
Good morning from ATX. Currently 71°F and partly cloudy. Excessive heat warning in effect. Today's high expected around 92°F. * groan * 5 months of hot weather inbound.

- Largely packed for upcoming trip. Missing a few things.

- Weekend too short.

- Try getting haircut today or tomorrow.

Monday, Monday... Wishing y'all a great start to your week.

Good morning folks. Cloudy and cool in the east.

Nice weekend. Mostly quiet and relaxed. I watched the Nuggets choke away a game 7 at home, without Ant Edwards even having a big game. Normally not a big NBA guy, but my son is, and it gave me a chance to share something with him remotely —watching and texting. When the Nuggets were up 20 at the half it seemed like the game was over, but in the nba truly that’s never the case til the final buzzer. Murray was on his way to being star of the game, but they shut him down in the second half.

Out for a walk now, then the usual Monday headaches. You all have a good one.

Morning Legionnaires!

71° this morning with clear skies. Mid 90's on tap for the high so...pretty hot.

Played 2 coed softball games yesterday and lost both. 11-9 and 16-2. That brings us to 0-4 so far this season for coed. We are behind 8 games since we missed 4 weeks to rainouts. Not sure this team will stay together for the make-up games if we don't start winning a bit. I did not help much as I went 1-3 and a walk. Only got to the plate once in the second game as it was over by the 4th inning. Our men's team is 8-1 so, I got that going for me which is nice.

Rather tired this morning so, the monster walk is still on, but the normal workout will be modified (shortened).

Go get it today folks and stay safe out there.

And God Bless the D-League.
Good morning all,

At it early today. Still getting acclimated but it is trending in the right direction. I think I can do this job. I see where it will be taxing but that is what I asked for.. Good people around me. They seem to work. that is always a positive... Have a great day... I will be lurking...

Go CATS!!!
Good morning folks.

Sunny and cool in the east. One of those 50-60 perfect days we get every year in the DMV, as the locals call suburban DC.

I was talking to my older daughter this morning, sharing a laugh, when I had the insight that all three of my kids are genuinely likeable. Maybe that’s just the way every parent feels. I hope so. In any case, there is an element of luck when it comes to my kids. All of them get their personalities from their mothers.

Heading downtown on the subway. Hope you all have a good day.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 79°F and cloudy. Steamy. Increasing rain chances tonight. May get another storm before next heat wave kicks in. We may hit 93°F today.

Little brother wants to hit up Jim Beam Distillery tour out in Clermont this coming Saturday before we board bourbon train. Possible. Depends on how much time we got.

Priced Turkey's for Thanksgiving over in Germany this year. 25-pound bird could set me back more than $200 this year. Huge market difference between here and Germany.

Happy Hump Day, y'all.

Good morning folks. Another sunny, beautiful day in the east. First hint of summer heat in the air. Soon a long morning walk would have me saturated in sweat and needing a(nother) shower before work.

Week going fast. We have a modest cook out planned for the weekend —just my wife’s parents our daughter and her boyfriend and a couple of my wife’s eccentric relatives. She’s got a cousin who tried his hand as a movie set technician in Hollywood, and married a woman who had a few tiny roles in movies before giving it up. She’s got maybe two lines in Planes, Trains, Automobiles for example. At least their stories are different from the usual ones you hear in DC.

Hope you all have a good day.

Morning Legionnaires!

71° this morning and rather muggy. Mid 70's for a high expected.

Normal monster walk and workout early this morning. Later in the morning we are taking our daughter to Dave and Busters in OKC (her choice) for a graduation gift.

Played 2 games in men's league last night winning both (18-5 and 13-12) making us 10-1 for the season so far. Not a good night hitting for me as I went 0-4 and 2 sacrifices (drove in 2 runs in second game). The rest of the team was stroking it so...

Hump day for you grinders so, attack that hill and skate down the other side.

Be careful out there and God Bless.

@AustinTXCat Does a decent bottle of wine come with that turkey?
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 79°F and cloudy. Steamy. Increasing rain chances tonight. May get another storm before next heat wave kicks in. We may hit 93°F today.

Little brother wants to hit up Jim Beam Distillery tour out in Clermont this coming Saturday before we board bourbon train. Possible. Depends on how much time we got.

Priced Turkey's for Thanksgiving over in Germany this year. 25-pound bird could set me back more than $200 this year. Huge market difference between here and Germany.

Happy Hump Day, y'all.



I'd rather have the roast beast.....

Sound like Korean watermelons...

When they were three or four dollars here they were twenty or more in Korea.

So many things I like went so sky high crazy, I just quit buying them. I couldn't enjoy them at the price I had to pay so....

Good morning all,

Working at home today but sure am engaged... I kind of dread next week as I have to be up to DC four days. Once to my office, twice to the Pentagon and once to the DC VA. All on different days.

My Darling and I ARE planning on going fishing and crabbing this Saturday. Going to the Navy Recreation Center in Maryland... We shall see...

Have a great day...
Good morning from ATX. 79°F is our current temperature. Cloudy. Steamy. Today's high expected near 94°F. No rain last night.

LSU Tigers demolished Wildcats yesterday on a one-hitter, 11-0. Not good.

Busy day yesterday. Usual variety of know-nothing users.

Must pack a few last minute items. Nearly there.

Wishing y'all a good day.

Good morning folks.

Grim news yesterday —a favorite first cousin of my wife died at 58, apparently from a botched medical procedure that should have been routine. Tough for all the family. My wife and this guy were close. They were roughly the same age and for whatever reason, this guy lived with my wife’s family for a few summers when he was growing up —it was that kind of close knit family.

His mother had just died after a freak fall off the porch two months ago. Looks like we’ll be going to a funeral in NYC this weekend.

Tough times at work right now as well. Heading in to try to turn around some negative momentum.

Hope to post some lighter stuff soon. Take care guys.
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Good morning from ATX. 79°F is our current temperature. Cloudy. Steamy. Today's high expected near 94°F. No rain last night.

LSU Tigers demolished Wildcats yesterday on a one-hitter, 11-0. Not good.

Busy day yesterday. Usual variety of know-nothing users.

Must pack a few last minute items. Nearly there.

Wishing y'all a good day.

Is that a 1900 english penny?
Good morning all,

At work hard at it sitting at my desk. just a bunch to do now but not overwhelmed ....yet. We are giving it "ye ole" college try. I think things will work out. Looking at giving it three more years at the least... We shall see...

Have a day that makes you proud...
Good morning from ATX. 79°F is our current temperature. Cloudy. Steamy. Today's high expected near 94°F. No rain last night.

LSU Tigers demolished Wildcats yesterday on a one-hitter, 11-0. Not good.

Busy day yesterday. Usual variety of know-nothing users.

Must pack a few last minute items. Nearly there.

Wishing y'all a good day.

I have a lucky penny story.......I had a remodel job at a local stock brokers office. As per my habit I would go down in the evening to check the job out......if they were behind or needed a hand I pitched in......we were tearing out wooden office partitions......we worked at night so they could stay open,,,,,,I was helping them tear out partitions and pull up some old horse hair carpet padding......I pulled up a piece of padding and there was a I am want to do I bent over and picked it up and stuck it in my pocket.....later that night when I came home and looked it was 1900 penny.........I was awake all night thinking that it had maybe fell off of someone's desk that we had moved before taking the partitions one ever said a was good.......a few days later my guys cut the phone lines late Sunday evening........the eve of Black Monday..........when I went strolling in about 10:30 for a check of the weekend's progress........I was attacked......they knew the stock market was crashing but they had no phones or computer connection and my guys caused it........