
Rangers vs Diamondbacks.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and partly cloudy. Temperatures dropping throughout today until we reach 40°F tonight.

Tough loss to Vols last night. Ugh! Yeah, Leary played much better. 3 of next 4 games on the road. Next up: Miss State.

Heading out for a hike in a few. Need non-dairy creamer and grapefruit juice. Grocery store open at 6 am.

Wishing y'all a peaceful Sunday.

For warrior since you have a female student

Yeah, I read that article. My student was taking Brazilian-Jiu-jitsu classes as well to be a more well-rounded fighter. After about a year or so of that, she decided she would rather stick with Karate because there were only guys in that class and no matter how long or short of time they had been training, she could not beat any of them and she is a strong woman. She lifts and does a lot of cross fit to add to her fitness. She is about 5'5" and can dead lift 310lbs. She is pictured below talking with me about the competition at a Karate tournament earlier this year prior to suiting up.
