
Howdy. How is Don doing? Did he spend time in the hospital?

I'm almost recovered from my maladies. I mostly feel OK.

1 I had a surgical procedure for a skin cancer in my inner ear which developed infection. Pus drained from it non-stop for two months before they finally got it under control.

2 I came down with sciatica about a week after that ear surgery fiasco. I have never had back problems. I did nothing that would hurt my back. It really laid me low. I couldn't lie down, sit or walk for over a month without great pain. Took me a couple of months to mostly get over that. My fear was that it was going to be permanent.

3 While going through the above I got covid. Not much worse than a bad cold which lasted over a week.

I do read all the posts even though I haven't posted much.
Sorry to hear about all your issues. Get well soon.

I last spoke with Don on July 7, but forgot to ask him how long he was hospitalized. He sounded good. I'll try calling him later this week.


BBUK and the snake yesterday...

That's one big Jackrabbit.

Don't you dare... (A commercial I found that was worth the time to watch...) (I do not vouch for what comes after the commercial (Never watched anything after this clip.) but the commercial was sound...)

Good morning from ATX. Currently 80°F, cloudy and muggy. Chance for thunderstorms this afternoon. We need the rain. Today's high may reach 94°F.

Just saw a commercial for the World Cup. Guess event will be held come November due to heat over in Qatar.

Another weekend in the books. Monday, Monday.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Morning Legionnaires!

Raining this morning and it has rained (light to moderate) off and on since yesterday. Did not get the amount predicted but, we'll take it. Today's high in the mid 80's with rain tapering off this morning.

Nothing out of the normal for today guys be safe out there.
Howdy. How is Don doing? Did he spend time in the hospital?

I'm almost recovered from my maladies. I mostly feel OK.

1 I had a surgical procedure for a skin cancer in my inner ear which developed infection. Pus drained from it non-stop for two months before they finally got it under control.

2 I came down with sciatica about a week after that ear surgery fiasco. I have never had back problems. I did nothing that would hurt my back. It really laid me low. I couldn't lie down, sit or walk for over a month without great pain. Took me a couple of months to mostly get over that. My fear was that it was going to be permanent.

3 While going through the above I got covid. Not much worse than a bad cold which lasted over a week.

I do read all the posts even though I haven't posted much.
I am thankful to see your name and comments starchief5. I am praying you have a full recovery and get back in the saddle and ready to ride. Take care out there Ole' Buddy. You got this.
Good Monday morning D-League

Down here we start the week out with a 69% chance of scattered showers with sunny skies. It is now 74°, the expected high is 89° by mid afternoon. The humidity is 91% with a wind speed of 6mph. A steady breeze will come from the Gulf.

I am going to piddle around the house most of the days to rest up my bones. I worked pretty hard in the yard last week and the bones hurt. My left shoulder is the worst and I have now reached a point the range of motion is extremely limited. But I can still put on my polo shirt but with great pains. I am looking forward to seeing the doc.

I trust all are well or improving. Would love to see a comment from Don and Rooster. It was nice for @starchief5 to check in. They are all in my prayers.

Counting down to football.

Just saw this, cool seeing this..

Thank you for posting this, but damn if it didn't make me lose it. I wanna send this to my family member with leukemia. It's always been one of her favorite movies, songs and artists (ONJ). To think that ONJ is gone though, I know I can't send it. I just want her to live

Have a good morning, everyone. Got to get my mind right for work
Would love to see some of Rooster's trains again. I would tell Don that we have IFR conditions here in Smiths Grove.

It is 69.1°F and cloudy/foggy here on our way to 84°F and only a 10% chance of rain. Cordmaker let our rain get through to me but my rain gauge quit working at .04". I suspect we got over an inch. Now it is on to replacing the gauge. It was only 26 months old.

Have a good Tuesday folks.
That's the optimist in you Bert. Just skipping Monday altogether. What a great idea. Who says a week has to have seven days, and Monday is the clear loser if we vote one to be eliminated.
That was honest.

I have been thinking all day it was Tuesday. I even sat down at 10:20 AM to watch Greg Gutfeld from Monday night. No recording because it was Monday!

At 76 years old all the brain cells are not on the same page!

But I did order a new rain gauge and it will be here Wednesday. It is exactly like the old one. I think I talked @Sawnee Cat into buying one like it and now I have to tell him it is only good for a couple years!
Hello all,

I am in a nearly different world now and it "ain't" bad. (So far) We shall see. I don't have the access I used to have but I will again have some days where I can bother more than others. (I won't tell which days those are... I won't give you the chance.)

Have a great rest of your day!
That was honest.

I have been thinking all day it was Tuesday. I even sat down at 10:20 AM to watch Greg Gutfeld from Monday night. No recording because it was Monday!

At 76 years old all the brain cells are not on the same page!

But I did order a new rain gauge and it will be here Wednesday. It is exactly like the old one. I think I talked @Sawnee Cat into buying one like it and now I have to tell him it is only good for a couple years!
Gutfeld is a hoot. I watch some of his shows on video on YouTube.
Good evening, D, started the Book of John today, read chapter 1.

Bert, I did let some rain through, but we still got 1.4"

Really eager for UK football to start!!!!!

Our granddaughter went to the Smokies this weekend for a soccer tournament, they took the championship, she plays for Hopkins Central in Hopkins Co. KY, she's a good hard nose soccer girl!!!! If someone gets a cheap shot on her, she better watch out because sometime during the game they will get paid back, I have seen it!!!!! She is not a dirty player; she just doesn't take no crap off anybody. One thing is, she has a lot of hurt built up in her right now, I hope she doesn't let it out in one of her games, she will get a red card!!!!!

Arkansas, here I come in less than a month, watch out Trout!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day.

Has any of the D ever heard of the book Varity, asking for a friend!!!!
Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and cloudy. Chance for rain around 11 am. Today's high may touch 88°F if we're lucky. Yesterday, we received 3-4 inches rain. We're under flash-flood watch until tomorrow, believe it or not.

Taking wife in for a procedure this morning at 10 am. Returning around 2 pm.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning D-League. Thanks for the clips on George Jones and Merle Haggard BBUK. My two favorite singers from my early days. Still the two country singers I listen to frequently.

Today’s my anniversary folks. 26 years. We got married at a very understated ceremony in a small church in Winchester, Virginia. It’s what she wanted - it was her first time at the marriage rodeo, my second. I was fine with that having been through a giant, lavish ceremony when I was in my early 20s in Palm Beach County, Fla.

And we’re as happy today after two children now in their early 20s as on that day in Winchester.

I hope it’s a great day for all.
Good morning D-League. Thanks for the clips on George Jones and Merle Haggard BBUK. My two favorite singers from my early days. Still the two country singers I listen to frequently.

Today’s my anniversary folks. 26 years. We got married at a very understated ceremony in a small church in Winchester, Virginia. It’s what she wanted - it was her first time at the marriage rodeo, my second. I was fine with that having been through a giant, lavish ceremony when I was in my early 20s in Palm Beach County, Fla.

And we’re as happy today after two children now in their early 20s as on that day in Winchester.

I hope it’s a great day for all.
Happy 26th
Good Tuesday morning D-League

We have the beginning of a nice day. It is 72° and will reach 88° by mid afternoon. A good chance of scattered showers and sunshine.

Today is primary voting day down here. Valid photo ID's and signatures are required so understand that before you get there. The most important votes for me today will be for the School Board and County Commissioners. About half of my local taxes go to the public schools so it is important to get the right people in . Since our School Board is "non-partisan" a person better do some research on the person running. No CRT or Groomers for sure. For some reason radicals and liberals in our county like to pose as flag waving conservatives. They lie so know who they are.

I trust all have a good day.

Last edited:
Good morning D-League. Thanks for the clips on George Jones and Merle Haggard BBUK. My two favorite singers from my early days. Still the two country singers I listen to frequently.

Today’s my anniversary folks. 26 years. We got married at a very understated ceremony in a small church in Winchester, Virginia. It’s what she wanted - it was her first time at the marriage rodeo, my second. I was fine with that having been through a giant, lavish ceremony when I was in my early 20s in Palm Beach County, Fla.

And we’re as happy today after two children now in their early 20s as on that day in Winchester.

I hope it’s a great day for all.
Congrats MdWildcat.
Good morning D-League. Thanks for the clips on George Jones and Merle Haggard BBUK. My two favorite singers from my early days. Still the two country singers I listen to frequently.

Today’s my anniversary folks. 26 years. We got married at a very understated ceremony in a small church in Winchester, Virginia. It’s what she wanted - it was her first time at the marriage rodeo, my second. I was fine with that having been through a giant, lavish ceremony when I was in my early 20s in Palm Beach County, Fla.

And we’re as happy today after two children now in their early 20s as on that day in Winchester.

I hope it’s a great day for all.
Good morning D-League. Thanks for the clips on George Jones and Merle Haggard BBUK. My two favorite singers from my early days. Still the two country singers I listen to frequently.

Today’s my anniversary folks. 26 years. We got married at a very understated ceremony in a small church in Winchester, Virginia. It’s what she wanted - it was her first time at the marriage rodeo, my second. I was fine with that having been through a giant, lavish ceremony when I was in my early 20s in Palm Beach County, Fla.

And we’re as happy today after two children now in their early 20s as on that day in Winchester.

I hope it’s a great day for all.