Decision day today for Breonna

Yes, after the cops came with a no-knock warrant to the wrong house with the person they were looking for already under custody and they didn’t identify themselves. The cops never should have been there in the first place (at least for the reason the warrant was granted) and did nothing to distinguish themselves from a burglar who was breaking into the house.

You're right. Instead of just yelling "Police!" they they should have announced "We really really are the police - NOT BURGLARS - and we're coming in! Please don't shoot."
Serious question for the Paddock lawyers: If they had a more typical warrant (not a no-knock), would they have been allowed to kick down the door?
I'll go back and re-read the available public info/evidence, but I'm almost certain there were more members of the apartment complex who gave statements that there was "no knocking or announcement" than the ONE who claims there was. Did they testify before the Grand Jury? Were they given a platform to present their claims to the grand jury? Wonder if we will ever know.

That said, Do you really believe these officers went through all the trouble to secure a highly- unorthodox "no knock" warrant from a judge just so the could go to the suspect house to "knock and announce." Not sure I buy that one. Regardless, I largely expected this result. Not surprised.

Would like to know why no Perjury charges were filed against the officer who gave sworn testimony to a judge--to secure the warrant----by lying about speaking with a postal inspector about "suspicious mail". To me, that is where this whole travesty began. Good Luck to Louisville, the state of Kentucky and the Taylor family.
The boyfriend who shot the cop confirmed they knocked. That is in question from absolutely nobody legitimate. The question was always whether they announced as police...the neighbor upstairs said yes they did.
Cole they were at the wrong place bro. Its a mess and a tragedy. I mean be real man. Someone unannounced kicks your door in in tje middle of the night, you would shoot too. Tjis woman was at her own house sleeping. Its a bad deal all the way around man.
Yes, after the cops came with a no-knock warrant to the wrong house with the person they were looking for already under custody and they didn’t identify themselves. The cops never should have been there in the first place (at least for the reason the warrant was granted) and did nothing to distinguish themselves from a burglar who was breaking into the house.

This is the shining example of why we have ignorant asses rioting in the streets. My god.
Vince is openly a Democrat- follow his tweets/RTs and comments. Go vote (posted after the Taylor decision) implies change is needed...the people he recommends voting for are already in charge locally.

Also, a grand jury made the charging calls...not a votable deal.
I understand all of that. Knowing he's a democrat, however, leads me to believe he's referring more to either the AG, or just those in leadership positions that don't value black lives as much as he thinks they should. I'm not personally commenting one way or the other, as I don't have all the facts here, but I do think that's what Vince is referring to. I don't think the mayor or governor factor into that at all.
Yes, after the cops came with a no-knock warrant to the wrong house with the person they were looking for already under custody and they didn’t identify themselves. The cops never should have been there in the first place (at least for the reason the warrant was granted) and did nothing to distinguish themselves from a burglar who was breaking into the house.

wrong again liar


Well thats complicated. Let's just say there is a reason that came out before the grand jury decision. It was heavily influenced by a certain mayor and his affair with a property developer, and his desire to keep it quiet. There is a longstanding and ongoing investigation into that matter as federal laws have been broken. Im certainly not privy to the many details of that case, but I can tell you with certainty it does exist, and played a very large role in the distribution of that 12 million.
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Why is Breonna dead, and the BF is not?
Very good q...she took 6 bullets, it was dark and the cops saw the light from the bfs gun go he end up scratch less? Also, if this was completely racially motivated, coverup, bad policing - how did a black male who wounded a cop get taken into custody scratch free?
What I learned today, contrary to months of "reporting":

1. the cops went to the house they intended to go to, as indicated on the warrant
2. though it was a no-knock warrant, they knocked, per Kenneth Walker
3. though it was a no-knock warrant, they identified themselves, per a neighbor
4. No one answered, they got the go ahead to enter the house, where Walker and Taylor were standing in a hallway, Walker with a gun pointed at the door
5. Taylor was not killed while "asleep in her bed" - as virtually every story about this has maintained.
6. Walker shot first, hitting the first officer through the door in his femoral artery.
7. at least 3 officers returned fire, killing Taylor
8. one officer fired indiscriminately, shooting into an adjacent apartment

I'm not sure where any of that calls for an indictment, other than #8, which was in fact charged. "I'm mad as hell and people need to go to jail even if no laws were broken" isn't a cognizable standard in Kentucky or any jurisdiction. Thankfully.
I'll go back and re-read the available public info/evidence, but I'm almost certain there were more members of the apartment complex who gave statements that there was "no knocking or announcement" than the ONE who claims there was. Did they testify before the Grand Jury? Were they given a platform to present their claims to the grand jury? Wonder if we will ever know.

That said, Do you really believe these officers went through all the trouble to secure a highly- unorthodox "no knock" warrant from a judge just so the could go to the suspect house to "knock and announce." Not sure I buy that one. Regardless, I largely expected this result. Not surprised.

Would like to know why no Perjury charges were filed against the officer who gave sworn testimony to a judge--to secure the warrant----by lying about speaking with a postal inspector about "suspicious mail". To me, that is where this whole travesty began. Good Luck to Louisville, the state of Kentucky and the Taylor family.

Found it. According to Radley Balko of the Washigton Post in an article dated 6/3/2020, he states that at least 16 residents of the Taylor Apartment complex gave statements that officers did NOT "knock and announce" their presence before entry. I hope Cameron didn't cherry-pick his GJ witnesses to obtain a desired/preferred result. If this article is correct, how do present only 1 witness to the GJ, when you know there are 16 witnesses with a contrary position? Sorry. I don't know how to link the article, but it can easily be found in Google.
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Not surprised by the outcome at all. Pretty much what anyone expected.

I do hope that some police reform could come out of this. If they knew so much about this drug case (I’ve read the Tatum report so shut up), then couldn’t they have spent a few more resources to wrap this sweep up much neater? Maybe surveillance of Breona? She could have been grabbed at any time from dinner at Texas Roadhouse to going back to her apartment. I know those apartments. It would have been easy to grab her as they went from the car to the apartment.

The impoverished and the working class is treated differently by law enforcement.

Anecdotal but when I was in high school we moved to a neighborhood in the South End (Bernie you lived there) and the guy two doors down was growing a shit ton of weed in a warehouse on Cane Run. His door wasn’t busted in at the middle of the night like this is Fallujah.

I know a guy that embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars. He was tailed by SS on arrest day and taken into custody when he went into his place of employment.

This drug case Taylor was involved in was over grams of crack, weed, and guns.

Spend a little bit more of money on the surveillance and the search warrant execution and the city might have saved millions and millions of dollars. But hey, they are just poor people so let’s bash the door in at midnight like they are an insurgent cell.
Found it. According to Radley Balko of the Washigton Post in an article dated 6/3/2020, he states that at least 16 residents of the Taylor Apartment complex gave statements that officers did NOT "knock and announce" their presence before entry. I hope Cameron didn't cherry-pick his GJ witnesses to obtain a desired/preferred result. If this article is correct, how do present only 1 witness to the GJ, when you know there are 16 witnesses with a contrary position? Sorry. I don't know how to link the article, but it can easily be found in Google.
Again - her boyfriend confirms knocking.

“Walker’s account is different.

He told police investigators that he and Taylor had just fallen asleep while watching a movie when they heard loud banging at the door. Taylor asked, "Who is it?" Walker said, but got no response.”
Very good q...she took 6 bullets, it was dark and the cops saw the light from the bfs gun go he end up scratch less? Also, if this was completely racially motivated, coverup, bad policing - how did a black male who wounded a cop get taken into custody scratch free?

One has to wonder if the BF hid behind Breonna. Everybody scared in a matter of seconds in this situation. Cops, BF, Breonna. Will need to know he details in what led up to the warrant as well.
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Found it. According to Radley Balko of the Washigton Post in an article dated 6/3/2020, he states that at least 16 residents of the Taylor Apartment complex gave statements that officers did NOT "knock and announce" their presence before entry. I hope Cameron didn't cherry-pick his GJ witnesses to obtain a desired/preferred result. If this article is correct, how do present only 1 witness to the GJ, when you know there are 16 witnesses with a contrary position? Sorry. I don't know how to link the article, but it can easily be found in Google.
There is no question that they knocked. Breonna's boyfriend admitted that. There is only questions about the announcement. Only one neighbor said they heard an announcement out of a dozen or so interviewed.
I’ve been in those apartments. The hallways are narrow.

Got to wonder the motivation of those saying he used her as a human shield.
So narrow that he couldn’t have been missed and her hit 6x if he were in front? Did he duck into a side room and leave her out to dry after firing upon them (w/o her knowing he was going to shoot)

Obviously if they are as narrow as you say, no way was he in front of her, shielding her.
Why the 12m?

It needs to be recouped from the mayor's personal finances. The investigation cleared them and the shooting was justified.

The only reason anyone shouldve been paid was risk management/business decision. And that wasn't worth more than 500k at very most

I’ve been in those apartments. The hallways are narrow.

Got to wonder the motivation of those saying he used her as a human shield.

No. It's called people trying to make sense of the facts. There doesn't have to be some nefarious motives just because you don't agree with someone
It needs to be recouped from the mayor's personal finances. The investigation cleared them and the shooting was justified.

The only reason anyone shouldve been paid was risk management/business decision. And that wasn't worth more than 500k at very most

No. It's called people trying to make sense of the facts. There doesn't have to be some nefarious motives just because you don't agree with someone

That money had absolutely nothing to do with the shooting...
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What I learned today, contrary to months of "reporting":

1. the cops went to the house they intended to go to, as indicated on the warrant
2. though it was a no-knock warrant, they knocked, per Kenneth Walker
3. though it was a no-knock warrant, they identified themselves, per a neighbor
4. No one answered, they got the go ahead to enter the house, where Walker and Taylor were standing in a hallway, Walker with a gun pointed at the door
5. Taylor was not killed while "asleep in her bed" - as virtually every story about this has maintained.
6. Walker shot first, hitting the first officer through the door in his femoral artery.
7. at least 3 officers returned fire, killing Taylor
8. one officer fired indiscriminately, shooting into an adjacent apartment

I'm not sure where any of that calls for an indictment, other than #8, which was in fact charged. "I'm mad as hell and people need to go to jail even if no laws were broken" isn't a cognizable standard in Kentucky or any jurisdiction. Thankfully.

very clear and concise, thanks...even if some won’t want to hear it.