
Good morning from ATX. Currently 56°F and clear. Light wind from the south. Today's high expected around 75°F. We'll take it.

Bat Cats lost 7-6 to LSU yesterday. Bah! Watched most of game. They still played 'em tough.

Plan on heading out here in a few. Wishing all a wonderful Sunday.

Good Morning D

It is a nice morning and a nice day is in store for us in the Southland. We have 66° and by 3:00 PM it will be up to 87° with a nice constant breeze. A perfect day to be outside.

I had a nice workout in my pool yesterday and woke up refreshed and my bones felt good. I often wonder how I could cope in a cold climate where you have to stay inside most all day and not enjoy sunshine and fresh breezes in your face. I might not make it and admire those who do because they are tough and rugged. You have to be to enjoy freezing your butt off. Good for them.

The sky over the Gulf last night Take care all,

I am late to this conversation but reading your post I had to comment.....I have chronic artheritis.........I'll tell you how we survive this cold damp weather.........I suffer all the time......I am supposed to take meds but I need to be dying before I take an aspirin........and I have an herbal relief that I rely on.......the Director and myself have had something for a couple of weeks.....I have no smell or taste, spent three days lathargic a hell.......this is my first bout with "it" that I have lost sense of taste and smell........I need that sunny dry weather......
I have never been allergic to poison ivy but I am allergic to nearly ever thing else. Poison ivy is really hard on my wife. She usually has to go tothe doc and get a shot.
My allergy to poison ivy comes and goes........when I have it........all I have to do is to walk within a few feet of it.........other years..........I can roll like a dog on a skunk and never have a problem.....
Finally prepped a Gyros kit. Sat in freezer for couple months. All things considered, not bad.

Best Gyros on the planet comes from a little shop on Beck Row............just down from the main gate at Lakenheath RAF base in Lakenheath England.........making my mouth water just thinking of it now........the whole shop isn't 200 sq ft......a little glass front cold case and a 8 foot charcoal grill......fresh shave Donner........
@AustinTXCat how is the chemo treating you this time?
Bert, thanks for asking. Except for constant fatigue and a forever runny nose, not as bad as first through third sessions.

Nurses indicated runny nose stems from no nasal hair left up my nose. Hair might grow back. Fatigue may subside once I'm no longer on these drugs.

Looking forward to a short visit soon.
Best Gyros on the planet comes from a little shop on Beck Row............just down from the main gate at Lakenheath RAF base in Lakenheath England.........making my mouth water just thinking of it now........the whole shop isn't 200 sq ft......a little glass front cold case and a 8 foot charcoal grill......fresh shave Donner........
Yeah, I hear ya. I've also enjoyed some awesome Gyros over in Europe.
Bert, thanks for asking. Except for constant fatigue and a forever runny nose, not as bad as first through third sessions.

Nurses indicated runny nose stems from no nasal hair left up my nose. Hair might grow back. Fatigue may subside once I'm no longer on these drugs.

Looking forward to a short visit soon.
Same here.
Hello All,

Another day hard at it... My Darling and I are about maxed out, body-wise. We are sapped but, we are thankful. My Darling is in the kitchen cutting up some fresh Mackerel we bought today at a market we frequent. She won't stop...

The house is about ready but still not quite.

Have to go to work tomorrow to rest ye old body. Have a fine evening and use it as it is intended. To replenish yourselves... God Bless...
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 52°F, clear and calm. Winds increasing from the south. Today's high expected around 80°F.

Can't deal with Judge Judy at 4:28 am CT. No thanks.

Guess Austin Police Department found another body in the lake yesterday. Yikes!

Monday, Monday. Hope y'all enjoyed your weekend. Wishing y'all a good week ahead.



43° this morning with light winds. Today's high to be in the low 80's and very windy.

Standard morning this morning with walking the monster and a workout.

Cleaned up my old riding lawn mower yesterday to asses the overall condition of the working parts. Was rather gunky and dirty around the engine and wheelbase. Small oil leakage past couple of years with dust, dirt, and sludge on the outside of the engine, front control linkage and wheelbase. Hoping to get at least another year or so out of it so, getting a good look at the overall condition.

Not much else going on today so, you guys be safe out there and God Bless.
Good Monday Morning

As I pour myself another cup of black coffee it is 67° with not a sign of rain in sight as we reach our high of 80° around 4:00 PM. The wind is out of the NNW at 11 mph.

Well today I will be working to set up my new computer and try to figure out if I can transfer a lot of what I have on my old computer. I have never had much luck in doing that. That is the problem with being in a computer world. You often lose things or have to start again from scratch. I don't think Hank did it this way.

Speaking of gyros, there is a little town South of me called Tarpon Springs and it has a high concentration of Greeks who came from the Dodecanese Islands to engage in sponge diving. They built quite an industry. With the Greeks came their food and culture and Gyros are a big part of that. I enjoy some great ones and on occasion you can get goat in your gyro instead of the traditional lamb. It is not bad, in fact it is good. One of my favorite spots is in the picture below.

Take care all, Prayers for @AustinTXCat to gain strength and for a very nice visit to Kentucky. Bert promises to leave the light on for you.

I have a special prayer request. One of my granddaughters is visiting Washington DC this week with her school class. It is a long held tradition for students.

However as a grandparent one has to feel uneasy anytime some one you love and care for goes to the Washington DC area. I am told they have a lot of security but still..........

Thank you for your prayers for her a safe trip and return home.


51° this morning with moderate winds. Low 80's for the high with gusting winds and sunny skies (more wind, who knew?).

Busy day today (sort of), normal workout this morning and then on to Honey do list cleaning the house. 12:30pm EKG at the cardiologist office (maybe this time they will tell me how it went) and then more honey do out and about picking up stuff for the wife. Later this evening (1930 and 2030) I have two softball games (first two of the season). We will see how that goes physically to see if I have the energy.

Well, here's to wishing you all a good day and some rest for the weary and ill and may God put his hands on you to help heal your afflictions.

@MdWIldcat55 I hope your trip is enjoyable. Stay safe.
Good morning D

A pleasant 52° outside with a breeze off of the Gulf. We will top out at 82°.

I have my new computer up and running and it is great. The only issue I have is the keyboard and mouse it came with. The mouse is OK but the keyboard is a little small for my taste. I have a few others that I am going to use. All are wireless. Now building everything back again from the old is job #1 and it is going to be a real task. Pictures and documents are what concern me. I might have to email them to myself. Oh well,

Take care all

Good morning D

A pleasant 52° outside with a breeze off of the Gulf. We will top out at 82°.

I have my new computer up and running and it is great. The only issue I have is the keyboard and mouse it came with. The mouse is OK but the keyboard is a little small for my taste. I have a few others that I am going to use. All are wireless. Now building everything back again from the old is job #1 and it is going to be a real task. Pictures and documents are what concern me. I might have to email them to myself. Oh well,

Take care all

Sawnee I am not a computer expert, but I suggest that you take thumb drives and copy the pictures and other files to the thumb drive and put them in your new computer. It may take a little time but it is straightforward.
Sawnee I am not a computer expert, but I suggest that you take thumb drives and copy the pictures and other files to the thumb drive and put them in your new computer. It may take a little time but it is straightforward.
I like that idea. I will certainly give it as try. You are another reason I like the D League. I have saved a lot of time and money over the years listening to good folks like you.
Good morning D

A pleasant 52° outside with a breeze off of the Gulf. We will top out at 82°.

I have my new computer up and running and it is great. The only issue I have is the keyboard and mouse it came with. The mouse is OK but the keyboard is a little small for my taste. I have a few others that I am going to use. All are wireless. Now building everything back again from the old is job #1 and it is going to be a real task. Pictures and documents are what concern me. I might have to email them to myself. Oh well,

Take care all


Get an external drive Sir. I have two, 2 TB drives using USB3 ports. One drive for everyday "stuff" and one as a backup. (Have another couple smaller 1 TB drives as well but that is for transferring things when needed. Then just eject the drive and plug it in elsewhere. (I actually work from that drive and once every two or three months do an differential backup. Simple once you do it. ;)
Whew, just sat down for a few minutes. My Darling and I have been out and about. (Loaded a load in the car too.) Then went to Famous Dave's barbecue. An okay joint in Woodbridge, VA. On Tuesdays they have the "family" feast for "two" for $39.95 instead of $49.95. Ribs, chicken, and spicy smoked sausage, muffins, baked beans, cole slaw, corn, and potato slices baked.

Three more days of finishing up our old house for the new tenants.

Into the office tomorrow...

Hitting the shower, then the hay. God's blessings and comfort to your rest this evening.