
Good morning from ATX. Currently 85°F. High today predicted at 96°F.

Must take Ruger 10/22 rifle to gun store for shipment back to KY in a few.

Game on ESPN at 1 pm CT. Plan on tuning in. GBB!

Wishing y'all an awesome Saturday.

Good morning folks. Took my long run for the week this morning. Chilling with a Luigi's Real Italian Ice, lemon flavored.

Beautiful day in the east. Not too hot after a couple 90-plus days. Hope the Cats are ready to go in Omaha.

Have a great Saturday folks.
Got 3 boxes of different flavors (including lemon) this week and have had at least one a day. I really like them.
Got 3 boxes of different flavors (including lemon) this week and have had at least one a day. I really like them.

He's not prejudice...

My Darling went to a ladies brunch type thing at church this morning and just came back home. She brought me two bags of the small candy bars... I guess they call them the fun-size. I ate about ten before I realized I ate a whole bag... I took the other bag to the kitchen...and hid it. (It was a really "cute" bag though....) HAHA....

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He's not prejudice...

My Darling went to a ladies brunch type thing at church this morning and just came back home. She brought me two bags of the small candy bars... I guess they call then the fun-size. I ate about ten before I realized I ate a whole bag... I took the other bag to the kitchen...and hid it. (It was a really "cute" bag though....) HAHA....

Kentucky DNA raised in Michigan does a lot of strange things! :)

Morning Legionnaires!

74° this morning with cloudy skies. A high in the low 90's expected.

Went to a birthday party yesterday evening for an old drill sergeant buddy of mine who turned 66. His wife was also a drill sergeant with us at the Drill Sergeant School at Ft. Sill in the late 80's. They were not married then but were secretly seeing other as it was taboo then for them to date. Worked out for them as they have now been married for about 30 years now.

Wife and daughter stayed up late last night making something special for Father's Day. I will not be here when they get up as I am going fishing this morning and by the time I return, we will celebrate Father's Day a little and then shift gears as I take my wife and daughter out this afternoon to celebrate our anniversary. Have to be back by 6:30pm as one of my sons wants to do face time with us and his family. Busy day today.

Happy Father's Day to all and I hope you have a great day.

God Bless.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 76°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 96°F.

Heckuva first game CWS performance by our Kentucky Wildcats. Next up: TAMU Aggies, who defeated Gators last night.

Heading out for a hike soon. Let's see if any of my kids ring me later today.

Happy Father's Day, y'all.
Good morning all,

Sitting in My Darling's car drinking coffee and having a little dark chocolate.

Dropped her off to choir practice. Watching people mill around and head inside. I'm in no rush....

Only my oldest will be around today with me and my wife. Had this plan to take me out but I fought back hopefully enough asking only for a Costco cheese pizza.

That may get her to pay... The girl makes scrooge at his worst a spend thrift. I kind of laugh at her but it is a real concern as she makes serious dough and acts like she's on welfare.

Have a great day and. Happy Father's Day to all you Dad's..... Not hoping but just thought of what some will try if they haven't already to turn this into a happy family leader day or a happy head cohabitant day....

Yeah at one time that would have been a stupid thought.....

Take care... God Bless you all D-League....
77°F and sunny on our way to a predicted 93°F. It has been a hot spell in my area this week. Summer got here before the 21st. Austin and WarriorCat would feel at home here this week.

Happy fathers day. I could care less but the family will all call in to wish me my day. My birthday and fathers day are always close and when June comes in on Saturday or Sunday it is really close. Next year it will be even closer.

Have a good Sunday.
Good morning D-League.

Happy Fathers Day to those who have had the honor and taken on the responsibility.

Only one of my three will be here in person today for a little cookout. I heard from my son in Texas already and will hear from my daughter in Kansas City in a while.

Glad to see the Cats get off the a good start in the college World Series. Keep it up guys.

I hope you all have a great day.
@Bert Higginbotha I recommend this book if you haven't already read it. It was wrote in 1868 I believe. And goes into detail about a lot of the orphans. I found write ups of my grandfather and your grandfather, Seth Elmore.

There's also an account of a federal officer riding to a part of the federal line that took heavy losses. After the bloody battle of Shiloh.

''The barren county boys fought us at this part of the line''.

Here's a link to the book to read online for free:

@Bert Higginbotha I recommend this book if you haven't already read it. It was wrote in 1868 I believe. And goes into detail about a lot of the orphans. I found write ups of my grandfather and your grandfather, Seth Elmore.

There's also an account of a federal officer riding to a part of the federal line that took heavy losses. After the bloody battle of Shiloh.

''The barren county boys fought us at this part of the line''.

Here's a link to the book to read online for free:

Thanks. Now I have more to read. Seth Bradshaw as of last year has a large picture in the Edmonson County Courthouse. Because of the stupid stuff going on now in popular culture they may be going after him and his kind.

Seth Bradshaw Elmore, my great grandfather:


Thanks. Now I have more to read. Seth Bradshaw as of last year has a large picture in the Edmonson County Courthouse. Because of the stupid stuff going on now in popular culture they may be going after him and his kind.

Seth Bradshaw Elmore, my great grandfather:


One thing that stood out to me. Was the sheer amount of men from Barren county in the roster list. That's not even counting the 200 men that served in the 2ndKY cavalry (Morgans) from Barren county.
Good morning D, I hope all had a great Father's Day! What a weekend, went to the dedication of the Everly Brother's and John Prime Music Plaza Friday, had to leave before it was over 95 degrees, then at 4 we helped with the concert that evening, it wasn't over to close to ten. Saturday our grandson was in a play at 12, we went to this one so we could watch the game, watched the game, go Cats, then that evening we went to the Exile concert. What a great concert!! They have been performing for 61 years. We couldn't have ask for a better night, outside in the street in Greenville, KY with a cool breeze blowing! They sang for 2 hours and 45minutes If you ever get a chance go see them!!! Getting ready to head out to Hope2All , we will be handing out over 200 food boxes today! Have a great day D leagures!!!
I think that you new job it starting to get to you! :)

It really is Sir... ;) They haven't learned to trust me................Yet...... I've had several people that have worked with me for nearing 20 years in different agencies tell me this job is made for me. (It is.. I just have a few that will hopefully realize that hopefully sooner rather than later in my leadership chain.) I am touching things my leadership does not even realize I have already touched...

Just have to be patient. (Me)..
Good morning everyone

I may be the only poster here who doesn't have kids ???? so I hope all of you had a great Father's Day.

I'm finishing up a normal time here around home and getting ready to head back down to the lake. Dad is in Pigeon Forge so it's me and my wife this time. We'll fish some, work some, relax some but mostly just try to stay cool in all this heat. She likes it hot but 90 is above what she likes by a little bit. I despise the heat.

Go Big Blue! I doubt I get to watch tonight but hope to keep updated.

Have a great day.
Gibby was one of a kind, even in those days. It is said that if you had the third base dugout and made an out, you DID NOT take a short cut near the pitcher's mound to return to the dugout. The pitcher's mound was his and there would be repercussions if you invaded his territory. He also said half the plate was his. You could have either half you wanted, but the other half belonged to him.

Btw, I missed most of that season going through basic training and police school.
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Spent a great Sunday with GD visiting Omaha Zoo. Every animal we saw she said was “so cute”. Me, not so many. 4+ hours in sunny 90+ weather. Brutal on this old man. Good number of indoor exhibitions that saved me. Very nice zoo.
I visited aunt/cousin up there in 2017. Love Omaha. Have fun and enjoy.


Good morning from ATX. Currently 76°F and cloudy. Today's high expected around 95°F. Great chance for rain tomorrow.

Tough outing for our Cats yesterday. Ugh. Aggies were brutal. Cats face Gators today in elimination game.

Heading out for a hike around 6:15 am. Great day to be alive. Wishing y'all a good one.


Good morning from ATX. Currently 76°F and cloudy. Today's high expected around 95°F. Great chance for rain tomorrow.

Tough outing for our Cats yesterday. Ugh. Aggies were brutal. Cats face Gators today in elimination game.

Heading out for a hike around 6:15 am. Great day to be alive. Wishing y'all a good one.

Tough road ahead for the Cats. 3 straight wins to advance seems like a tall order. Not impossible though. Gotta get past the Gators first.
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