite signing a contract) because they’re unhappy with team management, success etc then surely that means coaches can refuse to play players if they so desire? Or if they feel the player isn’t holding up their end of the bargain? Owners can do the same for the same reasons and elect not to pay them, right? Surely that’s the case.

Jesus man everything is just starting to suck. I mean whatever I get it but seeing massively rich athletes (many whom have had it MADE since they were like 14) bitch and moan about everything under the sun and how awful they have it... preaching to regular ole average Americans (black and white) who spend quite a significant amount of their modest income on cable packages, jerseys, tickets etc while these guys have net worths of hundreds of millions. get to pick 1 of 6 11,000 sqft mansions they’re going to drive home to in their $280,000 car is just cringe inducing.

I didnt say I like it. But were getting into an era in professional sports where the players have gained more leverage.

There's examples for both sides. I dont like what Blake is doing.. because that guy has no knees and he's no longer a focal point for a team. Its not like he's been in Detroit for years. But on the other hand.. a guy like Watson, has every reason to bail on the Texans. They failed him. Over and over.

I dont have the answer. A sports contract is undoubtedly going to in favor of one side, over the other. Owners and major markets have used their power to create super teams, and some players started to do it themselves, pulling strings to get themselves titles, or just a big pay day.
What no one is talking about, K played him a grand total of 8 minutes during Saturday's blowout win over NC State, and JJ pretty much said enough of this $ hit from K.

Not going to allow K to coach him down to a late first rounder. Lottery pick B A B Y!! In my best Dick Vitale screech.
Would have been more minutes if he could have got rid of his ego and went back in the game when multiple assistants were trying to go back in.
Bc if by freak accident he tears his ACL/Knee up or achilles his draft stock absolutely plummets like a rock and thats millions of guaranteed money to 0 guaranteed money. Everyone calls him a quitter which he is but forgets half the NBA is tanking at any given moment they mostly don't care.
With all due respect to you and i mean no disrespect towards you on this but i absolutely cannot stand or get behind the " what if he gets injured" argument.
If thats the case and they are so worried about injuries, why even play college ball period? Why not graduate HS and sit out a year to train specifically for the NBA? Why not go the G-League route, get professional training, get exposure and go up against some ex- NBA players or players fighting for spots themselves? Chances are 75% of those guys are better then the guys you play with/against in college.
If your so worried about getting hurt then your obviously looking into the wrong profession. Injuries aren't a matter of if but when. There going to happen.
In Jalen Johnsons case i tend to believe this kid is a head case. There were reports of his attitude and motor in HS, now this? You could see his piss poor demeanor on the bench, low motor in games, arguing with team mates and chirping at opponets after losses.....Hell tbh i dont think he wanted to be playing college ball im the first place. This kid has obviously got some personal issues.....
With all due respect to you and i mean no disrespect towards you on this but i absolutely cannot stand or get behind the " what if he gets injured" argument.
If thats the case and they are so worried about injuries, why even play college ball period? Why not graduate HS and sit out a year to train specifically for the NBA? Why not go the G-League route, get professional training, get exposure and go up against some ex- NBA players or players fighting for spots themselves? Chances are 75% of those guys are better then the guys you play with/against in college.
If your so worried about getting hurt then your obviously looking into the wrong profession. Injuries aren't a matter of if but when. There going to happen.
In Jalen Johnsons case i tend to believe this kid is a head case. There were reports of his attitude and motor in HS, now this? You could see his piss poor demeanor on the bench, low motor in games, arguing with team mates and chirping at opponets after losses.....Hell tbh i dont think he wanted to be playing college ball im the first place. This kid has obviously got some personal issues.....
Guys like Zion, Cole Anthony, Keion Brooks, all actually got injured but returned because they weren't quitters. Not even being injured in the first place and quitting just because the team isn't very good is not going to get you very far. I hate UNC, but I respect the hell out of Cole Anthony, who had a real injury, but returned even though he was already a high pick and his team was trash
Hurt is gone too, lol that anyone thinks he isn't. And you can bet there's a transfer coming. You need to know what you're doing when you play around with 1AD. Coach K isn't up to task for this.