I hope your son understands that was a Gold Medal Move in the annals of being a dad, Warrior.Wife and I have separate bank accounts. We both pay bills, but I pay more just because she needs to build for retirement. She spends more money than I do, however, we don't have any problems with it. At the start we did when we were on the same bank account but once we changed that, no problems. Back in 2007 when I bought the truck I have now (2007 F150), I was off work for the day while my wife was at work.
I had no plan to buy a new truck that day, but my son who was in college called earlier that morning to tell me his car had gone belly up and there was not much they could do without costing him a lot. He reminded then that I had told him when I bought a new truck, he could have the old one. So, I went out and bought a new truck, called him back and told him to come get the old one that weekend. I had him an airline ticket already for that Saturday so, he had no excuse. When my wife came home and found out her only response was that she wished she were there to help me pick it out. No way.
I thought I was going to be doing something similar at Christmas when my son's Hyundai blew an engine as he was driving to the Austin airport to come home for a visit.
But I lucked out and convinced the Hyundai dealer he was towed to that the blown engine was a failure in the manufacturing, and he got a brand new one. I was slightly disappointed because I was already thinking I could upgrade from the car I was going to give him if we ended up junking the Hyundai (no way I was paying the $10,000-$11,000 for a new engine). But I'll keep it for now.