
Wife and I have separate bank accounts. We both pay bills, but I pay more just because she needs to build for retirement. She spends more money than I do, however, we don't have any problems with it. At the start we did when we were on the same bank account but once we changed that, no problems. Back in 2007 when I bought the truck I have now (2007 F150), I was off work for the day while my wife was at work.

I had no plan to buy a new truck that day, but my son who was in college called earlier that morning to tell me his car had gone belly up and there was not much they could do without costing him a lot. He reminded then that I had told him when I bought a new truck, he could have the old one. So, I went out and bought a new truck, called him back and told him to come get the old one that weekend. I had him an airline ticket already for that Saturday so, he had no excuse. When my wife came home and found out her only response was that she wished she were there to help me pick it out. No way.
I hope your son understands that was a Gold Medal Move in the annals of being a dad, Warrior.

I thought I was going to be doing something similar at Christmas when my son's Hyundai blew an engine as he was driving to the Austin airport to come home for a visit.

But I lucked out and convinced the Hyundai dealer he was towed to that the blown engine was a failure in the manufacturing, and he got a brand new one. I was slightly disappointed because I was already thinking I could upgrade from the car I was going to give him if we ended up junking the Hyundai (no way I was paying the $10,000-$11,000 for a new engine). But I'll keep it for now.
I hope your son understands that was a Gold Medal Move in the annals of being a dad, Warrior.

I thought I was going to be doing something similar at Christmas when my son's Hyundai blew an engine as he was driving to the Austin airport to come home for a visit.

But I lucked out and convinced the Hyundai dealer he was towed to that the blown engine was a failure in the manufacturing, and he got a brand new one. I was slightly disappointed because I was already thinking I could upgrade from the car I was going to give him if we ended up junking the Hyundai (no way I was paying the $10,000-$11,000 for a new engine). But I'll keep it for now.

Man "ya'll" had/ got it easy....

My boy went through so many vehicles (Stated like the motor pool SSG state to Col. Potter....V-hickle.)

Plus my one year old Ford extended cab Ranger when we left for Korea in 2012. Told him to sell it and pay it towards his student loans.... No, his Corolla we bought him when he came back from Iraq was not big enough....He traded my truck and his Corolla in on a SUV. The dealer is probably still counting that dough. I will stop on him. Bought my youngest daughter a new Mazda 3 when we left for Korea too so I wouldn't worry.

I am still driving that hail totaled V-hickle.. My Darling drives a 2015 Camry. Am readying to buy her a new car or SUV then I will inherit the Camry and sell outright the commuters dream Mazda 3.... Yadda yadda yadda...

I am thankful.....
I hope your son understands that was a Gold Medal Move in the annals of being a dad, Warrior.

I thought I was going to be doing something similar at Christmas when my son's Hyundai blew an engine as he was driving to the Austin airport to come home for a visit.

But I lucked out and convinced the Hyundai dealer he was towed to that the blown engine was a failure in the manufacturing, and he got a brand new one. I was slightly disappointed because I was already thinking I could upgrade from the car I was going to give him if we ended up junking the Hyundai (no way I was paying the $10,000-$11,000 for a new engine). But I'll keep it for now.
Probably not, he spent many years in college changing majors only to wind up working for Apple in Knoxville in the shipping department of a big store. Turned down management because he does not want to be part of the system. Pushing for unionizing that store drawing the ire of his bosses even though he gets paid good.

lives in an extra room on a house of two married doctors rent free because he watches their dog daily and does work around the place. Has never really had many bills. Believes in UBI, college debt forgiveness and every left leaning position you can think of. Believes the government should provide everyone a home, car, and a job that needs it. I could go on, but I won't. You can imagine the conversations he and I have when we talk. He once recorded one of our conversations without my knowledge and used it in one of his college courses to show what he was dealing with.
Probably not, he spent many years in college changing majors only to wind up working for Apple in Knoxville in the shipping department of a big store. Turned down management because he does not want to be part of the system. Pushing for unionizing that store drawing the ire of his bosses even though he gets paid good.

lives in an extra room on a house of two married doctors rent free because he watches their dog daily and does work around the place. Has never really had many bills. Believes in UBI, college debt forgiveness and every left leaning position you can think of. Believes the government should provide everyone a home, car, and a job that needs it. I could go on, but I won't. You can imagine the conversations he and I have when we talk. He once recorded one of our conversations without my knowledge and used it in one of his college courses to show what he was dealing with.
People see the light at different ages, and I'll be rooting for your son to learn from your example and change directions. As Winston Churchill put it, "a man with a heart is a liberal at 21. A man with a brain is a conservative at 35." Or something like that.

I'd bet anything he fully understands all you've done for him, but can't (yet) bring himself to express that. I hope that happens soon. (End of my cheap attempt to be an expert of human behavior.)
People see the light at different ages, and I'll be rooting for your son to learn from your example and change directions. As Winston Churchill put it, "a man with a heart is a liberal at 21. A man with a brain is a conservative at 35." Or something like that.

I'd bet anything he fully understands all you've done for him, but can't (yet) bring himself to express that. I hope that happens soon. (End of my cheap attempt to be an expert of human behavior.)
That is my hope. I keep hoping and praying.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 70°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 81°F.

Post-chemo blahs. Not much else to say this morning. Heading out for a hike after working email and tickets.

Wishing y'all a great day.


Morning Legionnaires!

63° this morning with rain and thunderstorms expected most of the morning (raining now). Expected high of around 74°. Monster walk will have to wait until the rain stops. Usually get out early while temps are cooler because she is a furry beast.

Normal morning workout in shop will happen and then nothing until monster walk. May take a Sam's trip later this afternoon however, wife says she needs a few things.

It is Friday Eve folks so prepare yourselves for the weekend and God Bless.
I miss the days when I had excess energy. I have an old barn and a small out building on property I bought. I was foolish enough to use a can and a half of wasp spray in them and breathed in too much of that crap. I've been congested and super tired for about 10 days now. We live and we learn... sometimes I guess.
Mr. Bernie, try dawn dish detergent and water in a spray bottle, that's my go to now! It doesn't kill on contact, but a good soaking and their dead in a few seconds. My way is, get the first good shout in and they hit the ground, I just keep on spraying. Mrs. M says, you enjoy that don't you, my reply is, yes, they (wasps) have cost me enough money getting shots after being sting that they deserve it!!!
Mr. Bernie, try dawn dish detergent and water in a spray bottle, that's my go to now! It doesn't kill on contact, but a good soaking and their dead in a few seconds. My way is, get the first good shout in and they hit the ground, I just keep on spraying. Mrs. M says, you enjoy that don't you, my reply is, yes, they (wasps) have cost me enough money getting shots after being sting that they deserve it!!!
Good morning all...

Working hard, working hard.... as hard as you can work and still sit in a chair.... Much to do though but it seems I am doing it. Have to go into the office tomorrow but that's okay. Have a Mighty Mouse type day... (Yeah, I am remembering my childhood cartoons... a little...)



Here I come to save the day!!!!


Cloudy and 66°F. I rain gauge says .49" in this event.

I hate wasps. I use a paper bag filled with bags and tied up to my outside stairs. They think it is a hornets nest and it limits their home building. It also scares off the carpenter bees. Plus I kill ever wasp that I find. I usually use the hornet and wasp killer in a can because it will squirt about 15 feet.
Good morning all...

Working hard, working hard.... as hard as you can work and still sit in a chair.... Much to do though but it seems I am doing it. Have to go into the office tomorrow but that's okay. Have a Mighty Mouse type day... (Yeah, I am remembering my childhood cartoons... a little...)



Here I come to save the day!!!!


Andy and Jerry Lawler loved each other...
I've never really been a wrestling fan, but liked Randy Savage because he was a minor league baseball player for the Cardinals. Here's a Lawler story about Savage.

Good morning everyone.

Staying very busy this time of year as usual. Work, play, work, play..........repeat. lol @ my sleep schedule....when I'm fishing I'm getting into bed about 5-530 AM. When I'm not fishing I'm usually up before 5AM.

Hike this morning and more work if the rain doesn't catch me.

Coach Pope sure is putting together a team that can compete. Looking forward to next season.

Uhhgggg. While we were at the lake earlier this week our security cameras caught a party going on at the house....the 3 trouble makers and their Mama. We now have videos of a bear fight against our car, a 100# cub on top of our car, and other general nuisances. We had to call my wife's brother twice to go to the house and run them off. They're fun to watch while we are there, but a big PITA when we're not....or asleep.

I hope everyone has a great day.
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Morning Legionnaires!

61° this morning with moderate winds. High in the mid 80's on tap.

Heavy day this morning as the normal monster walk, workout, and house cleaning for starters. Then on to yard work this afternoon.

Nice win for the Cats yesterday with 2 games left in the regular season.

@AustinTXCat good timing on the cherry cobbler day as I picked up some cherries yesterday at Sams doing the honey do shopping. Have not had cherries in a long time.

TGIF for you grinders so, go out there and get it done and get home safe.

God Bless.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 70°F and cloudy. Today's high may reach 93°F. Summer temps arrived.

Yeah, Baseball Cats been swinging the lumber. I attended one game in person, watched many via SECN and SEC+ Dream season so far.

Might attempt riding my bicycle later today after a long walk this morning. Balance has been suspect due to cancer and peripheral neuropathy.

Wishing y'all a great Saturday.


Morning Legionnaires!

61° this morning with clear skies. Today's high will be in the low 90's. Was going to go fishing this morning but, karate belt testing (10:00) is keeping me from it.

Just keeping with the theme of testing students this morning with a throwback picture of me (army days) and my sons (who will turn 42 Monday). Also pictured is Simon, an Alaskan Malamute who weighed 120lbs or so. Yeah, I like big dogs and I cannot lie.

Might try to fish tomorrow morning. Depends on how I feel (energy) because I have 2 coed games starting at 1300.

Saturday morning folks so kick back, enjoy, and God Bless.

Morning Legionnaires!

61° this morning with clear skies. Today's high will be in the low 90's. Was going to go fishing this morning but, karate belt testing (10:00) is keeping me from it.

Just keeping with the theme of testing students this morning with a throwback picture of me (army days) and my sons (who will turn 42 Monday). Also pictured is Simon, an Alaskan Malamute who weighed 120lbs or so. Yeah, I like big dogs and I cannot lie.

Might try to fish tomorrow morning. Depends on how I feel (energy) because I have 2 coed games starting at 1300.

Saturday morning folks so kick back, enjoy, and God Bless.

The no-nonsense look... Enjoyable to see. They DO grow up...
Good morning folks. Back from a long run in the rain. Hot coffee rarely tasted any better.

Doing some chores around the house. Then joining my daughter and her boyfriend for a nice lunch in DC. They are back from a trip to the Caribbean and wanted to get together.

Hope it is a nice day for all of you.
Am back home now, My Darling and the BB are still sleeping though I know My Darling is up. She NEVER sleeps this late. I am at the front of our home trying to stay quiet. They both needed the rest and quiet.

Had a good meeting. Our Pastor spoke for a bit and before that, I had this...(Put some butter on the pancakes though...) and filled that cup three or four times....


I am thankful...
I have them all, thanks anyway.

Sir, about the only one I never could make myself buy was that "The Barbarian and the Geisha".... Just never could... ;) (I have in the 120's, the number of his movies I own.....) I haven't digitized them all but it only takes a few minutes to do that if required and I want to see them.

I think it is stated John Wayne made 175 movies. I know I have not seen all of them. I have ten or so I have yet to watch, one day I will I guess.. Who knows but I like the ones I've watched so far... ;)
Sir, about the only one I never could make myself buy was that "The Barbarian and the Geisha".... Just never could... ;) (I have in the 120's, the number of his movies I own.....) I haven't digitized them all but it only takes a few minutes to do that if required and I want to see them.

I think it is stated John Wayne made 175 movies. I know I have not seen all of them. I have ten or so I have yet to watch, one day I will I guess.. Who knows but I like the ones I've watched so far... ;)
I saw most of The Quiet Man I think it was called. Not one of his top movies, but a guy named Victor McGlaglen co starred in it. He was a Brit and an interesting character. He joined the Brit army at 14 to fight in the Boer War. They found out his true age and kicked him out. He joined again to fight in WW1 and they kept him this time. He was heavyweight boxing champ of the British army in 1918. He traveled with a circus where anyone who lasted 3 rounds with him won money. He was also a pro wrestler and pro boxer. He once fought Jack Johnson in a 6 round exhibition match. If you watch that movie, take note of Victor. He was an older fellow by the time that movie was made.
I saw most of The Quiet Man I think it was called. Not one of his top movies, but a guy named Victor McGlaglen co starred in it. He was a Brit and an interesting character. He joined the Brit army at 14 to fight in the Boer War. They found out his true age and kicked him out. He joined again to fight in WW1 and they kept him this time. He was heavyweight boxing champ of the British army in 1918. He traveled with a circus where anyone who lasted 3 rounds with him won money. He was also a pro wrestler and pro boxer. He once fought Jack Johnson in a 6 round exhibition match. If you watch that movie, take note of Victor. He was an older fellow by the time that movie was made.

"Okay Danaher, you asked for it!".....

Victor played in several movies with John. An enjoyable partnership.. they worked well together..

Been watching parts of "In Harm's Way" today... John and Kirk....
Good morning folks.

Looks like the rain which lasted here from daybreak til bedtime yesterday has passed. Should be a nice Sunday.

Had a nice visit with my daughter yesterday. No plans for today. Maybe I’ll drive up to the mountains,

Hope you all are doing well.
Yeah, even though we have separate bank accounts, if I buy a new rod and reel and she is there to see it, she generally ask me: "What happened to the other ones?" I tell her: "Mind your own woman, I need this one." That works most of the time.

I usually just go to Academy when she is at work so, she does not see what I buy. But if I order from Bass Pro Shop, she might get home before delivery.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and cloudy. We're under excessive heat warning Today's high expected around 92°F.

Cats lost to Vandy in rubber match. Finished tied with with Vols for share of SEC title. Heading into upcoming SEC tournament as #3 seed. Go Cats!

Watched "Lost Home Movies of Nazi Germany" parts 1 and 2 last night via YouTube. 50" HDTV = huge difference. BBC Select films, produced in 2019. Very educational.

Still packing for trip....

Wish y'all a peaceful, enjoyable Sunday.
