Decision day today for Breonna

I think it's clear that Taylor and the boyfriend didn't hear the police announce themselves as police. They had nothing in the apartment, so there is no reason they wouldn't have let them in. Certainly there wouldn't have been a shoot out. That doesn't mean that the police didn't announce themselves before breaking down the door, though. Obviously things happened fast.
It's a bad outcome. No one is saying she "deserved to die". The thing is that this, unfortunately, happens all the time to people of both races. The people that want to push this as a racist problem are making it harder to fix. Several years ago cops in Missou went to the wrong house and killed a 6 yo kid who happened to walk out of his room and surprise the cops in the middle of the dad and the family dog thinking they were getting broken into. That was a case of the cops honestly being in a house that had the wrong address written on the warrant.

No knocks need to largely go away except in the most extreme cases like an Al Capone type criminal. Warrants in general need to be done smarter and safer. We aren't even talking about that because people want to pretend her race had anything to do with this. Drugs and guns don't mix. Dude was a legal gun owner but was at a house that was a known pass through for drugs and drug money. It sounds like Taylor may not of even been a totally willing member. Im hearing people say the main dude was threatening her to do stuff or else.
neither money nor drugs were found in her house, and the bf did NOT say the police announced. In fact, he said repeatedly they did not announce. He said they asked who it was and got no answer.

further as many as 16 witnesses said the cops never announced their presence. This is supported by all the 911 calls to the POLICE. Why would they call them if they knew they were there? Have ur opinion, but stop saying others don’t know the facts—when u clearly do not. IMO

It doesn’t matter if money or drugs were found, she was involved with handling money as described by her ex BF from above in his actual texts, you should read it.
16 witnesses? You mean other people in the apartment complex? We’re they ina position to hear or see? The problem is you made up your mind when the false narrative was presented that she was killed in bed, the cops at the wrong house, and it wasn’t mentioned her BF shot a cop first. Now you can’t accept the facts, it’s not what you want to believe.
It doesn’t matter if money or drugs were found, she was involved with handling money as described by her ex BF from above in his actual texts, you should read it.
16 witnesses? You mean other people in the apartment complex? We’re they ina position to hear or see? The problem is you made up your mind when the false narrative was presented that she was killed in bed, the cops at the wrong house, and it wasn’t mentioned her BF shot a cop first. Now you can’t accept the facts, it’s not what you want to believe.
I didn’t offer my opinion on the matter, Bill. U don’t know my thoughts on the matter at all. It’s a very complex issue. I simply pointed out inaccuracies in your statements. Nothing more.

as far as picking “facts” —-which I just referenced to u as inaccurate——u are the one determined to propagate a narrative. Ur preferred narrative. Clearly, nothing I say or show u will change that for u.

desired Evidence results in desired verdicts. It will be shown—-unfortunately much later down the road——-the gj was “gamed” by Cameron. He presented the evidence he wanted to secure the desired outcome/result. This is unfortunate, but not uncommon by prosecutors. It actually happens with great frequency.

not sure the feds have the stomach/ desire to investigate further or with greater scrutiny. We will see.
unless you have evidence, you are doing what you accuse others of (Cameron “gaming” jury. As the warrant was signed as no knock, it doesn’t matter if they announced. They were shot at and under KY law can defend themselves. Walker admitted to firing first shot and actually wounded a cop, which removes doubt that cops were in danger and level of force to be returned.

it looks like Cameron did all he could to try to see if the fatal bullet or any wound was from Hankison, and if so, would’ve led to a homicide charge.

The 3 officers in this investigation weren’t the ones getting the warrant evidence - so if it was a dirty warrant, it will fall on someone else.
I do too and no, not chambered. Taurus 1911 model .45
Not under the pillow but a 38 revolver within arm's reach and a 20 gauge pump nearby. Got my first shotgun when I was 11, a single shot H@R, so been around weapons nearly all my life.
I have a glock .40 chambered in my bedside table that half the top raises so it’s stealthy and hidden. Also have 12 gauge pump. Not questioning having a gun just never heard of someone having it under pillow. Stay safe my friends.
unless you have evidence, you are doing what you accuse others of (Cameron “gaming” jury. As the warrant was signed as no knock, it doesn’t matter if they announced. They were shot at and under KY law can defend themselves. Walker admitted to firing first shot and actually wounded a cop, which removes doubt that cops were in danger and level of force to be returned.

it looks like Cameron did all he could to try to see if the fatal bullet or any wound was from Hankison, and if so, would’ve led to a homicide charge.

The 3 officers in this investigation weren’t the ones getting the warrant evidence - so if it was a dirty warrant, it will fall on someone else.

the evidence I’m referring to was discussed by Cameron at his press conference. He said the had A witness who heard the police announce their presence. There are at least 16 other complex residence who say they did not hear them announce. Not a single one was called to the gj. Not one. Why do you think he said that—-even though he continued to say he would not comment on the evidence? He da*n well knows the significance of that statement.

it is the foundation of his determination that the officers were “justified” in their presence and use of force. Any other Kentuckian would have to justify that to a jury at trial. Cameron determined their “justification” by prosecutorial fiat. No other citizen—-except police—-are typically afforded that determination by a prosecutor. We have to convince 12 jurors.

cameron has determined that no officer will see a jury for the death of Ms. Taylor
Found it. According to Radley Balko of the Washigton Post in an article dated 6/3/2020, he states that at least 16 residents of the Taylor Apartment complex gave statements that officers did NOT "knock and announce" their presence before entry. I hope Cameron didn't cherry-pick his GJ witnesses to obtain a desired/preferred result. If this article is correct, how do present only 1 witness to the GJ, when you know there are 16 witnesses with a contrary position? Sorry. I don't know how to link the article, but it can easily be found in Google.

Really, you’re quoting the post?
I have a glock .40 chambered in my bedside table that half the top raises so it’s stealthy and hidden. Also have 12 gauge pump. Not questioning having a gun just never heard of someone having it under pillow. Stay safe my friends.
Old Army habits. Slept with my weapons in the field and in the Gulf. Also have a Mossberg Flex 590 Tactical 12 gauge by the bed as well. Would not mind having the one I am holding in my Avatar. M60 7.62 cal machine gun. Don't need it but, would not mind owning one. It was my favorite weapon in the military.

Edit: Oh, and by the way, have a Glock .40 myself by the couch in a night stand. Nothing in the house is chambered. 4 Dogs, 2 big ones will give me ample warning.
the evidence I’m referring to was discussed by Cameron at his press conference. He said the had A witness who heard the police announce their presence. There are at least 16 other complex residence who say they did not hear them announce. Not a single one was called to the gj. Not one. Why do you think he said that—-even though he continued to say he would not comment on the evidence? He da*n well knows the significance of that statement.

it is the foundation of his determination that the officers were “justified” in their presence and use of force. Any other Kentuckian would have to justify that to a jury at trial. Cameron determined their “justification” by prosecutorial fiat. No other citizen—-except police—-are typically afforded that determination by a prosecutor. We have to convince 12 jurors.

cameron has determined that no officer will see a jury for the death of Ms. Taylor
Why does it matter legally if they announced (when a no knock was obtained)?

The police presence there was already signed off on by a judge from evidence presented to her. If that evidence was tainted, the responsibility does not fall on the officers executing the warrant.

Also - 16 neighbors =/= 16 witnesses to everything that occurred. And again - the officers had a warrant that didn’t require knocking nor announcement - so not sure that legally plays, even though they are confirmed to have knocked.
I didn’t offer my opinion on the matter, Bill. U don’t know my thoughts on the matter at all. It’s a very complex issue. I simply pointed out inaccuracies in your statements. Nothing more.

as far as picking “facts” —-which I just referenced to u as inaccurate——u are the one determined to propagate a narrative. Ur preferred narrative. Clearly, nothing I say or show u will change that for u.

desired Evidence results in desired verdicts. It will be shown—-unfortunately much later down the road——-the gj was “gamed” by Cameron. He presented the evidence he wanted to secure the desired outcome/result. This is unfortunate, but not uncommon by prosecutors. It actually happens with great frequency.

not sure the feds have the stomach/ desire to investigate further or with greater scrutiny. We will see.

I didn’t pick any facts, or further a narrative . I simply stated the known facts,compared to what we were told by the media when this occurred.

Truth is not a narrative, how much death, harm, property destruction and chaos would’ve been avoided if the media hadn’t pushed a “ narrative” that a little research would’ve cleared up?

I feel for her family,Ms Taylor, the cops involved and her BF that shot, it’s a tragedy. What I have an issue with is everyone that caused all the rest of the BS. Either they’re ignorant or they are using her death, one is forgivable, the other is sick and disturbing.
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the evidence I’m referring to was discussed by Cameron at his press conference. He said the had A witness who heard the police announce their presence. There are at least 16 other complex residence who say they did not hear them announce. Not a single one was called to the gj. Not one. Why do you think he said that—-even though he continued to say he would not comment on the evidence? He da*n well knows the significance of that statement.

it is the foundation of his determination that the officers were “justified” in their presence and use of force. Any other Kentuckian would have to justify that to a jury at trial. Cameron determined their “justification” by prosecutorial fiat. No other citizen—-except police—-are typically afforded that determination by a prosecutor. We have to convince 12 jurors.

cameron has determined that no officer will see a jury for the death of Ms. Taylor

You have no idea the proximity the other residences are to her apt. You don’t want to believe the outcome because your mind was made up months ago.

Cameron didn’t decide anything, the Grand jury did, that’s the way our judicial system works.
Any other citizen in KY can’t carry out a search warrant ordered by the courts, so I can’t legally come and forcibly enter your home, a cop can when authorized by a court. This is middle school civics
Any other Kentuckian would have to justify that to a jury at trial. Cameron determined their “justification” by prosecutorial fiat. No other citizen—-except police—-are typically afforded that determination by a prosecutor. We have to convince 12 jurors.
Kenneth Walker, though initially charged, is not going to have to convince 12 jurors that that he was justified in shooting a police officer on the night in question. If you are convinced that these police officers must be exonerated by a jury (which is not even the legal standard anyway- the burden of proof is on the State at trial), then shouldn't Walker also have to face a jury?

In any event, it is hardly uncommon in any state for a case involving apparent (or obvious) self-defense not to result in an indictment, or even an arrest.
the evidence I’m referring to was discussed by Cameron at his press conference. He said the had A witness who heard the police announce their presence. There are at least 16 other complex residence who say they did not hear them announce. Not a single one was called to the gj. Not one. Why do you think he said that—-even though he continued to say he would not comment on the evidence? He da*n well knows the significance of that statement.

it is the foundation of his determination that the officers were “justified” in their presence and use of force. Any other Kentuckian would have to justify that to a jury at trial. Cameron determined their “justification” by prosecutorial fiat. No other citizen—-except police—-are typically afforded that determination by a prosecutor. We have to convince 12 jurors.

cameron has determined that no officer will see a jury for the death of Ms. Taylor
If you don't hear something, does that mean there wasn't a sound? My DW says things I don't hear sitting in the same room as I'm concentrated on something else. Does that mean she didn't say anything? If TV's or music is playing anywhere, they would interfere with hearing something outside of those sound sources. The boyfriend stated the door knocking woke him up. Since the police presence was announced prior to the knock, he wouldn't have heard it.
Ms. Taylor made some bad decisions and associations. She was certainly a victim, but she was not innocent. She got involved with a man that was involved in drugs. There are numerous stories out there describing what went on between her and her drug dealing boyfriend.

There's a saying I've heard regarding sin. I'm going to replace that word with "bad decisions". Seems rather appropriate.

Bad decisions will take you farther than you want to go, keep you there longer than you want to stay and cost you more than you're willing to pay.
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the evidence I’m referring to was discussed by Cameron at his press conference. He said the had A witness who heard the police announce their presence. There are at least 16 other complex residence who say they did not hear them announce. Not a single one was called to the gj. Not one. Why do you think he said that—-even though he continued to say he would not comment on the evidence? He da*n well knows the significance of that statement.
I get that, as I've heard it several times the last couple of days. Responses that come to mind:

1. they were acting under a no-knock warrant. they didn't have to announce themselves.
2. Not all neighbors are similarly situated - some are further away and naturally wouldn't hear anything.
3. There is, I imagine, tremendous peer pressure exerted on the neighbors to not be helpful to the police. It's just understood. Analogy: we're playing a pickup game, and you're guarding me, and I call a foul. You say I'm crazy. Everyone on my team says it was a foul, three other guys on your team say it wasn't. One guy on your team says "c'mon man, you fouled him, it was obvious." it speaks for itself.
4. I'm willing to admit it could go the other way, maybe the cops had something on this one particular neighbor and leaned on him to affirm their story.
5. In the end, I don't think it much matters - see 1 above.

My guess is Cameron and several others were desperately wishing and hoping that the bullet that killed Taylor was from Hankison, which would have resulted in him being charged with her death. Nice clean outcome that would have made more people happy. Other than Hankison, of course......
I am just curious how many of the "woke" athletes and celebrities know anything about the case. Lebron and Steve Kerr said during the China labor issue said they didn't know enough about it to comment. I wonder how much they have studied the facts and evidence to be able to comment on this situation intelligently because they sure are expressing their opinions.
This is interesting:

Former Louisville NAACP President Aubrey Williams fully agrees that the two officers who were not charged, Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly and Det. Myles Cosgrove, did the right thing that night in Taylor's apartment. : "You can not and should not indict the other two officers who had the warrant signed by a judge, consistent with the law, the constitution, practice, custom and procedure," Williams said. "They were simply doing their job."

How much collective PTO y’all think is being used in Louisville today to protest and riot?
This is interesting:

Former Louisville NAACP President Aubrey Williams fully agrees that the two officers who were not charged, Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly and Det. Myles Cosgrove, did the right thing that night in Taylor's apartment. : "You can not and should not indict the other two officers who had the warrant signed by a judge, consistent with the law, the constitution, practice, custom and procedure," Williams said. "They were simply doing their job."

Hell, Shaq and Charles Barkley last night had this same stance...thank God someone with a little influence delivered this message.

Now if the warrant was dirty/corrupt - take someone down. Just not the cops who were doing their jobs that night.
Old Army habits. Slept with my weapons in the field and in the Gulf. Also have a Mossberg Flex 590 Tactical 12 gauge by the bed as well. Would not mind having the one I am holding in my Avatar. M60 7.62 cal machine gun. Don't need it but, would not mind owning one. It was my favorite weapon in the military.

Edit: Oh, and by the way, have a Glock .40 myself by the couch in a night stand. Nothing in the house is chambered. 4 Dogs, 2 big ones will give me ample warning.
Thank you for your service.
It's a bad outcome. No one is saying she "deserved to die". The thing is that this, unfortunately, happens all the time to people of both races. The people that want to push this as a racist problem are making it harder to fix. Several years ago cops in Missou went to the wrong house and killed a 6 yo kid who happened to walk out of his room and surprise the cops in the middle of the dad and the family dog thinking they were getting broken into. That was a case of the cops honestly being in a house that had the wrong address written on the warrant.

No knocks need to largely go away except in the most extreme cases like an Al Capone type criminal. Warrants in general need to be done smarter and safer. We aren't even talking about that because people want to pretend her race had anything to do with this. Drugs and guns don't mix. Dude was a legal gun owner but was at a house that was a known pass through for drugs and drug money. It sounds like Taylor may not of even been a totally willing member. Im hearing people say the main dude was threatening her to do stuff or else.
Good post. This situation was tragic. But we can't prevent it from happening again because we can't discuss actual solutions. If you try to say it was anything other than racism that caused it, you're automatically called a racist yourself and any input you have is dismissed. There's zero evidence to suggest that this was racially motivated. However, there are plenty of mistakes that were made that could be corrected if we would address them for what they are instead of what fits a particular narrative. It's like trying to fix a hole in a wooden canoe with a blow torch.
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Old Army habits. Slept with my weapons in the field and in the Gulf. Also have a Mossberg Flex 590 Tactical 12 gauge by the bed as well. Would not mind having the one I am holding in my Avatar. M60 7.62 cal machine gun. Don't need it but, would not mind owning one. It was my favorite weapon in the military.

Edit: Oh, and by the way, have a Glock .40 myself by the couch in a night stand. Nothing in the house is chambered. 4 Dogs, 2 big ones will give me ample warning.
I spent a couple of months of my tour at DaNang. We had what they called harrassment and interdiction fire intermittently during the night. They'd call and say post so and so, 2,000 or 5,000 or whatever number H@I and you'd spray the area in front of you. I've put many thousands of rounds through an M60. The M79 grenade launcher was only good for one shot at a time, but I liked it.
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the evidence I’m referring to was discussed by Cameron at his press conference. He said the had A witness who heard the police announce their presence. There are at least 16 other complex residence who say they did not hear them announce. Not a single one was called to the gj. Not one. Why do you think he said that—-even though he continued to say he would not comment on the evidence? He da*n well knows the significance of that statement.

it is the foundation of his determination that the officers were “justified” in their presence and use of force. Any other Kentuckian would have to justify that to a jury at trial. Cameron determined their “justification” by prosecutorial fiat. No other citizen—-except police—-are typically afforded that determination by a prosecutor. We have to convince 12 jurors.

cameron has determined that no officer will see a jury for the death of Ms. Taylor
If only the republicans in the senate introduced a bill to change these things moving forward...wait, they did. And the democrats blocked it with the filibuster. So much caring! They only care about winning.

I dont know what Cameron's personal thoughts are but he followed what the law says...aka his job.
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Police shutting down the protest in the streets and forcing the protestors to go back. Nothing got out of control so far but we will see what happens when people refuse to go home for curfew. See how many people are shot and businesses damaged and looted then.
Anybody on here attending any of these "protests"?

When this "protest" shit show started a few months ago, the virtue signalers all checked in dutifully reporting their attendance.

I don't recall seeing any of that lately. WTF happened with you guys?
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Anybody on here attending any of these "protests"?

When this "protest" shit show started a few months ago, the virtue signalers all checked in dutifully reporting their attendance.

I don't recall seeing any of that lately. WTF happened with you guys?
One in particular really sticks out to me. Likely not to be on anyone else’s radar - but drives me crazy. [laughing]
One in particular really sticks out to me. Likely not to be on anyone else’s radar - but drives me crazy. [laughing]
I know who you are talking about and he was on my radar as well after telling people to stay home and then talking about attending a protest. He's the one who knows about 100 people who had the virus and about 30 who died from it and the other 70 were in the hospital for weeks. Unluckiest person on the planet; I know 10 people who have had it, one hospitalization (for 24 hours) and nine with zero or mild symptoms.
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I know who you are talking about and he was on my radar as well after telling people to stay home and then talking about attending a protest. He's the one who knows about 100 people who had the virus and about 30 who died from it and the other 70 were in the hospital for weeks. Unluckiest person on the planet; I know 10 people who have had it, one hospitalization (for 24 hours) and nine with zero or mild symptoms.
I know 2 who had it. Both were over 60 and well overweight with other health issues. Both were hospitalized and treated with hydrochloriquin (sp?) . Both had a hard time, but have returned to work now.
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