Decision day today for Breonna

No sir, what a leap. He said nothing of the sort. Good lord man. Stop already. He said nothing, absolutely nothing about killing police.

Just because someone has a different opinion doesn't give you the right to make out right lies against that person.

His quote.."Lesson here is if you want someone dead, just become a cop and you get a virtual free pass to murder" is not an opinion. It is complete ignorance.
He shot a cop, which is why this happened. Youre siding with the criminal who fired first. So yes, you condone shooting cops.

No it happened because the cops went to the wrong house and didn't announce themselves. Most people who own fire arms are shooting when someone kicks there door down in the middle of the night. And I see no one condoning shooting police. It was just a giant mess. This is just sad all the way around here.
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I live in West Louisville. I'm not scared.
My company is in the West End and I’ll likely never leave. Good people. All my work family lives here. Give respect, get respect.

Have had minimal issues here during all this and hope that continues. I think it will.

I’m an evil conservative or whatever....that said, it bothers me to no end the people “like” me that have no connection to the WE constantly dogging it yet not being a part of any help or solution. I’m not saying I’m mother Theresa by any stretch but I’m certainly trying to make my patch of dirt better than how I found it.

So I agree with you....not scared.
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No it happened because the cops went to the wrong house and didn't announce themselves. Most people who own fire arms are shooting when someone kicks there door down in the middle of the night. And I see no one condoning shooting police. It was just a giant mess. This is just sad all the way around here.

You obviously don't know the facts so best you sit this out. They were at the correct house.
Just so we're all clear here....

Two suspects are standing in a hallway, one fires a weapon, and hits you. You respond with a flurry of gunfire. The person standing next to the gunmen is hit, killed.

And some of you think the cops are responsible for the death? Based on what? Not law...

They sacrificed that one cop. Allegedly gave Taylor's family a "settlement". Based on what AG said today, I don't see any way they actually convict that cop they fired, but we don't know that evidence yet. There must be something there, but I kind of just feel like he was a sacrificial lamb. We will find out.
Cole they were at the wrong place bro. Its a mess and a tragedy. I mean be real man. Someone unannounced kicks your door in in tje middle of the night, you would shoot too. Tjis woman was at her own house sleeping. Its a bad deal all the way around man.

What in the hell are you talking about? Are you not watching the news right now?
No it happened because the cops went to the wrong house and didn't announce themselves. Most people who own fire arms are shooting when someone kicks there door down in the middle of the night. And I see no one condoning shooting police. It was just a giant mess. This is just sad all the way around here.
They were at the right house. And knocked. And announced.
Cole they were at the wrong place bro. Its a mess and a tragedy. I mean be real man. Someone unannounced kicks your door in in tje middle of the night, you would shoot too. Tjis woman was at her own house sleeping. Its a bad deal all the way around man.
Do some f***ing research, dude. They were not at the wrong house.

It's also been corroborated that they both knocked and announced.
He shot a cop, which is why this happened. Youre siding with the criminal who fired first. So yes, you condone shooting cops.
Yes, after the cops came with a no-knock warrant to the wrong house with the person they were looking for already under custody and they didn’t identify themselves. The cops never should have been there in the first place (at least for the reason the warrant was granted) and did nothing to distinguish themselves from a burglar who was breaking into the house.
Lesson here is if you want someone dead, just become a cop and you get a virtual free pass to murder.
Did u even wasn't a no knock. They introduced themselves...verified by a civilian, and then entered and ole dude started firing. They supposed to say...oh hey guy, shoot me, we won't fire back. And Taylor wasn't asleep on the couch apparently....sounds like ole cowboy used her as a shield.

As predicted already had your mind made up, regardless of facts, and want to lump past injustices onto this case solely bc of identity to claim they are the same.

I was on board when it was assumed it was a no knock. Not now. Which even then, logically, I've always thought the focus should be on who ordered the warrant...bc the cops were following those orders issued on the warrant, except the wanton endangerment. The order was to go, knock, and enter...not enter and shoot. The shooting happened bc cowboy went wild and shot a cop...says the facts

I'm typically not pro cop..but lord. It was a tragedy but not a crime.
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Amazing that out of all the residents there only 1 claims to have heard a knock.

And by wrong house I'm saying the dude they were looking for hadn't been there in a long while

So y'all are cool that a woman sleeping in her own home was shot by police and she did nothing wrong?? Wow
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Help me out here; what do the mayor of Louisville or the Governor have to do with what Vince is talking about?
Vince is openly a Democrat- follow his tweets/RTs and comments. Go vote (posted after the Taylor decision) implies change is needed...the people he recommends voting for are already in charge locally.

Also, a grand jury made the charging calls...not a votable deal.
Amazing that out of all the residents there only 1 claims to have heard a knock.

And by wrong house I'm saying the dude they were looking for hadn't been there in a long while

So y'all are cool that a woman sleeping in her own home was shot by police and she did nothing wrong?? Wow
You're still wrong. The address they went to, and Breonna Taylor specifically, were listed on the warrant. Seriously, man, go look up the facts of the case because you aren't working with the correct information here.
You're still wrong. The address they went to, and Breonna Taylor specifically, were listed on the warrant. Seriously, man, go look up the facts of the case because you aren't working with the correct information here.

I understand that. I'm saying wrong house, as in the dude they wanted hadn't been there in a long while. Its just sad bro.

Again the fact most don't see an issue with an innocent woman being shot in her own home is distributing
I understand that. I'm saying wrong house, as in the dude they wanted hadn't been there in a long while. Its just sad bro.

Again the fact most don't see an issue with an innocent woman being shot in her own home is distributing
Evidently you don't. They weren't there for a dude. They were there to search the exact property where the shooting took place.
It will be up to the black leaders of Louisville to keep this under control. If they disagree with the grand jury and come out crying about this and that, you may as well give the protestors a flame thrower.

It is up to the blacks. Do they want a Portland or do they want justice through the system in place. The Grand Jury has spoken.
“The blacks”. Good lord
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Amazing that out of all the residents there only 1 claims to have heard a knock.

And by wrong house I'm saying the dude they were looking for hadn't been there in a long while

So y'all are cool that a woman sleeping in her own home was shot by police and she did nothing wrong?? Wow
Stu, does it seem unreasonable that most other residents couldn't hear the knock because they weren't as close as the resident who heard the knock. Also, they could have been engaged in watching TV, sleeping, fvcking, taking a shower, etc.
Also, how were any of these 3 cops were to know that the dude they were looking for hadn't lived there for a long time. That would be the responsibility of some higher up detective. The 3 cops were following orders, imo.
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The lack of understanding from a select few on this thread is mind boggling. I suggest they go read all of the evidence, including the phone transcripts on Officer Tatum's site. Wrong house...good grief.
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I'll go back and re-read the available public info/evidence, but I'm almost certain there were more members of the apartment complex who gave statements that there was "no knocking or announcement" than the ONE who claims there was. Did they testify before the Grand Jury? Were they given a platform to present their claims to the grand jury? Wonder if we will ever know.

That said, Do you really believe these officers went through all the trouble to secure a highly- unorthodox "no knock" warrant from a judge just so the could go to the suspect house to "knock and announce." Not sure I buy that one. Regardless, I largely expected this result. Not surprised.

Would like to know why no Perjury charges were filed against the officer who gave sworn testimony to a judge--to secure the warrant----by lying about speaking with a postal inspector about "suspicious mail". To me, that is where this whole travesty began. Good Luck to Louisville, the state of Kentucky and the Taylor family.
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Yes, after the cops came with a no-knock warrant to the wrong house with the person they were looking for already under custody and they didn’t identify themselves. The cops never should have been there in the first place (at least for the reason the warrant was granted) and did nothing to distinguish themselves from a burglar who was breaking into the house.

Are you really that stupid? The AG who is black by the way, just destroyed every point you made. Correct address, correct person, did knock, did identify, and returned fire after being shot at.