
HI everyone,

Yes, I'm still kicking. Night fishing and turkey hunting at the lake this week wore me out. No turkeys for us and not many stripers that I was after. But, we got plenty accomplished at the place while we were there.

Woke up this morning to a big tree that took out the bed of my truck (and the windshield, slightly caved in the roof, with dents in one of the rear doors and the hood. Also, got the roof windshield of my SxS and the roof of my wife's SxS. Dread the insurance....don't want them to total my truck. It's been a good one without too many miles. 2017 w/ 42,000.


Oh well, just material stuff. God has blessed me more than I deserve anyway.

I hope everyone has a great day.
That is a tough one Storm. I have an older model 2000 Ford ranger Off Road 4x4 that I bought new in the fall of 2019. It is in excellent condition and I would hate for it to be a total loss. No way I could replace it.

But as you say, just material stuff. God has blessed us and that is our focus in life. The best to you as your find a replacement. If that is the result of this storm.


Yesterday was Recognition Day at the USAF Academy and also my granddaughter's birthday. She has spent the last week going through hours of physical training, being awaken at 2:00 AM and having to dress in 5 minutes and screamed at as upperclassmen make you recite USAF Academy material while doing push ups. Oh well you know the drill.

But it was rewarding in the end because at the conclusion of days of pushing the Cadets to the limit they were welcomed and recognized as a complete part of the Academy and given a reception banquet with full dress uniforms and cheers from the 4,000 Cadets

So while most 19 year olds get cake and ice cream on their birthday, she got this. KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN CADET AND KEEP MOVING , CLASS OF 2026

Went to Earlington yesterday to my old High School. 1974 was last year for being High School then it went Junior High and is now an Elementary School. Was an open school walk through before it will be closed down at the end of the school term. When it does will be the first time since the early 1900’s that Earlington will have no schools. Frustrating and sad.
Lee Trover Todd former President of UK graduated from there.
Hello again,

Been something different about our church since the new pastor arrived. I am touched but I have again been touched by a godly presence I haven't felt in a long while. Too long...

Pray for me if you have a mind to, I am thankful.

Going to watch a YouTube video about my RO installation, then install it....already installed a couple but been years in between. Need a refresher course... Here I go, can't do too badly, the BB is helping. He's a good worker. (Seriously).
Went to Earlington yesterday to my old High School. 1974 was last year for being High School then it went Junior High and is now an Elementary School. Was an open school walk through before it will be closed down at the end of the school term. When it does will be the first time since the early 1900’s that Earlington will have no schools. Frustrating and sad.
Lee Trover Todd former President of UK graduated from there.
Home of the 1967 Kentucky State Basketball Champions !!! Upset CovCath.
Went to Earlington yesterday to my old High School. 1974 was last year for being High School then it went Junior High and is now an Elementary School. Was an open school walk through before it will be closed down at the end of the school term. When it does will be the first time since the early 1900’s that Earlington will have no schools. Frustrating and sad.
Lee Trover Todd former President of UK graduated from there.
Hey Cat, my son and daughter-in- law live in Earlington, grandkids went there. Also my daughter-in-laws father and uncle played on the 67 team.


43° this morning with light winds. Low 60's expected today with a slight chance of evening showers.

Normal Monday with a workout shortly this morning, walking the Monster after, train my student at 0930, and then, taking Kato (cat) to the vet at 13:15 with a foot injury (can't walk on it, kick his enemies, or climb his favorite tree).

Well, that is about it for me this morning. Those of you grinding it out still, be careful out there and @AustinTXCat enjoy your trip.

Oh yeah, one last thing, I breached the 200lb barrier this morning weighing in at 198lbs. (took a while but...).
Good morning all,

Heading inside....(to rest)...

Lots to do though. The tenants got moved in, that part is finished until tomorrow, ;).

The RO system is installed. I drained it this morning before I left. Filling up for first usage now. Takes a couple hours...

Thankful no hiccups.

Now the new joint... At least I don't have far to crawl each day... 🤔...

Have a day, then give out a good day to whoever you come in contact with....

God Bless you all...
Good morning folks.

Back from my trip to Istanbul. We really had a fantastic time. It's a beatiful city with 2,500 years of history for me to explore. Took a nice boat trip up the Bosphorus to the Black Sea, went inside all the spectacular mosques and the churches dating back to 350 ad in some cases. Took a short ferry ride between Asia and Europe - I think that's the only palce on earth you can do that. And the food was terrific.

Enough about that. Back to work today. I hope you folks all had a good week.
Good morning folks.

Back from my trip to Istanbul. We really had a fantastic time. It's a beatiful city with 2,500 years of history for me to explore. Took a nice boat trip up the Bosphorus to the Black Sea, went inside all the spectacular mosques and the churches dating back to 350 ad in some cases. Took a short ferry ride between Asia and Europe - I think that's the only palce on earth you can do that. And the food was terrific.

Enough about that. Back to work today. I hope you folks all had a good week.
Fantastic @MdWIldcat55. What a great trip.

Turkey remains one of my favorite spots to visit. So rich in history and beauty. I was blown away by Istanbul. Before I went, I should have done some research. I don't know what I was expecting but when I got there the size of that place was incredible. I had no idea it was so far spread out over two continents. I had imagined it was like a Memphis, TN with a large city but once you cross the Mississippi River bridge small town Arkansas. I sure was wrong about that.
Fantastic @MdWIldcat55. What a great trip.

Turkey remains one of my favorite spots to visit. So rich in history and beauty. I was blown away by Istanbul. Before I went, I should have done some research. I don't know what I was expecting but when I got there the size of that place was incredible. I had no idea it was so far spread out over two continents. I had imagined it was like a Memphis, TN with a large city but once you cross the Mississippi River bridge small town Arkansas. I sure was wrong about that.
Thanks Sawnee. I was really amazed by the history of the place, and the immense size of it. We had a guide who was a PhD in archeology and a self-described "secular Muslim" who was at home talking about a Greek city that dated back before Alexander the Great, the Roman city that became Constantine's legacy after his conversion to Christianity, the Hagia Sofia which was the largest Christian Church in the world for over a THOUSAND years, and then the Ottoman Empire which yielded some incredible architecture and it's own thick layer of history. We were there the day they re-opened the massive Blue Mosque, and well into the evening after all the Muslims had toured the place we slipped inside. It just boggles the mind that such a place could be built when it was.
Thanks Sawnee. I was really amazed by the history of the place, and the immense size of it. We had a guide who was a PhD in archeology and a self-described "secular Muslim" who was at home talking about a Greek city that dated back before Alexander the Great, the Roman city that became Constantine's legacy after his conversion to Christianity, the Hagia Sofia which was the largest Christian Church in the world for over a THOUSAND years, and then the Ottoman Empire which yielded some incredible architecture and it's own thick layer of history. We were there the day they re-opened the massive Blue Mosque, and well into the evening after all the Muslims had toured the place we slipped inside. It just boggles the mind that such a place could be built when it was.
When I was there the Blue Mosque was open but construction was going on. They were removing wall coverings that showed the early paintings and decorations that were covered by the Muslims. What was amazing is the Muslims did not destroy this fine art and priceless painting in the ceilings and walls but just covered it. Most places were destroyed, not covered.

Our guide was also a secular Muslin and said he had not been inside a Mosque for worship in his life. He identified as a Muslim but knew very little about the religion.
Actually never seen one of them before. Could come in handy though. I have a camouflaged minnow bucket with a spinning top I can sit on and rotate to each poll if I fish sitting down. Most of my fishing is on the bank walking to and frow or wading waist to chest deep. On occasion I sit in the kayak but mostly I move because I mainly bass fish.
Good Tuesday Morning D

Well yesterday afternoon we got a little rain, 1.7" in a little over an hour and also large hail. Some hail in the area measured 3". Currently it is 66° and we will see 83° with mostly sunny skies and a 10% chance of rain.

I trust all are well and we are thankful @AustinTXCat is enjoying some good times with friends and family. Family is so important and the older you get the more you realize how important it is to have their love. I received some nice photos from my granddaughter taken on Recognition Day and received word from a grandson who is preparing for his MCAT exam. They will be here when I am gone and I will leave this earth a satisfied man knowing God has bless us and kept us together and strong as a family.

Take care all,



53° this morning with a hint of rain. High to only be 56° with thunderstorms possible in the late afternoon. Looks like it could be a stay in day for me.

May try to get a walk in for the monster this morning depending on whether the weather cooperates. She is always in a better mood for the day when she gets her time outside of the fences. Back yard is big, but it just isn't the same.

Supposed to have 2 softball games tonight, however I doubt we get to them unless the rain is light, or it misses us. Actually, hope it rains, because the newer bats we have are expensive and rated for weather 70° or higher and could easily dent in cooler weather. Will have to use an old bat tonight if we play, don't want to waste the $400.00 I spent on the new one last year.

Well, that is about all from me this morning. You guys enjoy your day, be safe out there, and God bless.
Good morning folks. Beautiful, sunny and cool morning in the east.

Back on the subway heading downtown. That’s the moment you are REALLY finished with vacation.

Busy week then heading for Kentucky in the wee hours of Friday for a nephew’s wedding. This’ll be the fourth weekend out of five I’ve traveled, dating back to the Dallas trip to give the eulogy for a friend. I’m looking forward to the weekend when I can be home in bed, zoned out eating cheese and crackers and channel surfing for a so-bad-it’s-good streaming movie with my wife.

Hope it is a good day for all.
Hello all,

At home doing small stuff. Amazing... cleaned and put another leaf in our dining room table. (Oh, got my RO system installed late Sunday night. Great to have water on call again.) Sorting and tossing stuff too. Right across from our house is a large dumpster for building scraps. Got some of my scraps/ crap too.

I am thankful, hips feel rough but I am thankful...

Have a restful evening and go at it tomorrow...