Yeah, I wish that I had the opportunity to play organized sports past the age of 12. My stepfather used to come and pick me and one of my brothers up after school if he was working close enough to come and get us (Dry Waller). If not, he would work us on the weekends and through the summer learning the trade. Said we would thank him later. Paid us pennies on the dollar. He self-contracted and wanted us to join his business after school. I joined the Army 2 months after I graduated high school. Hated drywall.Sir, good stuff. Brings back fond memories. I trained my son up training him to play baseball. Loved the game. My son had the talent to excel but he just didn't love it enough to get to the next level. He never really applied himself until he came back from Iraq. (Oh the stories... ) Thanks
Who knows what possibly could have happened if I had the chance to play in school. Well, at least in baseball because I was pretty good and loved the game which is why am still playing softball to this day. Starting fall league in two weeks.