Decision day today for Breonna

One has to wonder if the BF hid behind Breonna. Everybody scared in a matter of seconds in this situation. Cops, BF, Breonna. Will need to know he details in what led up to the warrant as well.
So narrow that he couldn’t have been missed and her hit 6x if he were in front? Did he duck into a side room and leave her out to dry after firing upon them (w/o her knowing he was going to shoot)

Obviously if they are as narrow as you say, no way was he in front of her, shielding her.

Something along these lines is what I'm guessing if he was able to be missed by every shot.

Why would the person without the gun be standing in the hallway with someone breaking into their apartment? They wouldn't if they were smart. The one with the gun would be. So either he pulled her in front of him while ducking out of the way or she was out there with the gun and fired the shot. I don't see any other way she gets shot and he doesn't even get a scratch.
Found it. According to Radley Balko of the Washigton Post in an article dated 6/3/2020, he states that at least 16 residents of the Taylor Apartment complex gave statements that officers did NOT "knock and announce" their presence before entry. I hope Cameron didn't cherry-pick his GJ witnesses to obtain a desired/preferred result. If this article is correct, how do present only 1 witness to the GJ, when you know there are 16 witnesses with a contrary position? Sorry. I don't know how to link the article, but it can easily be found in Google.
False. WAPO and not linked.
It needs to be recouped from the mayor's personal finances. The investigation cleared them and the shooting was justified.

The only reason anyone shouldve been paid was risk management/business decision. And that wasn't worth more than 500k at very most

No. It's called people trying to make sense of the facts. There doesn't have to be some nefarious motives just because you don't agree with someone
That is part of the problem and has been from the beginning of all of these shootings. Some people just hate cops and will not accept any answer but the one that makes criminals look like martyrs so they can discredit the police.
The Mayor, who is a moron, just said they the city paid the $12 million so healing can begin and that they did that before they knew the grand jury's decision which determined there was no fault from police in Taylor's killing. In other words, he cost the city $12 million.

It was extortion. The wonderful mayor paid the 12 million as hush money to cover up something everyone will know about anyway shortly.
What I learned today, contrary to months of "reporting":

1. the cops went to the house they intended to go to, as indicated on the warrant
2. though it was a no-knock warrant, they knocked, per Kenneth Walker
3. though it was a no-knock warrant, they identified themselves, per a neighbor
4. No one answered, they got the go ahead to enter the house, where Walker and Taylor were standing in a hallway, Walker with a gun pointed at the door
5. Taylor was not killed while "asleep in her bed" - as virtually every story about this has maintained.
6. Walker shot first, hitting the first officer through the door in his femoral artery.
7. at least 3 officers returned fire, killing Taylor
8. one officer fired indiscriminately, shooting into an adjacent apartment

I'm not sure where any of that calls for an indictment, other than #8, which was in fact charged. "I'm mad as hell and people need to go to jail even if no laws were broken" isn't a cognizable standard in Kentucky or any jurisdiction. Thankfully.
Nicely said. 👊
No it happened because the cops went to the wrong house and didn't announce themselves. Most people who own fire arms are shooting when someone kicks there door down in the middle of the night. And I see no one condoning shooting police. It was just a giant mess. This is just sad all the way around here.
Everything in this post is false. They did not go to the wrong house.... forget it
A certain mayor was handing out gov't contracts to a woman he was having an affair with. Hes been under investigation for this for quite some time. Taylor's attorneys used this knowledge to force a city settlement before the grand jury verdict. Said mayor bypassed council and negotiated the hush money on his own.

Louisville is such a s-hole.
Humana closed all buildings until next week.

Please Lord if they destroy anything , let it be Humana buildings. . ( Sorry but Humana is so entirely Crooked they deserve every last thing they get ) Now back on to the topic .. I hope the protest stay peaceful , I really do , its an American right .. but looting , rioting and burning isn't.
I’m not a no knock advocate - not against. Don’t know enough about it...but theory going around online is that if this had been executed as a no knock, she’d still be alive. Potentially removes the time to grab the gun and fire.
I’m not a no knock advocate - not against. Don’t know enough about it...but theory going around online is that if this had been executed as a no knock, she’d still be alive. Potentially removes the time to grab the gun and fire.
One theory I saw going around online was that if you dont shoot at cops, they dont shoot you. Interesting idea.
One theory I saw going around online was that if you dont shoot at cops, they dont shoot you. Interesting idea.
Well yeah, even her ex boyfriend believes it was her new boyfriends fault.

My point - no knocks are being painted as the piece of policy that can actually be changed...but it may have saved her in reality if executed as such. (potentially preventing bf from getting gun to fire)
Even worse - one is pictured wearing his cam. I guess he didn’t have it on.
There were 3 officers at the apt but several more outside the immediate area. I haven't heard it said it was one of the 3 primary and not one of the supporting units.
There were 3 officers at the apt but several more outside the immediate area. I haven't heard it said it was one of the 3 primary and not one of the supporting units.
The pics are public and the one I’m talking about was one of the 3 main officers. Now looking at a new article - it was Cosgrove and he had the camera mount, but evidently no camera on (it). A secondary officer did have the mount and cam.

That’s my bad.
The Mayor, who is a moron, just said they the city paid the $12 million so healing can begin and that they did that before they knew the grand jury's decision which determined there was no fault from police in Taylor's killing. In other words, he cost the city $12 million.

please tell me he didn’t say that. Because if he did, he is a f-ing moron and should he recalled immediately.
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Anyone who knows the facts in this case expected that the officers wouldn't be charged with her murder. It is entirely reasonable and legal for cops to return fire when fired upon.

It's also reasonable for Walker to fire on plainclothes men kicking in the door...even if they knocked first. Now, if it's true that they announced themselves then it's a little less defensible, but I have certainly heard of instances where drug dealers pretend to be police to rob other drug dealers.

Regardless, as many logical people have already stated in this thread, this was a tragedy and a horrible situation, but it wasn't criminal. This was the correct legal decision. It doesn't seem fair, but that's life.

Protesting because things didn't turn out the way you wanted them to and you're pissed is dumb IMO. Their beef is with the no-knock law not the officers. That law was changed, so now they're just protesting because they're mad. I understand that, but angry protests turn into riots very easily.