
About 1:21 PM, Crab and fish are winning. No bites, no runs, no errors.....
They have a no hitter going against you. I had several hits with 2 blue gills landed but no catfish. My friend caught 2 catfish and a woman he met there yesterday had 7. she had her own stink bait recipe and it seemed to work. Turns out she is an old Coed player in Lawton Oklahoma softball that I had played with and against. She recognized me but could not place me until I found out she used to play ball and then I named the teams we used to play for. She immediately after figuring it out said: "Mac, you were our pitcher." and I said yes. We talked for a bit before getting back to fishing. Pictured below is a catfish she caught yesterday.

Mayfield high school football coach Joe Morris just retired. Joe is in the national high school hall of fame. They just won a state title in their class, he has won several with several more runner ups. I am guessing he is about 50 years old. Allison Morris was just charged by KSP with stealing 50 grand from the Chamber of Commerce. She was president and also just resigned. I don't know them, but some folks are saying they are married.
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Ole Freddy...

I remember when Freddy was in his hay day.... I was in my teens. My Dad stayed about half lit. I remember Freddy singing this song on the Ole B&W tv...

Dad said; Damn, I'd sure like to bust him in the mouth.... 😅

This is me and my Dad.

That is my youngest on her first birthday.

We lived on Bramblett Blvd in Radcliff, Ky.... (October 2nd, 1991...)

Dad was every bit of 6'1".... The Army never would give me 6 feet... Always 5'11"

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Good morning folks.

It’s a lovely Sunday morning in the east. I’m enjoying a walk through a beautiful patch of woods.

Small cookout this afternoon. Just my wife, daughter, her boyfriend, wife’s parents and a couple of her cousins. But I’m looking forward to a burger and a couple brats.

I hope all of you have a pleasant day ahead.
Good Sunday morning everyone

I did a 10 mile hike into uncharted (for me) territory yesterday. Most of the "trail" was not maintained or marked very well. Rough! At the turn around point I had a big female husky run to me. It was way out in the middle of nowhere. I made the mistake of petting her and after that I couldn't get rid of her. I tried everything from letting her get in front of me at intersections and then running (one time at least 20 min and got my heart rate up to 159) a differnt direction, outsmart her (lol), throwing rocks at her, etc etc. It reminded me of an old western movie. She stayed with me for 3 1/2 miles before I lost her. I thought I had a new dog for a while. May have lost my wife with that move though.

I'm going to do a 15 mile hike Wed. with a buddy that has hiked the entire Appalachian Trail. He hikes at a much faster pace than I do. We'll see.

Not much on tap today after church. We're finishing up getting the place ready for a small cookout tomorrow and hopefully lots of rest.

I hope everyone is doing good and has a great day.
Took the regular monster walk this morning and was on my way back close to the house when the monster started pulling hard to get back. When we got in the yard a big dog came around the corner and greeted us. He was as tall as Anatolia (the monster) and a bit longer, but he was lighter in weight as he looked a bit malnourished. He was another Anatolian Shepherd mix like her only short haired.

The monster and he sniffed around and then she gave up interest quickly and headed for the gate to the backyard. After putting her in the back yard I sat down (less menacing) in front of my garage trying to get the dog to come to me. As he started coming closer our cat Kato (the Manx) came through a little archway I had cut in the privacy fence gate a year or so for easier access for the cats getting in and out. Kato quickly bowed up, gave the low growl cats give and took a step towards the dog. The dog came a little closer and Kato's growl got louder, and his hair was standing on end as he started to close the gap between him and the dog. It did not take another growl or step after that as the dog turned and moved away quickly.

It looked like Kato was trying to protect me and he probably was as he does not act like a normal cat, but more like a dog. I then picked him up and took him back inside and gave him a little attention for the effort. Kato pictured below.

Took the regular monster walk this morning and was on my way back close to the house when the monster started pulling hard to get back. When we got in the yard a big dog came around the corner and greeted us. He was as tall as Anatolia (the monster) and a bit longer, but he was lighter in weight as he looked a bit malnourished. He was another Anatolian Shepherd mix like her only short haired.

The monster and he sniffed around and then she gave up interest quickly and headed for the gate to the backyard. After putting her in the back yard I sat down (less menacing) in front of my garage trying to get the dog to come to me. As he started coming closer our cat Kato (the Manx) came through a little archway I had cut in the privacy fence gate a year or so for easier access for the cats getting in and out. Kato quickly bowed up, gave the low growl cats give and took a step towards the dog. The dog came a little closer and Kato's growl got louder, and his hair was standing on end as he started to close the gap between him and the dog. It did not take another growl or step after that as the dog turned and moved away quickly.

It looked like Kato was trying to protect me and he probably was as he does not act like a normal cat, but more like a dog. I then picked him up and took him back inside and gave him a little attention for the effort. Kato pictured below.

Maddie was my best friend (now departed boxer). When she was a very small pup, one of the full grown labrador dogs would get rough with her at times. Jan had a cat that was twice the size of most cats. That cat would chase the dog off any time he threatened Maddie.
They have a no hitter going against you. I had several hits with 2 blue gills landed but no catfish. My friend caught 2 catfish and a woman he met there yesterday had 7. she had her own stink bait recipe and it seemed to work. Turns out she is an old Coed player in Lawton Oklahoma softball that I had played with and against. She recognized me but could not place me until I found out she used to play ball and then I named the teams we used to play for. She immediately after figuring it out said: "Mac, you were our pitcher." and I said yes. We talked for a bit before getting back to fishing. Pictured below is a catfish she caught yesterday.

Makes me think of Jaws. Idda run.
53,000 LG&E customers without power including my parents. Winds up to 80 mph in some spots in the viewing area. In the process of getting a generator over there to save their food in the fridge. That was one nasty storm and another one is on the way later tonight. Buckle down. Could be a wild ride.
Good morning folks.

Prayers for all those who have sacrificed for our beloved country. We’ll never be completely worthy of the sacrifice but we can try to live in a way that honors their memory.

Finishing up a long walk. It was lovely - sunny and cool when I headed out. It’s growing muggy and overcast now. We’ll get some rainy n today I’d imagine.

Grateful not to be at work today. Hope it is a good day for all of you.
53,000 LG&E customers without power including my parents. Winds up to 80 mph in some spots in the viewing area. In the process of getting a generator over there to save their food in the fridge. That was one nasty storm and another one is on the way later tonight. Buckle down. Could be a wild ride.
Yeah, we got hit hard down here in Forge Ridge/Ewing VA/Middlesboro yesterday. Luckily, no injuries or property loss. 2 tornado touchdown reports. Sorry to hear.
Yeah, we got hit hard down here in Forge Ridge/Ewing VA/Middlesboro yesterday. Luckily, no injuries or property loss. 2 tornado touchdown reports. Sorry to hear.
Scary stuff. My niece in St. Louis said a funnel cloud went directly over her house. They camped out in the basement for a few hours. The kids were understandably scared.
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Good afternoon folks, busy day today for me, went fishing this morning and cut grass as soon as I got home. Finished up just a while ago. Had to get it done as the weather report has rain in the forecast for the next 7-10 days possible.

Fishing report: Had several strikes, hooked 7 landed 3. Large Mouth Bass 4- Warrior-Cat 2 as one of my lands was a 3-pound catfish.
Good morning folks. Back to work in the city.

Beautiful, absolutely clear blue-skies day. Cool so far. I’m looking up through the big window of a subway car and the moon, about three-quarters of it, is clear as one of those Apollo photographs despite the fact that the sun is high enough that it is fully as bright as noon.

Hope everyone had a nice three-day weekend. Enjoy the day.

Morning Legionnaires!

68° and storming. Started about 0230 this morning and been doing so off and on since. Looking at radar and it is supposed to clear shortly. Did not get to walk monster yesterday as I left early for fishing, and it was too hot by the time I got back. Will go shortly once the storms breaks.

Going to Norman Ok this afternoon to a consultation with my oral surgeon for the second round of implants on the upper left side this time. Had two implants with a three-tooth bridge implanted on the upper right side last time and then pulled three from the upper left in November to let them heal to start the process again.

Suppose to play ball tonight but, more storms possible will probably cancel them.

Well, it is a Monday/Tuesday with respect to work so...get at it folks, be safe out there, and God Bless.
Afternoon D, well we finally got our power back on this morning, went out at 9:47 Sunday night, back on at 10:30. We spent Sunday morning in the basement of our church, then back to the church for the second round Sunday evening, we left when the all clear was given about 10. One tornado went north and one went south of us, both were about15 miles from us. God is great, we had no damage at all, spent most of this afternoon keeping our grandsons bust picking up our neighbors limbs a cutting up part of s tree for them.

Morning Legionnaires!

63° this morning with almost no wind (unusual for here). Today's high to be in the low 80's.

Had one softball game last night as the second one was cancelled due to rain. We won by run rule (Now 11-1). Don't remember what the score was. I did not play the first game as we had 14 players last night and I was scheduled to pitch the second one numbers for me.

Had the consultation with the oral surgeon in Norman OK yesterday and will have the implants done on Monday at 0800hrs. Will not be able to play in next Tuesday's games.

Well, you grinders know the deal, the hump part of this week is around mid-night tonight since most if not all had Monday off.

Stay safe out there and God Bless.
Hey folks. Busy day at work so I'll just say hello, wish everyone well and check in later.

Let's hope today is a good news day for the Men's basketball team. Pope needs a little more offensive firepower in the mix or he could get off to a bad start here, and we all know how fickle the fan base can be if that happens. I'd love to see him succeed. I think he could really heal the culture, but it is all meaningless without a very high level of success.