Decision day today for Breonna

The fact the majority here don't see anything wrong with her being murdered in her own home, doing nothing wrong, tells me all I need to know about most of you.
The fact that you pearl clutch and virtue signal over a situation in which you don't even have your facts straight, tells us all we need to know about you and your true motivations.
I read where her ex said that she had all of the money, and that is certainly a possibility, but this thing was initially charged as if she was running the five trap houses and was the head of the operation. She hadn't been seen with him in over a month. There's a federal investigation into why they even pursued her to begin with. And.......they didn't find anything in the house except for a legal gun owner who feared for his life and shot a police officer.

When was the last time a black man shot a cop and walked? They may have announced, and I believe that they knocked (given the change to the warrant at the last minute) but that doesn't mean it was acknowledged or even understood. Several 2A folks would advocate for what Mr. Walker did and even cited such things under the previous administration (the government will have to come take from me, etc.).

What I'm truly saying is that they treated her like her ex-boyfriend when there was 0 evidence that it was true. For all we know, he was abusing her and using her (not that it matters). But what is disturbing to me is that they raided her home as if the ex-boyfriend was in the home, seen regularly distributing drugs and/or sold to an undercover officer there and as if she was a threat to them/her community. That's wrong on almost every level.

When was the last time ANYONE shot a cop and walked. Perhaps he didn’t shoot the cop, perhaps she shot the cop, if it’s true that he walked without charges.

There is evidence she was involved, they raided 4 or 5 other residences at the same time so they were clearly operating on info.

They raided the home because she was handling his drugs and money.
I read where her ex said that she had all of the money, and that is certainly a possibility, but this thing was initially charged as if she was running the five trap houses and was the head of the operation. She hadn't been seen with him in over a month. There's a federal investigation into why they even pursued her to begin with. And.......they didn't find anything in the house except for a legal gun owner who feared for his life and shot a police officer.

When was the last time a black man shot a cop and walked? They may have announced, and I believe that they knocked (given the change to the warrant at the last minute) but that doesn't mean it was acknowledged or even understood. Several 2A folks would advocate for what Mr. Walker did and even cited such things under the previous administration (the government will have to come take from me, etc.).

What I'm truly saying is that they treated her like her ex-boyfriend when there was 0 evidence that it was true. For all we know, he was abusing her and using her (not that it matters). But what is disturbing to me is that they raided her home as if the ex-boyfriend was in the home, seen regularly distributing drugs and/or sold to an undercover officer there and as if she was a threat to them/her community. That's wrong on almost every level.

When was the last time anyone shot a cop and walked, black or white.
1. Cops shouldn’t be serving warrants at 1:00 AM. That’s pure stupid. You know they are in there, then wait it out until daylight. When they walk out, arrest them and search the residence. This wasn’t a terrorist threat

2. No way trained cops put multiple shots into a different person than the one standing there with a gun “in a shooting stance” without at least hitting him once. She was a shield, imo.

3. Quit portraying this bag lady and her boyfriend as saints. But she certainly didn’t deserve her fate, and it was all avoidable from both sides.

1) Let them come out then arrest them.
Let the criminal come OUT of the confined space, where any number of innocents may be endangered.

2)She was a shield.
I agree with this, but statistics prove that markmanship suffers horribly under stressful situations no matter how well trained a person. Adrenalin is pumping, Crazy thoughts race through your head. We should wish all cops could be as accurate as the Kenosha Kid.

3)She didn't deserve this fate.
Probably not. Most of us don't deserve the fate we are dealt. It's called life.
Transcripts of phone records where Taylor was directly linked to holding drug money for her ex were released over a month ago.

Here is the story on the phone records, which I wasn't aware of. I do believe this justifies the warrant.

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Irish, what you aren’t seeing is that several local people think her house was a target for money as in this drug ring was getting a legal robbery.

Several people here feel that way. Like some training day type police activity. And if the investigation into the warrant comes back dirty, then you won’t have to worry about out of town rioting, Louisville will literally burn.

It’s been explained as an full on sting to shut Jamarcus Glover down once an for all. Get him,get his money, lock up on 3rd strike for 15-20 years, and maybe Breonna flips on him if need be.
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When was the last time ANYONE shot a cop and walked. Perhaps he didn’t shoot the cop, perhaps she shot the cop, if it’s true that he walked without charges.

There is evidence she was involved, they raided 4 or 5 other residences at the same time so they were clearly operating on info.

They raided the home because she was handling his drugs and money.

Bill, stop it. Kenneth Walker shot the gun, Breonna did not. She just wasn’t able to get behind him so she basically served as a shield to him.

The police have even said they expected her to be home alone, and her apartment was only target for money.

They hit the trap house within an hour of raiding her apartment and they found plenty of drugs there. They did not expect to find drugs at her house.
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According to the AG statement, the two officers in the apartment fired a total of 22 shots down the hallway. 6 by Ofc Mattingly (the office struck in the leg), and 16 by Ofc Cosgrove. Don't you find it odd that Ms Taylor was the only one hit? When the AG was asked that question, he wouldn't elaborate on the details. Rumors we've heard from officers on the LMPD is that her boyfriend used her as a shield.
What did they expect to find in her home, cash? And, even if they did, that would be an incredibly difficult stretch to tie any money found to glover and her relationship without finding drugs. I'm not saying she's innocent in all of this but this is nowhere near the situation of, say, George Floyd whom had a particularly grisly past. I just don't understand why or how they thought a raid was appropriate for her. Hopefully the other investigation sheds more light.
I guess my point is that you raid a drug house so they can't flush the drugs. Never seen anyone flush a bag of cash. If you thought that's what she had, stake it out and arrest her as she is leaving one day while in uniform and with a body camera. They either expected drugs or expected glover to be there (iirc he was arrested earlier in the day but they maybe didn't know that at the time?).
What did they expect to find in her home, cash? And, even if they did, that would be an incredibly difficult stretch to tie any money found to glover and her relationship without finding drugs. I'm not saying she's innocent in all of this but this is nowhere near the situation of, say, George Floyd whom had a particularly grisly past. I just don't understand why or how they thought a raid was appropriate for her. Hopefully the other investigation sheds more light.
He used her Charger to drive to the other drug locations a few weeks prior. She definitely had a history of handling the $ - but the car likely tied her to him recently enough. Glover also listed her address as his on multiple things - and was still in her life. The phone call transcripts put a lot of blame on him for his carelessness (not acting smart in the drug game) and he laid blame on her new boyfriend.

Both the dudes in her life put her in a terrible position. I don’t blame the Walker guy though (unless he is lying about not hearing an announcement). The phone calls do not contradict him believing it could’ve been intruders and not saying police.
I guess my point is that you raid a drug house so they can't flush the drugs. Never seen anyone flush a bag of cash. If you thought that's what she had, stake it out and arrest her as she is leaving one day while in uniform and with a body camera. They either expected drugs or expected glover to be there (iirc he was arrested earlier in the day but they maybe didn't know that at the time?).
The raids were basically simultaneous.
Some have argued that it's a common tactic for dealers to announce themselves as police when robbing a joint. That's why, allegedly, he shot low through the door as a "warning" shot. I'm absolutely baffled as to how he wasn't hit, unless he used Breonna as a shield, considering there were 32 shots fired (10 apparently scattered everywhere by Hankison) and she was only hit 6 times. But, as has been said elsewhere, adrenaline isn't helpful for accuracy.

I'm interested in how this story continues to play out as it is clear that the verdict they came to yesterday is correct but there is more going on than meets the eye. I doubt we'll ever get anything from the federal investigation but something about this reeks to high heaven for me.
He used her Charger to drive to the other drug locations a few weeks prior. She definitely had a history of handling the $ - but the car likely tied her to him recently enough. Glover also listed her address as his on multiple things - and was still in her life. The phone call transcripts put a lot of blame on him for his carelessness (not acting smart in the drug game) and he laid blame on her new boyfriend.

Both the dudes in her life put her in a terrible position. I don’t blame the Walker guy though (unless he is lying about not hearing an announcement). The phone calls do not contradict him believing it could’ve been intruders and not saying police.
Walker said, in leaked jail phone calls, that the police were banging on the door. He claimed that he thought, because it was late at night, that they were robbers. He then fired his gun through the closed door. Police returned fire, accidentally killing Taylor.
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Some have argued that it's a common tactic for dealers to announce themselves as police when robbing a joint. That's why, allegedly, he shot low through the door as a "warning" shot. I'm absolutely baffled as to how he wasn't hit, unless he used Breonna as a shield, considering there were 32 shots fired (10 apparently scattered everywhere by Hankison) and she was only hit 6 times. But, as has been said elsewhere, adrenaline isn't helpful for accuracy.

I'm interested in how this story continues to play out as it is clear that the verdict they came to yesterday is correct but there is more going on than meets the eye. I doubt we'll ever get anything from the federal investigation but something about this reeks to high heaven for me.

What door are you thinking Walker shot thru?
Walker said, in leaked jail phone calls, that the police were banging on the door. He claimed that he thought, because it was late at night, that they were robbers. He then fired his gun through the closed door. Police returned fire, accidentally killing Taylor.
Right - his calls are consistent with all of his statements of not hearing them say police.

Him shooting through the door is not consistent with the officer’s statement of breaking down the door and seeing a couple in the hall, one in shooting stance.

Would be interesting to get that straightened out.
Right - his calls are consistent with all of his statements of not hearing them say police.

Him shooting through the door is not consistent with the officer’s statement of breaking down the door and seeing a couple in the hall, one in shooting stance.

Would be interesting to get that straightened out.
We don't know for sure what happened other than he admits to shooting at police first because he didn't know they were police. The bottom line is that Taylor was accidently killed by police while they were defending themselves from Walker.
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Well, based on forensic evidence we do kind of know that the front door was not shot thru.

Which is why I asked, because based on Walkers statement I too thought originally he fired thru the main entry and then they busted in.

However, it sounds like they (walker and Taylor) stayed in the hall way and once the door busted in Walker shot low and they tried to scatter back down the hall into the bedroom.

From the sound of it, he was quicker and in front, so when police fired down the hallway (that is 30”- 36” wide) it’s not crazy to think she provided enough cover for him to not get hit.

The thing that doesn’t make sense is, why fire 1 shot? If you truly think your getting robbed, 1 warning low, and 2 up top leaves you enough rounds if you can find cover to still possibly defend yourself.

The only 1 shot thing is extremely weird, if we are trying to “figure” out more to this than there is.
Maybe he shot once, realized it was multiple dudes and decided to bolt? Good question though and I had also heard he shot through the door.
Here is the story on the phone records, which I wasn't aware of. I do believe this justifies the warrant.

What I saw was the actual text conversations, it may have been released by the LMPD.
I have, but it’s been awhile, he was legit in panic mode and scared she was dead from what I remember.
I call bullshit in that. Why get the no knock in the first place then? And only one person says they heard them announce but people be doing that a lot to rob people. They didn't hear them announce obviously and they were plain clothed with no body cams.

And let's be real, I would've fired to and im willing to bet 99% of you would too. I sleep with a gun under my pillow.
Lol. Yea right.
Anyone not directly involved in witnessing the whole incident is purely speculating on what "they have heard". Some of it may be true, some of it not. 99% of what actually happened might be released but what happened in that other 1% could change everything people think they know.

Bottom line, it is a tragedy that her life was taken. However there is a reason a grand jury ruled what they did. It is not systemic racism, it is not hate, it is based solely on evidence that no one here knows the full extent of. People who are still screaming that "cops murdered her" are wrong. The justice system said they didn't. If you still say they did, then you just want to see further division.

To whoever said that the police should have waited for them to come out so they could be arrested peacefully are sadly naive or something else that I will not say.....................
Here is the record of what led up to and what went down. The cops' records and the jailhouse phone calls transcripts. Then you can make up your own mind. Please don't skip over this document.

Just lay it all out for public view. What evidence went to the grand jury? The surveillance, intel and reasons why that apt at 1am. Why not wait until the morning? If she was thought to be involved in the drug business bring out why and how. Proof. What did the FBI investigation reveal?
My cousin in Detroit thought she was the second coming of Mother Teresa based on the national news ; a metro EMT shot sleeping in her bed. Let’s hear it from square 1 and then decide.
Why was the mayor upset with the story about her relationship with involved parties. That info seemed to show she was running with that crowd handling money as do the taped phone calls. Do her bank records show some discrepancies?
Heard tonight the mayor settled on his own at 12 million prior to the grand jury decision and didn’t consult with the metro representatives. Why not wait? What prompted that deal?
Taylor’s death is a tragedy, and I feel for her friends and family. However, this outrage would’ve been avoided if her families lawyer had told the truth from the beginning.
The cops weren’t at the wrong address, she was sleeping in bed, she hadn’t just gotten off work as an EMT as she hadn’t been an EMT in several years, the cops returned fire after her BF shot a cop. All of that falsely convinced the public she was a victim of police brutality, none of it was accurate.
It wouldn’t have mattered. A black woman was shot and killed by a white cop. Even if the facts were released right away and everything was straight, they still would’ve rioted, protested, and acted stupid. Let me tell you, these riots have nothing to do for these “martyrs”, it’s about c
About destroying capitalism and being handed what they want. Sorry, don’t know why it cut off
She wasn’t just associating with a drug dealer. She was holding and handling money and drugs for him at her house. She was involved in his operation.

Her BF testified that the cops knocked and announced themselves. He probably my did think it was drug dealers posing as cops, but that isn’t the cops fault. If anything it strengthens the cops Case, as drug dealers would expect there to be drugs or money at her house.

neither money nor drugs were found in her house, and the bf did NOT say the police announced. In fact, he said repeatedly they did not announce. He said they asked who it was and got no answer.

further as many as 16 witnesses said the cops never announced their presence. This is supported by all the 911 calls to the POLICE. Why would they call them if they knew they were there? Have ur opinion, but stop saying others don’t know the facts—when u clearly do not. IMO
neither money nor drugs were found in her house, and the bf did NOT say the police announced. In fact, he said repeatedly they did not announce. He said they asked who it was and got no answer.

further as many as 16 witnesses said the cops never announced their presence. This is supported by all the 911 calls to the POLICE. Why would they call them if they knew they were there? Have ur opinion, but stop saying others don’t know the facts—when u clearly do not. IMO
16 witnesses said they didn't hear the cops announce. They weren't in a position to hear so it's understandable if they didnt. The neighbor that was leaving his apt at the time the cops were about to breach said he heard them knock and announce police. I didn't see the apollo moon landing.... Does that mean it didn't happen?
I think it's clear that Taylor and the boyfriend didn't hear the police announce themselves as police. They had nothing in the apartment, so there is no reason they wouldn't have let them in. Certainly there wouldn't have been a shoot out. That doesn't mean that the police didn't announce themselves before breaking down the door, though, just that Taylor and the bf didn't hear them. Obviously things happened fast. Police said they idenitified and they have one witness that heard it, so I believe the police on that. I also believe the bf when he said he didn't hear it. I think it's most likely that they yelled "police!", and then immediately busted in. So even if they had heard it, it's not like the police were going to give them a lot of time to answer. They had a no knock warrant for a reason.
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