
Good morning D-League. It's currently 42° and clear here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring sunny skies and a high of 69°.

Have a great day.



51° this morning with moderate winds. Low 80's for the high with gusting winds and sunny skies (more wind, who knew?).

Busy day today (sort of), normal workout this morning and then on to Honey do list cleaning the house. 12:30pm EKG at the cardiologist office (maybe this time they will tell me how it went) and then more honey do out and about picking up stuff for the wife. Later this evening (1930 and 2030) I have two softball games (first two of the season). We will see how that goes physically to see if I have the energy.

Well, here's to wishing you all a good day and some rest for the weary and ill and may God put his hands on you to help heal your afflictions.

@MdWIldcat55 I hope your trip is enjoyable. Stay safe.
Good morning D

A pleasant 52° outside with a breeze off of the Gulf. We will top out at 82°.

I have my new computer up and running and it is great. The only issue I have is the keyboard and mouse it came with. The mouse is OK but the keyboard is a little small for my taste. I have a few others that I am going to use. All are wireless. Now building everything back again from the old is job #1 and it is going to be a real task. Pictures and documents are what concern me. I might have to email them to myself. Oh well,

Take care all

Good morning D

A pleasant 52° outside with a breeze off of the Gulf. We will top out at 82°.

I have my new computer up and running and it is great. The only issue I have is the keyboard and mouse it came with. The mouse is OK but the keyboard is a little small for my taste. I have a few others that I am going to use. All are wireless. Now building everything back again from the old is job #1 and it is going to be a real task. Pictures and documents are what concern me. I might have to email them to myself. Oh well,

Take care all

Sawnee I am not a computer expert, but I suggest that you take thumb drives and copy the pictures and other files to the thumb drive and put them in your new computer. It may take a little time but it is straightforward.
Sawnee I am not a computer expert, but I suggest that you take thumb drives and copy the pictures and other files to the thumb drive and put them in your new computer. It may take a little time but it is straightforward.
I like that idea. I will certainly give it as try. You are another reason I like the D League. I have saved a lot of time and money over the years listening to good folks like you.
Good morning D

A pleasant 52° outside with a breeze off of the Gulf. We will top out at 82°.

I have my new computer up and running and it is great. The only issue I have is the keyboard and mouse it came with. The mouse is OK but the keyboard is a little small for my taste. I have a few others that I am going to use. All are wireless. Now building everything back again from the old is job #1 and it is going to be a real task. Pictures and documents are what concern me. I might have to email them to myself. Oh well,

Take care all


Get an external drive Sir. I have two, 2 TB drives using USB3 ports. One drive for everyday "stuff" and one as a backup. (Have another couple smaller 1 TB drives as well but that is for transferring things when needed. Then just eject the drive and plug it in elsewhere. (I actually work from that drive and once every two or three months do an differential backup. Simple once you do it. ;)
Whew, just sat down for a few minutes. My Darling and I have been out and about. (Loaded a load in the car too.) Then went to Famous Dave's barbecue. An okay joint in Woodbridge, VA. On Tuesdays they have the "family" feast for "two" for $39.95 instead of $49.95. Ribs, chicken, and spicy smoked sausage, muffins, baked beans, cole slaw, corn, and potato slices baked.

Three more days of finishing up our old house for the new tenants.

Into the office tomorrow...

Hitting the shower, then the hay. God's blessings and comfort to your rest this evening.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 69°F and cloudy with a light wind from the south. Today's high expected around 82°F.

Plan on hiking to the grocery store after while for some ranch salad dressing. Vinegar + oil no longer makes the grade.

Pup started eating paper envelopes lately. Gotta watch her.

Happy Hump Day, y'all.

Good Wednesday Morning D

Woke up to a very crisp cool 50° with low humidity and the high will reach 84°. We have our normal sunny skies and 0% chance of rain.

I am making progress on transferring data and thanks for the tips. You IT guys are a godsend for an ole' country plowboy. Should be a great day and I trust all are well and keeping the faith.



64° this morning and very windy. High 80's expected with a possible stray thunderstorm or 2 possible. Winds changing tonight to bring cooler weather for the next 10 days or so with some nights getting down into the 30's again.

Played softball last night as the EH (extra hitter). Told the guy running the team that I was not physically ready to pitch and defend, and needed to heal up a bit, but hitting would be fine. Went 3-5 with a couple of walks. The two outs were hard hit (felt good) at the short stop and left fielder. First swing of the bat since the end of fall league in October. Feel good this morning and no soreness. Had a pinch runner for a couple of those hits but ran the last one to see how it felt. Was on second and there was a line drive that moved me to third and the guy coaching third gave me the stop sign. Nope... I was in full stride and decided to go for broke. Throw was off line so...scored a run. We won the first game and lost the second. One notable thing was that there was not a Bud Light anywhere in site after the games. Heh, heh, heh.

Hey folks, it's hump day for those grinding it out so get over that hill and thank God for the day.
Get an external drive Sir. I have two, 2 TB drives using USB3 ports. One drive for everyday "stuff" and one as a backup. (Have another couple smaller 1 TB drives as well but that is for transferring things when needed. Then just eject the drive and plug it in elsewhere. (I actually work from that drive and once every two or three months do an differential backup. Simple once you do it. ;)

Thanks again, I have completed the job. Those thumb drives are a valuable tool. I appreciate the advice
It is a warm sunny 63°F here and we are supposed to get up to 83 this afternoon. I got some roundup sprayed yesterday. Grass and trees love to grow in my mulch. It is an eternal war against them.

83° is too hot for New England Clam Chowder; however, I may make some anyway. I am in the mood.

You all have a good hump day.
Good Thursday Morning

Drinking a black cup of coffee waiting for the sun to come up. We have a pleasant, cool, 60° with scattered clouds and a dry day with 82° as the high.

Not a lot on tap today. Frying up some sausage at the moment and a pot of grits are on the stove. Biscuits will be hot and gravy plentiful.

I have a couple of hours of financial "office work" that I will tackle as soon as a finish up with something to eat. I trust all are well and if you are in the area of storms, I pray for your well being and safety.



Weather just missed us as stated above, north and south east. There was an open line of almost clear skies in which we were sitting. Cole Ok. is the small town that got hit hard last night. It is northeast of Elgin by about 50 miles and is just Southwest of Norman Ok. Prayers go out to the residents of Cole.

Light day ahead for me as I go out to train my student and do a little shopping afterwards this morning.

Rest of the week is downhill for those grinding it out so, enjoy and God Bless.
The new MLB changes have really helped to make the game more enjoyable imo. The pitch clock has helped to shorten the game length and bigger bases have made base stealing relevant again. I've already watched more baseball this year than in previous 2-3 years combined.

At it again at our old home. Cleaning carpets now. All that is left.$700.00 to clean my carpets??? I think not. I have a nearly new Bissell carpet machine like you can rent at Lowe's.(the bigger one) I will work a long time for $700.00....

I will do better work too.

Here I go....