
Good morning all....

Went to the early service today. My Grandson in the children's group got to sing with the choir.....(With My Darling...)

Fishing was only crabbing yesterday and crabbing was poor... Some pics...

This is on the Naval Recreation center, Near the Solomon's on the Chesapeake Bay...


Did catch Moby crab or several...




Ended up with 21 after I missed five.

I only had squid for bait. Didn't see anyone else catching anything either though....

No bad days fishing and just ate some fresh biscuits. I am thankful...

Yeah, the Cats...
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Yeah, I read that article. My student was taking Brazilian-Jiu-jitsu classes as well to be a more well-rounded fighter. After about a year or so of that, she decided she would rather stick with Karate because there were only guys in that class and no matter how long or short of time they had been training, she could not beat any of them and she is a strong woman. She lifts and does a lot of cross fit to add to her fitness. She is about 5'5" and can dead lift 310lbs. She is pictured below talking with me about the competition at a Karate tournament earlier this year prior to suiting up.

First, I figured out what it says on the back of her shirt. I was stationed with Don Sutton's brother at one time. Don of course is a HOF pitcher and one of my favorite players. Don used to say, "The harder I work, the luckier I get."

On the other: My daughter used to play basketball. Their junior high team went undefeated. They beat most local teams by score like 75 to 12 or something like that. They traveled out of state to play and still never lost. The boys team at their school was a .500 team. They would sometimes scrimmage the boys team . The boys would always beat them badly.
Good afternoon folks.

Just got home after driving from our getaway in the mountains. We had a great time, though a brief stay. Some beautiful scenery, some pretty towns.

Cats put up a fight with Tennessee but still a disappointing —if not surprising —outcome. Wins are going to be a challenge the rest of the year.

Hope it’s a good Sunday for everyone.
Good afternoon folks.

Just got home after driving from our getaway in the mountains. We had a great time, though a brief stay. Some beautiful scenery, some pretty towns.

Cats put up a fight with Tennessee but still a disappointing —if not surprising —outcome. Wins are going to be a challenge the rest of the year.

Hope it’s a good Sunday for everyone.
Hey guys. Back at it again with some more information on a civil war relative. I enjoy this stuff. Now a while ago I posted about my GGGGrandfather on my great-grandmothers side of the family. Thomas William Spillman. He was in the 6thKY infantry CSA. Well, last week I went and visited a great granduncle. He told me some stories about ''Tom Bill Spillman''. He even had his picture in confederate uniform and information about him in a picture frame. Pretty cool stuff. Anyway,

He told me he was shot through the body at the battle of Baton Rouge, LA in 1862. He laid on the field for a day until he was found. He spent 3 months healing and then went back to the fight. He survived until may 1865. Where he was FORCED to take the oath. Afterwards he rode his horse from GA to Nashville, TN. Where he was stopped by union forces (he was still in his confederate coat). They stole his horse and he was forced to walk back to his home in Barren County, KY. A few years after his death in 1923 his wife received a check for that horse from the federal government.

He also told me of another grandfather. A John Marshall from Barren County. He had his picture in full confederate uniform. He was with Morgan's 2nd KY cavalry. And was captured during Morgan's raid into the north. He spent the rest of the war in the Ohio state prison. He died in 1919 on a sand bank fishing back home in barren county.

Some tough men back in those days. It makes me proud knowing I have some of their blood flowing through me.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 39°F, raining and windy. Today's high expected around 45°F. We're 35 degrees colder than 24 hours ago. No worries. We're back in the 80s by next Friday.

Watched more football yesterday. Bengals and Cowboys looked good.

Monday, Monday....

Wishing all a great start to your week.

Good morning folks. Out for a morning hike. Beautiful clear, cool morning in the east. Love this time of year.

Watched a little hoops last night. Tennessee looks good. Grown ass men. Kansas looked pretty average. I’ve said since the summer Dickinson would not have been a good fit for the Cats. Haven’t changed my mind after watching him last night. A big stuff. I’d feel good about the Cats matching up if Onyenso was healthy or Bradshaw. Not likely in time, sadly.

Good day for the Bengals. Glad to be in an era when they aren’t out of it by Halloween like so many years in the past.

Have a good day.
Hey guys. Back at it again with some more information on a civil war relative. I enjoy this stuff. Now a while ago I posted about my GGGGrandfather on my great-grandmothers side of the family. Thomas William Spillman. He was in the 6thKY infantry CSA. Well, last week I went and visited a great granduncle. He told me some stories about ''Tom Bill Spillman''. He even had his picture in confederate uniform and information about him in a picture frame. Pretty cool stuff. Anyway,

He told me he was shot through the body at the battle of Baton Rouge, LA in 1862. He laid on the field for a day until he was found. He spent 3 months healing and then went back to the fight. He survived until may 1865. Where he was FORCED to take the oath. Afterwards he rode his horse from GA to Nashville, TN. Where he was stopped by union forces (he was still in his confederate coat). They stole his horse and he was forced to walk back to his home in Barren County, KY. A few years after his death in 1923 his wife received a check for that horse from the federal government.

He also told me of another grandfather. A John Marshall from Barren County. He had his picture in full confederate uniform. He was with Morgan's 2nd KY cavalry. And was captured during Morgan's raid into the north. He spent the rest of the war in the Ohio state prison. He died in 1919 on a sand bank fishing back home in barren county.

Some tough men back in those days. It makes me proud knowing I have some of their blood flowing through me.
My second great grandfather's, Seth Bradshaw Elmore and David M.C. Edwards were in the 6th Kentucky. Both survived; however, Dave was shipped back to Owensboro as too wounded to take up arms again. Seth Bradshaw died in 1910.

Here is a picture of a reunion of some of the 6th Kentucky taken at the old Bell's Tavern in Park City, KY (my home town). And following that picture is a picture of their battle flag.
Big win for the Bengals. DIdn't get to watch in DC, but my dad and brother both say Burrow looks all the way back.

Steelers and Brown lose. Ravens beat the woeful 1-7 Cardinals, without their starting QB. But Kansas City loses. Hope lives.
Bungals looked like a professional football team for the first time all year. SF was dinged up & B's had a week off, so not sure how much this means long-term. Next few games will tell starting with Bills.
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My second great grandfather's, Seth Bradshaw Elmore and David M.C. Edwards were in the 6th Kentucky. Both survived; however, Dave was shipped back to Owensboro as too wounded to take up arms again. Seth Bradshaw died in 1910.

Here is a picture of a reunion of some of the 6th Kentucky taken at the old Bell's Tavern in Park City, KY (my home town). And following that picture is a picture of their battle flag.
Thomas Spillman is somewhere in that photo.
Good morning all,

Been at it for a while. Working from home today. Guess My Darling and I will shadow the Bigger Booger Butt and the Little Bigger Booger Butt this evening...

Don't mind Halloween but darn is everything celebrated multiple days now? just everything. Kids do birth weeks or birthdays with this set of friends and that set of friends, family birthday supper, birthday supper with friends.

Halloween has been three afternoons so far...Trunk or treats at several places, several days.

I fully understand why no one has time... May be cause they do everything several times... Heck, I went to the bathroom twice yesterday. (Not to mention the several short trips...)

Yeah, I took a break. Going to make a pot of coffee... Have a great day, twice...

😁 o_Oo_Oo_O
Good morning folks.

Bittersweet day. We saw our son off this morning for his job in Texas. Proud of all he’s done this year —graduating from college and securing a federal job that feels right for him. But will miss having him around. Watched the World Series game with him last night realizing that 15 years or so of watching Kentucky hoops, Bengals and Reds games and anything else sports wise was ending, at least for awhile. So life goes, and all us parents have been through it.

Hope it’s a good Halloween for everyone.
Ali was a man,

He did whatever he did BUT, he never ran when he did it....

Big Ali fan here. I have no problem with him not going to war. He would have entertained the troops. They would never have given the heavy weight champ a gun and told him to fight, so it was principle, not fear.

He took his persona from Gorgeous George the wrestler. He saw him wrestle when he was a kid. Ali noticed all the butts in the seats. Most were against George, but they had paid to see him wrestle and to Ali, that meant money.
Big Ali fan here. I have no problem with him not going to war. He would have entertained the troops. They would never have given the heavy weight champ a gun and told him to fight, so it was principle, not fear.

He took his persona from Gorgeous George the wrestler. He saw him wrestle when he was a kid. Ali noticed all the butts in the seats. Most were against George, but they had paid to see him wrestle and to Ali, that meant money.

Yes Sir, Ali did what he did. He never ran away. Never high-tailed it to Canada.
Good morning everyone


Well it finally happened.....we were tricked by these little delinquents. They tore into our screened in patio last night. My wife had made some old fashioned popcorn balls for halloween and we had some extra molasses out on the porch. I'll wait on my wife to get stirring to inspect the damage. Good news is I slept good and didn't hear anything over the heat running.

I'm looking forward to the game tomorrow night. I'm tiring of the drama once again about if/when our players will be participating.
Good morning folks. A light night of trick or treating in our neighborhood. When our kids were little it was swarmed. I guess those kids all grew up together, their parents stayed put, and now the kids are few and infrequent at our door.

My son made Little Rock last night or his drive from suburban DC to Austin. Wanted to do it in a straight shot but I talked him out of it. He's back on the road as of 4:30 am. He could be in Austin by noon, where he has to pick up his federal government ID. Then out to the fisheries site. I just hope when he gets thee he has a feeling of excitement.

Looks like Texas has put a death grip on the World Series. I called Texas in five a few pages back on this thread. I may end up hitting it on the nose. As a Reds fan, it looks like the Big Red Machine's remarkable record of being the only National League team to win back-to-back World Championships in over 100 years is safe until at least November, 2025...

Hope you all have a good day.
Good morning folks. A light night of trick or treating in our neighborhood. When our kids were little it was swarmed. I guess those kids all grew up together, their parents stayed put, and now the kids are few and infrequent at our door.

My son made Little Rock last night or his drive from suburban DC to Austin. Wanted to do it in a straight shot but I talked him out of it. He's back on the road as of 4:30 am. He could be in Austin by noon, where he has to pick up his federal government ID. Then out to the fisheries site. I just hope when he gets thee he has a feeling of excitement.

Looks like Texas has put a death grip on the World Series. I called Texas in five a few pages back on this thread. I may end up hitting it on the nose. As a Reds fan, it looks like the Big Red Machine's remarkable record of being the only National League team to win back-to-back World Championships in over 100 years is safe until at least November, 2025...

Hope you all have a good day.
Just a bit that baseball fans may have noted, the Texas pitching coach is Mike Maddox. Mike has been the Cardinal pitching coach for several years till he quit after last season. Partly because of defense, but Cardinal pitching sucked this year.