Diallo Entering Draft... Not hiring agent

Yea that whole "I'm not ready to play" line that Diallo fed Cal was bullsh!t and everyone knows it. It says a lot about a kid that's too scared to play because he's afraid of hurting his stock.

Seriously, name another player in the Cal era who would come in mid season and turn down the chance to play when Cal asks him too. Think Ulis would? Davis? Wall? Hell no. That was Ryan Harrowesque.

Only other player I know of coming in mid season was Wynyard. He also chose not to play.
Yea that whole "I'm not ready to play" line that Diallo fed Cal was bullsh!t and everyone knows it. It says a lot about a kid that's too scared to play because he's afraid of hurting his stock.

Seriously, name another player in the Cal era who would come in mid season and turn down the chance to play when Cal asks him too. Think Ulis would? Davis? Wall? Hell no. That was Ryan Harrowesque.
Absolutely. This thread was more related to all players because I have such a passion for Kentucky basketball and it's disheartening that I care more than some players do. That's why I didn't post in the diallo thread. But diallo is a great example of a player who took complete advantage of UK and I don't support that whatsoever
I agree woth OP. I am not ok with taking a kid to sit on the bench for 1 semester, never playing a second and going pro. Then the argument...more UK kids in NBA...nobody that played 0 secs of game time counts. O understand including Enes in the family because he got screwed, but if Diallo stays in the draft I am not ok with that type of thing contonuing to happen.
it's tough not knowing the real story. whether diallo didnt want to play or cal didnt want to mess with the roster but Diallo was the exact guy the team didnt have. if he is everything Cal said in that press release then it's blasphemous he didnt play him if the kid wanted to play. i hope if he is going to leave though we know sooner than later, there are still a lot of unsigned kids in the top 50 still including a few 5 stars. Maybe Cal could work that overnight magic on one.
Depends. But a system with more commitment to the University of Kentucky will provide more leeway for lots of fans like myself.

sure. Except that coach won't win enough. Or won't recruit well enough. Or won't engage with the fans well enough. Or won't market the program well enough. Or won't dispel NBA rumors. Or won't be good enough to coach in the NBA. Or won't recruit enough Kentucky boys. Or one of a million other things you'll find to complain about.

if you can't be happy now, you can't be happy. Might be time to find a healthier way to spend your free time and disposable income.
Perhaps I was a bit snarky. My authentic apologies to you. As for the topic of "going out of ones way", aren't you going out of your way to heighten your own position above all others? Hence, the reason you started a thread when there are almost 1,000 posts in another thread already? I suppose you have the right to do that, although I hope the forum doesn't feature 12 threads on Diallo by this time tomorrow, threads that all argue the same diatribes. But now that you're in the spotlight, hopefully you'll engage in a real conversation.

To your point, how do you know that Diallo doesn't value his time at Kentucky? You're inferring a lot about his character, and that of the others who have left. What exactly are you arguing? That Diallo doesn't care about Kentucky? So if he returns in three weeks, doesn't that change your narrative somewhat?
Maybe you should reread my post. It doesn't change anything whatsoever. I want players who care about Kentucky. If he comes back and he put his name in the draft to simply understand where he stands and what he needs to improve upon, then maybe he cares about U.K. And doesn't fall into that category. But If his plan all along was to come to U.K., and never play and go pro, then that's BS. He essentially would've lied about not being ready just to not hurt his stock.
Did y'all not watch the 30 for 30? Cal will always tell a player to go if they're good enough after Dajuan Wagner.
but ready for the NBA.. all season we heard how Diallo just wasn't ready for college ball yet.. now we read how he has improved so much and is ready for the pros. Lol. I love the cats, and I love cal, but I want players who respect and appreciate the name on the front of the jersey, whether the wear it for 1 year or 4. I'm ok with one and dones, but only those who truly appreciate the opportunity to play for KENTUCKY
That would be great...please call the commissioner of the NBA.
Or plan on having a good ONLY team every four years or do that has a chance at number 9.
Not you.., but the some of same people that bitch that "only titles matter" also bitch about taking OADs; that keep UK in the hunt EVERY year.
Reality is the last years of Tubby and BCG really hurt the UK brand.
We didn't have a solid coach (as K) for 8 years or so and we fell behind UNC DUKE and others in relevancy.
True story....circa2005 or 2006 I go into a sporting goods store in Las Vegas and ask if they have any UK hats... no shitting you... the guy says "I think we have some Kansas hats over there." He was correct. UNC, KU, Duke were will represented. Not ONE UK hat...we were irrelevant, except to diehard college fans or old guys...which, recruits are neither.
sure. Except that coach won't win enough. Or won't recruit well enough. Or won't engage with the fans well enough. Or won't market the program well enough. Or won't dispel NBA rumors. Or won't be good enough to coach in the NBA. Or won't recruit enough Kentucky boys. Or one of a million other things you'll find to complain about.

if you can't be happy now, you can't be happy. Might be time to find a healthier way to spend your free time and disposable income.

All speculation on your part.

And please don't tell me how I feel or can't feel. It's possible to be happy but show some discontent with the way things are working right now. But honestly I have spent less time following/supporting over last few years. For example, I don't bother looking at box scores anymore, couldn't care less about the player stats. And I don't listen to the coaches show Monday nights or the pre-game show on the radio like I used to every week and game. Just not as enjoyable.
That would be great...please call the commissioner of the NBA.
Or plan on having a goddess team every four years or do that has a chance at number 9.
Not you.., but the some of same people that bitch that "only titles matter" also bitch about taking OADs; that keep UK in the hunt EVERY year.
Reality is the last years of Tubby and BCG really hurt the UK brand.
We didn't have a solid coach (as K) for 8 years or so and we fell behind UNC DUKE and others in relevancy.
True story....circa2005 or 2006 I go into a sporting goods store in Las Vegas and ask if they have any UK hates... no shitting you... the guy says "I think we have some Kansas hates over there." He was correct. UNC, KU, Duke were will represented. Not ONE UK hat...we were irrelevant, except to diehard college fans or old guys...which, recruits are neither.
I can believe that. Those were hard times for us. I'm not saying I don't like the OAD. Players like cousins, and KAT, etc show so much love for U.K. That is what it's all about to me.. what makes winning so special is the passion within the program.. if players don't care as much as fans then it takes away from the winning to me. I know some people only care about winning, but to me U.K. is deeper than that. Of course I love to win, just saying that I want to share a passion for the university of Kentucky with the players. Hard to be emotionally invested into a team if the players aren't as well. Fortunately, I believe most of our OAD players have had a passion for U.K.
And everyone has to remember. Players are drafted on Athleticism, talent and POTENTIAL...they get playing time, college and NBA careers; based on actual results
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I can believe that. Those were hard times for us. I'm not saying I don't like the OAD. Players like cousins, and KAT, etc show so much love for U.K. That is what it's all about to me.. what makes winning so special is the passion within the program.. if players don't care as much as fans then it takes away from the winning to me. I know some people only care about winning, but to me U.K. is deeper than that. Of course I love to win, just saying that I want to share a passion for the university of Kentucky with the players. Hard to be emotionally invested into a team if the players aren't as well. Fortunately, I believe most of our OAD players have had a passion for U.K.
What you do with your life is your business, what Diallo does with his life is his business. Don't get things twisted.
You tell me. Apparently you're the one who can't understand that this thread is an overall opinion of players and not specific to diallo. He is just an example if he stays in the draft .. but thanks again for being another poster that proves why most fan bases will say we have the most arrogant and disrespectful fans
So this thread wasn't about Diallo? Yeah ok. [roll]
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Cal is going to do his best coaching job next year. That is a supposition.
but ready for the NBA.. all season we heard how Diallo just wasn't ready for college ball yet.. now we read how he has improved so much and is ready for the pros. Lol. I love the cats, and I love cal, but I want players who respect and appreciate the name on the front of the jersey, whether the wear it for 1 year or 4. I'm ok with one and dones, but only those who truly appreciate the opportunity to play for KENTUCKY
nobody with half a brain said dallio was not ready. He is the best player on our team . It was simply an agreement not to play because he would have left this year. He a top 10 #1 SG Ranked player. Youre makin him out to be Tai. Teams are VERY lucky Cal didnt play him this year it may have cost us 9.
If he stays in, the only part that would really irk me would be that we didnt play him this past season when he could've helped us.

1/2 and done is actually tolerable when the team gains from it too, rather than being treated like some sports academy.

That said, he almost has to come back. Why come to college and go to class, etc? He could've just spent all semester training.
Rightfully so? First, do you think Cal believed he would jump before playing? I doubt you do. So, the only thing you could really say is that Cal should have not taken him because there was a possibility he would do this. Is that your belief? If so, I disagree, but I guess one could want to play it that safe, but that's not Cal. If you don't believe that either, then what did Cal do or not do to justify the heat?

I don't know that I have all the answers for that but it's got to be on his shoulders. I don't know the inner workings behind the scene and what was said or not said, what was promised, or what was thought by both sides. There are a lot of answers that I don't have and don't pretend to have but I know if he decides to stay in the draft that it really hurts our team. I do know that and the guy that would be responsible for that is Cal.

Now, the ones that have been on here awhile, such as yourself, should know that I defend Cal to the end. I always trust in Cal but that doesn't mean that he's beyond reproach and not capable of making mistakes. If Diallo leaves, did Cal make a mistake? I'd have to say yes. I have to believe that Cal knew that this was a possibility and he may have even encouraged him to declare. Those are also things we do not know but I don't believe that Cal was just completely blindsided by this. He had to have known that this was coming or at least a good possibility of happening.

Granted that this is all dependent on him leaving this year because if he stays, then all is good and it was a great plan by Cal. If he leaves though, there is only 1 person that can be looked at in this situation and it's gotta be Coach.

What did UK get out of this situation? Players get everything that the school, program, and coach can do for them for as long as they're here. In return, the school, program, and coach get everything that the player can do on the court. It's a win win situation for both when everything works out but what would UK get for their "efforts" if Hami were to leave? Nothing! Plus we would be even more short handed for next year when we could've been out recruiting that position for the past 4 months. Not to mention we lose his connection with Bamba. That's a big risk to take if you ask me.

Cal took a big risk and I'm not sure that I would've taken that risk if there was possibility he actually go through with it and leaves. That's just me though and I know others may feel differently about it. If we lose him, I obviously don't think it was worth it but like I said, we don't know the inner workings about their plan and what was talked about. This may all be for show and for the experience of doing it. We just don't know. We can only go by results and just as Cal is pointed to when he gets everything right with recruits, he's only human and can make a mistake. He's the only one that can be pointed to either way.
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I guess I'm old school but, I don't ever want to see ANY player commit to UK, sit on the bench for a half season and then leave for the NBA without playing a minute. Just kinda cheapens the value of the name on the front of the jersey IMO. Don't know if it will happen in this case with Diallo but, there is definitely a chance.
The other two are trolls. So happy they are made. How Brad declared.

I don't have a son but if I did and he could make millions and the NBA...... Jesus you people suck.
For all the "this is getting old" crybabies, go cheer for Duke. They keep players multiple years. Whether he stays or goes it's a win/win. If he gets drafted, what other program can tell kids, "We will improve your game and get you in the league, even if you don't play. Yes I know we have a stacked roster and you will have to fight for minutes, but you will still get drafted even if you don't get those 30 minutes a night."

It's not a win-win situation, it's a win for Diallo and a lose for us. The situation it would put us in if he were to leave is not a win situation for us. We have enough "ammo" and enough players in the league to get the point across that we can get them there quickly. We don't need to have some player come through for 4 months, never play a single minute, and then enter the draft to prove that the staff is good at what they do. It will just open the door for more kids to want to reclassify or graduate early and do the exact same thing Diallo did. It will also become part of the same problem we are seeing with kids thinking they're a failure if they're not OAD here. This is not something we want or need here. We have plenty of pros to sell us to future recruits. Just my opinion of course.
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Your expectations should have been lowered when EVERY outlet plus Cal, plus the player stated that he planned to do this MONTHS ago. Everyone knew this beforehand, so why the outrage now?

It's a risk/reward scenario, we had an extra scholarship, top 10 player wanted it, we wanted player, knew special circumstances existed and made deal. There is a great chance he'll be back to UK, therefore it was worth risk of giving him the scholarship.
Someone should have held your beer while you typed that. I'm not outragedy at all. I've been saying he will do this for months. I don't agree with risk/benefit analysis though. I thought it was pretty obvious what he would do so there was previous little reward to be had from my perspective. There is almost no chance that he comes back but you can cling to that hope for a few more weeks I guess.
For all the "this is getting old" crybabies, go cheer for Duke. They keep players multiple years. Whether he stays or goes it's a win/win. If he gets drafted, what other program can tell kids, "We will improve your game and get you in the league, even if you don't play. Yes I know we have a stacked roster and you will have to fight for minutes, but you will still get drafted even if you don't get those 30 minutes a night."
That was a terrible post from beginning to end.
All speculation on your part.

And please don't tell me how I feel or can't feel. It's possible to be happy but show some discontent with the way things are working right now. But honestly I have spent less time following/supporting over last few years. For example, I don't bother looking at box scores anymore, couldn't care less about the player stats. And I don't listen to the coaches show Monday nights or the pre-game show on the radio like I used to every week and game. Just not as enjoyable.
cal breaks records for wins not broken since rupp. you're the likelihood of this being outdone with our next coach speculation? k.
This isn't a big deal in my book. He'll get high level feed back on what to work on and get some experience out of the process. Some of you all need to lay off the caffeine.

Not high level but I can tell sight unseen what he needs to work on. Shooting, dribbling, passing, defending, rebounding -- maybe his walk
Sorry to get off track on the subject from the other thread. Just want to keep answers to this question on this thread.
Meanwhile, no word out of Joel Berry yet, who just won a National Championship at UNC, and this is last day to declare. I guess he's coming back for his Senior year. Will probably be strong POY candidate next year like Mason. Makes no sense that he wouldn't at least test the waters.

Joel Berry isn't an NBA player and he doen't need that feedback
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Look dude, you are a fraud. You started a thread saying Cal had underachieved but then you say he always has young teams and it is impossible to win with young teams. Which is it son? Make up your mind.
Where is the thread you said I made, chief?