Here's what I know--any decision anyone makes is either/or---or if you prefer 50-50. I mean you either choose to do something or don't. What I do know, is when business is slow, and drama can be created, it's best to feed the beast and create bull$hit stories and melodrama.
Diallo isn't doing anything for attention. No doubt the kid prefers to go Pro if he could. Every player that enters the Draft with/without an Agent wants to make the NBA. That's completely normal and understandable. My issue with this is how honest Calipari has been about his hatred for the D-League. For all the "Cal pushes guys to the NBA...." he does if he knows it's best for them and off what he's been told. Does it help his brand/program? Of course. But unlike a lot of coaches, he actually does care about his players and if you doubt that, the loyalty from guys who don't play or are stars is amazingly consistent. A lot of stars are always good with former coaches but fact he has a lot of fringe guys who stay loyal to him, means he follows through and is honest with them.
Now I'll say this without knowledge of anything being said but don't think it takes any to figure out what is going on. Everything has gone according to what Cal/UK and Diallo discussed when they recruited/signed him. Only thing that is changing is he's actually gotten a taste of the NBA and he's deciding whether to gamble on himself and go his own route, or take the advice he's gotten. If he had a guarantee, he'd have announced by now. You don't "search" for a guarantee-you work for it. Calipari will tell any player that avoiding the D-League is best way to go. He's repeatedly stated so.
So you have a decision to make--do I trust the guy who has been honest and followed through with his end or do I bet on fact that I can get into the 1st Round or if I can't I'll work hard to make it? People speculating on teams who will "Gamble" omit facts. They forget to mention that Thon Maker was 7'1 and was taken by a team that has had success with a player with great length/versatility. They forget to state that Maker played an entire year didn't have his last game in November. They forget to mention that Diallo in fact chose to go to college early to prepare for the following year because he wasn't hearing what he liked in terms of going straight to league--which was an option he had/passed.
So you have percentages, talk of sweating decisions, people acting like UK/Calipari are going to "lose out on Cam Johnson because they are slow playing him" despite fact Johnson himself said he'd be announcing in late May and Diallo has until tomorrow to make a decision--which seems to be normal and on track if you ask me. Same people were going nuts about Mo Bamba's Timeline-when he said he'd be announcing sometime in May--and he did. The relationship Calipari has with Johnson family, they know what is going on. Whether he ends up at UK or not, to think they just do things to risk their chances with kids is insane. Sometimes you have to appreciate what you have and in this case, Diallo would be a "loss". You can't lose what you never had (Bamba) but Diallo was seen as a guy that could be ready to step up and help incoming guys acclimate with Gabriel and to a lesser degree Killeya Jones--who needs to learn to compete and play hard when on the court and not just about offense/pts.
I think the kid needs to trust the guy who has been straight all along. Why doubt the man? He's told you truth and he's proven to be biggest supporter of telling his players to go in CBB if they have a good situation or have to--hell if he had to go--this would've been done already. We know Cal will be supportive no matter what, but this isn't hard to see--he thinks Diallo needs to return and Diallo's only decision is whether to trust Cal and do what he's being advised or go his own path and gamble? Business decisions take into account what's best for business, not what is best for appearances. Good luck to him no matter what, and hope this goes well for all parties, but spare me the constant shifts in information and lunacy with no source hacks like Ford, or the Frolf King Adam Zagoria.