Decision day today for Breonna

Anyone who knows the facts in this case expected that the officers wouldn't be charged with her murder. It is entirely reasonable and legal for cops to return fire when fired upon.

It's also reasonable for Walker to fire on plainclothes men kicking in the door...even if they knocked first. Now, if it's true that they announced themselves then it's a little less defensible, but I have certainly heard of instances where drug dealers pretend to be police to rob other drug dealers.

Regardless, as many logical people have already stated in this thread, this was a tragedy and a horrible situation, but it wasn't criminal. This was the correct legal decision. It doesn't seem fair, but that's life.

Protesting because things didn't turn out the way you wanted them to and you're pissed is dumb IMO. Their beef is with the no-knock law not the officers. That law was changed, so now they're just protesting because they're mad. I understand that, but angry protests turn into riots very easily.

Great post. And thats kind of how I see it. An awful tragedy. The boyfriend was protecting his GF and his property, its late in the night. Cops were doing their job, only fired when fired upon.

Sure, there are things to build on. The warrants, using body cams, etc. But nothing here was malicious. I'm really not even sure how much race is truly a factor.

So to see this outrage.. someone on the NBA post game was in tears talking about the violence (specifically referencing killing of a black woman).. and when will it stop. And yet, still, today alone, how many were shot dead in inner cities, WITH intent?!

At this point, I think they are simply using the 5 or 6 cop killings a year as a scape goat for all their life's troubles and anything they dont like. An easy copout to just claim everything is racist.. Thats the only way to explain it.
You're still wrong. The address they went to, and Breonna Taylor specifically, were listed on the warrant. Seriously, man, go look up the facts of the case because you aren't working with the correct information here.

The address they went to is the address listed on the warrant. But, I haven't read anything that would justify having a warrant for that apartment. The guy they were really targeting, who was arrested 40 minutes earlier, used it as his address and the police saw him picking up packages there. The investigation found that his arrest report had been altered to look like he was arrested at the same time. There has been no evidence released to the public that the packages he picked up contained illegal drugs, and there is no indication that police ever bought drugs at that apartment. Police fired 20 shots, only landed 6 apparently. The guy that was indicted fired 10 times "blindly" and never hit anything. A lot of missing information that needs to be made public.
The address they went to is the address listed on the warrant. But, I haven't read anything that would justify having a warrant for that apartment. The guy they were really targeting, who was arrested 40 minutes earlier, used it as his address and the police saw him picking up packages there. The investigation found that his arrest report had been altered to look like he was arrested at the same time. There has been no evidence released to the public that the packages he picked up contained illegal drugs, and there is no indication that police ever bought drugs at that apartment. Police fired 20 shots, only landed 6 apparently. The guy that was indicted fired 10 times "blindly" and never hit anything. A lot of missing information that needs to be made public.
The jailhouse tapes? Dude litter ali said Bri had his money. He said that her house was a drop house. She bailed out 2 members of the gang with cash. How much do you need for a warrant given her past and her acquaintances.
What I learned today, contrary to months of "reporting":

1. the cops went to the house they intended to go to, as indicated on the warrant
2. though it was a no-knock warrant, they knocked, per Kenneth Walker
3. though it was a no-knock warrant, they identified themselves, per a neighbor
4. No one answered, they got the go ahead to enter the house, where Walker and Taylor were standing in a hallway, Walker with a gun pointed at the door
5. Taylor was not killed while "asleep in her bed" - as virtually every story about this has maintained.
6. Walker shot first, hitting the first officer through the door in his femoral artery.
7. at least 3 officers returned fire, killing Taylor
8. one officer fired indiscriminately, shooting into an adjacent apartment

I'm not sure where any of that calls for an indictment, other than #8, which was in fact charged. "I'm mad as hell and people need to go to jail even if no laws were broken" isn't a cognizable standard in Kentucky or any jurisdiction. Thankfully.

1. True
2. True
3. Several other neighbors as well as Walker said they didn't hear them identify as police. Walker also claimed that he and Taylor both yelled "Who is it?" This apartment complex is apparently a lot more soundproof than any apartment I ever lived in because I could easily make out neighbors conversations in the hallway with my door closed, sometimes with my TV on.
4. True
5. True (but I hadn't read anything on this until tonight's C-J)
6. True
7. True. They shot 32 times total and only landed 6, none of which hit the guy who actually shot 1 time at them. Good thing Herro was more accurate with his shooting percentage tonight. I don't think it's unreasonable to question whether or not the police response constitutes excessive force, which is illegal.
8. True, and he was the one charged.

There are a lot of unanswered questions that need to be made public. Like what justification they had for obtaining a warrant for that apartment. Nothing I've read tonight justifies the warrant. They never bought drugs at that location, no drugs were found at that location, and nothing that has been made public gives reasonable suspicion that there were drugs at that location. If there was sufficient evidence, the police should make that information public.
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1. True
2. True
3. 11 other neighbors as well as Walker said they didn't hear them identify as police. Walker also claimed that he and Taylor both yelled "Who is it?" This apartment complex is apparently a lot more soundproof than any apartment I ever lived in because I could easily make out neighbors conversations in the hallway with my door closed, sometimes with my TV on.
4. True
5. True (but I hadn't read anything on this until tonight's C-J)
6. True
7. True, but they shot 20 times total and only landed 6. Good thing Herro was more accurate with his shooting percentage tonight.
8. True, and he was the one indicted.

There are a lot of unanswered questions that need to be made public. Like what justification they had for obtaining a warrant for that apartment. Nothing I've read tonight justifies the warrant. They never bought drugs at that location, no drugs were found at that location, and nothing that has been made public gives reasonable suspicion that there were drugs at that location. If there was sufficient evidence, there is no reason that the police would not have made that information public.

they don't make unanswered questions public in criminal investigations that are still ongoing to satisfy your feelings.
They do when the answers support the police action taken. If the police had ever bought drugs at that location, it would have certainly been made public. Apparently the only thing they were going on is that the other Walker, who was already in custody, used it as his home address, and they saw him pick up packages there.

Based on what we know, Breonna Taylor did nothing illegal. This was a huge screw up by the police. If you're going to bust in someone's house, you better make damn sure they are guilty of something before you do it.
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They do when the answers support the police action taken. If the police had ever bought drugs at that location, it would have certainly been made public. Apparently the only thing they were going on is that the other Walker, who was already in custody, used it as his home address, and they saw him pick up packages there.

Based on what we know, Breonna Taylor did nothing illegal. This was a huge screw up by the police. If you're going to bust in someone's house, you better make damn sure they are guilty of something before you do it.

Vince is openly a Democrat- follow his tweets/RTs and comments. Go vote (posted after the Taylor decision) implies change is needed...the people he recommends voting for are already in charge locally.

Also, a grand jury made the charging calls...not a votable deal.

Yea he ought to stick to football. He is right go vote & get his dem gov & mayor out.
The Herald Leader is disgusting. I made the mistake of pulling it up this morning to see about any updates on this insanity.....second headline reads "Two officers shot in Louisville....connection to protests unclear."

Un****ingbelievable. **** them.
They do when the answers support the police action taken. If the police had ever bought drugs at that location, it would have certainly been made public. Apparently the only thing they were going on is that the other Walker, who was already in custody, used it as his home address, and they saw him pick up packages there.

Based on what we know, Breonna Taylor did nothing illegal. This was a huge screw up by the police. If you're going to bust in someone's house, you better make damn sure they are guilty of something before you do it.

breonna taylor put baking soda in her 8 balls
The Herald Leader is disgusting. I made the mistake of pulling it up this morning to see about any updates on this insanity.....second headline reads "Two officers shot in Louisville....connection to protests unclear."

Un****ingbelievable. **** them.
My God what a horrible newspaper. Everyone in the world knows this was a part of the Black Lives Matter. Even before the verdict BLM was loaded for trouble. They have U Haul trailers and vans full of riot equipment. They were carrying guns in the street. Go to hell Herald Leader you are supporting anarchy.

This is the time for Coach Stoops and Coach Calipari to DENOUNCE the BLM and apologize for ever supporting that Marxist movement. BLM has one goal. Over throw our government with violence. It is as simple as that.
The address they went to is the address listed on the warrant. But, I haven't read anything that would justify having a warrant for that apartment. The guy they were really targeting, who was arrested 40 minutes earlier, used it as his address and the police saw him picking up packages there. The investigation found that his arrest report had been altered to look like he was arrested at the same time. There has been no evidence released to the public that the packages he picked up contained illegal drugs, and there is no indication that police ever bought drugs at that apartment. Police fired 20 shots, only landed 6 apparently. The guy that was indicted fired 10 times "blindly" and never hit anything. A lot of missing information that needs to be made public.

Transcripts of phone records where Taylor was directly linked to holding drug money for her ex were released over a month ago.
Didn't they establish that the second cop killed Breonna, not Hankenson, based on ballistics, or is that still in question?
Taylor’s death is a tragedy, and I feel for her friends and family. However, this outrage would’ve been avoided if her families lawyer had told the truth from the beginning.
The cops weren’t at the wrong address, she was sleeping in bed, she hadn’t just gotten off work as an EMT as she hadn’t been an EMT in several years, the cops returned fire after her BF shot a cop. All of that falsely convinced the public she was a victim of police brutality, none of it was accurate.
1. Cops shouldn’t be serving warrants at 1:00 AM. That’s pure stupid. You know they are in there, then wait it out until daylight. When they walk out, arrest them and search the residence. This wasn’t a terrorist threat

2. No way trained cops put multiple shots into a different person than the one standing there with a gun “in a shooting stance” without at least hitting him once. She was a shield, imo.

3. Quit portraying this bag lady and her boyfriend as saints. But she certainly didn’t deserve her fate, and it was all avoidable from both sides.
1. Cops shouldn’t be serving warrants at 1:00 AM. That’s pure stupid. You know they are in there, then wait it out until daylight. When they walk out, arrest them and search the residence. This wasn’t a terrorist threat

2. No way trained cops put multiple shots into a different person than the one standing there with a gun “in a shooting stance” without at least hitting him once. She was a shield, imo.

3. Quit portraying this bag lady and her boyfriend as saints. But she certainly didn’t deserve her fate, and it was all avoidable from both sides.

1. I think i agree with this.
2. Yes.
3. Breonna was guilty of nothing other than picking bad boyfriends IMO.
Very good q...she took 6 bullets, it was dark and the cops saw the light from the bfs gun go he end up scratch less? Also, if this was completely racially motivated, coverup, bad policing - how did a black male who wounded a cop get taken into custody scratch free?

I do not understand why Kenneth Walker was released if they did knock and announce.

He shot and hit a police officer and walks? Has that ever happened?

I am not 100% certain that not understanding the warrant execution would be a justifiable defense if they DIDN'T knock and announce.
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I do not understand why Kenneth Walker was released if they did knock and announce.

He shot and hit a police officer and walks? Has that ever happened?

I am not 100% certain that not understanding the warrant execution would be a justifiable defense if they DIDN'T knock and announce.
Not a lawyer so this is just my common man answers...

Walker admits they knocked - that isn't in question. But since the cops did not have a body cam, I'd assume he can make the argument that he had no idea they were cops and "stood his ground" in home. Seems fair to me. Its just not provable that he knew they were cops - and if they could prove it - I would hope they could've charged him with Taylors murder as well as attempted of a cop.
They were at the right house. And knocked. And announced.
I call bullshit in that. Why get the no knock in the first place then? And only one person says they heard them announce but people be doing that a lot to rob people. They didn't hear them announce obviously and they were plain clothed with no body cams.

And let's be real, I would've fired to and im willing to bet 99% of you would too. I sleep with a gun under my pillow.
Not a lawyer so this is just my common man answers...

Walker admits they knocked - that isn't in question. But since the cops did not have a body cam, I'd assume he can make the argument that he had no idea they were cops and "stood his ground" in home. Seems fair to me. Its just not provable that he knew they were cops - and if they could prove it - I would hope they could've charged him with Taylors murder as well as attempted of a cop.

That is a good point. The burden of proof would be on the prosecution.

It does seem that this defense could be used in any warrant service that does not include a body camera.

Long story short...USE THE BODY CAM'S!
Yes, after the cops came with a no-knock warrant to the wrong house with the person they were looking for already under custody and they didn’t identify themselves. The cops never should have been there in the first place (at least for the reason the warrant was granted) and did nothing to distinguish themselves from a burglar who was breaking into the house.
Wrong, you are feeding the BLM lovers. Did you not listen to what actually happened from thr Kentucky AG?
It's entirely possible to hold the position that Breonna Taylor's involvement with her ex warranted the attention she received from the police while also acknowledging that the entire operation (including reporting showing no EMT on site, plain clothes officers and no body cameras) was botched. As I've said in other threads, it's clear that Walker is justified in shooting through the door given the history of Breonna's ex boyfriend and justified that police returned fire (except for Hankison going full Michael Bay).

What hasn't been sorted is why the warrant was issued without more solid evidence, a no-knock was initially given for a suspect with literally no criminal history other than associating with a drug dealer (a crime I can say I've even committed given the way college dormitories work) and why some normal protocols weren't followed.

Tragic and unnecessary. End the war on drugs. End rioting and violence. Talk to one another.
A separate note on BLM. I think coaches, media and the general public are using it as a slogan and not as the larger organization it is. I say this because I bet if you asked a regular black protestor what their thoughts on a BLM leader having an affinity for Marxism or whether removing Aunt Jemima is having any effect on societal norms in the US, they'd probably look at you like you had two heads. That's the overarching issue on a lot of this. Many of the BLM folks that are organized are white, and full of white guilt.

So, just because someone is in the streets protesting doesn't mean they are a rioter ready to see the end of modern American Democracy or Capitalism. They probably just want the violence to end, which is why its so important to speak out about rioting and violence coming from some "protestors". To me, it's similar to assuming a 2A protestor earlier this year supports the NRA's involvement in international politics (like Russia) when really they just want to advocate for gun ownership rights. It only serves to obfuscate an already tenuous position that requires nuance, which is entirely lacking in this country today.
My God what a horrible newspaper. Everyone in the world knows this was a part of the Black Lives Matter. Even before the verdict BLM was loaded for trouble. They have U Haul trailers and van

This is the time for Coach Stoops and Coach Calipari to DENOUNCE the BLM and apologize for ever supporting that Marxist movement. BLM has one goal. Over throw our government with violence. It is as simple as that.

I agree 100 % with you. Those 2 coaches arent going to do a thing. Recruiting is more important to them than what burn, loot, murder stands for.
[They] are trying to start a RACE war. Don’t fall for it!

My best friend is black we cut it up & make fun of all this ish. We crack on ALL races & recognize were ALL just people. Humans.

We arent color blind we absolutely see race & acknowledge all the good & bad that comes with it.

Tolerance is more important than indifference.

The willingness to accept our differences & the ability to teach those who arent aware is KEY.
It's entirely possible to hold the position that Breonna Taylor's involvement with her ex warranted the attention she received from the police while also acknowledging that the entire operation (including reporting showing no EMT on site, plain clothes officers and no body cameras) was botched. As I've said in other threads, it's clear that Walker is justified in shooting through the door given the history of Breonna's ex boyfriend and justified that police returned fire (except for Hankison going full Michael Bay).

What hasn't been sorted is why the warrant was issued without more solid evidence, a no-knock was initially given for a suspect with literally no criminal history other than associating with a drug dealer (a crime I can say I've even committed given the way college dormitories work) and why some normal protocols weren't followed.

Tragic and unnecessary. End the war on drugs. End rioting and violence. Talk to one another.

She wasn’t just associating with a drug dealer. She was holding and handling money and drugs for him at her house. She was involved in his operation.

Her BF testified that the cops knocked and announced themselves. He probably my did think it was drug dealers posing as cops, but that isn’t the cops fault. If anything it strengthens the cops Case, as drug dealers would expect there to be drugs or money at her house.
[They] are trying to start a RACE war. Don’t fall for it!

My best friend is black we cut it up & make fun of all this ish. We crack on ALL races & recognize were ALL just people. Humans.

We arent color blind we absolutely see race & acknowledge all the good & bad that comes with it.

Tolerance is more important than indifference.

The willingness to accept our differences & the ability to teach those who arent aware is KEY.

agreed , my fishing buddy is a young black guy , we spend hours in the boat together .
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I read where her ex said that she had all of the money, and that is certainly a possibility, but this thing was initially charged as if she was running the five trap houses and was the head of the operation. She hadn't been seen with him in over a month. There's a federal investigation into why they even pursued her to begin with. And.......they didn't find anything in the house except for a legal gun owner who feared for his life and shot a police officer.

When was the last time a black man shot a cop and walked? They may have announced, and I believe that they knocked (given the change to the warrant at the last minute) but that doesn't mean it was acknowledged or even understood. Several 2A folks would advocate for what Mr. Walker did and even cited such things under the previous administration (the government will have to come take from me, etc.).

What I'm truly saying is that they treated her like her ex-boyfriend when there was 0 evidence that it was true. For all we know, he was abusing her and using her (not that it matters). But what is disturbing to me is that they raided her home as if the ex-boyfriend was in the home, seen regularly distributing drugs and/or sold to an undercover officer there and as if she was a threat to them/her community. That's wrong on almost every level.
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