Moronic and stupid are insults, dbag, ones that you and the other pro-player groupies use over and over for anyone that doesn't agree with you. Don't be a hypocrite.
Myself and many other UK first supporters are expressing concern over how the program is being used more than any other school as a feeder, now not only for the NBA but for the d-league and for Europe, and for Australia, etc (thank God there's not a prominent African league or Wenyen would probably be gone, too).
The roster turnover is increasing every year and it's just not as enjoyable and it's embarrassing. The players are so young that they aren't consistent all year, including in March, and they and their coach get a crap whistle and will continue to get a crap whistle because nobody, from the refs to the NCAA A-holes, respects what they're doing except for their handlers and groupies of teens like yourself.