
CatinIL -- I nominate you for NASA administrator! Nelson's response just took what should be an inspiring moment with the potential to engage younger people with a sense of wonder like we had in the late 1960s, and bring a divided America together in a moment of national pride -- and turned it into just another dreary commercial for diversity -- which, of course, will take away from the real accomplishments of the astronauts by making their posting to the mission feel like a hand out based on race or sex.

I have lots of Black and Hispanic friends here in DC. They find this constant, "First transgender male African-American" nonsense as tedious as everyone else. Only politicians and activists earning off pushing this stuff care anymore.
I'd take the job.
Humanity needs to move beyond our planet. There's plenty of people living today (of all types) that can make it happen. Whether you like Elon Musk or not, it will take people like that to make it happen. I love NASA but private enterprise can make it happen faster and more cost effective in my opinion.
I'd take the job.
Humanity needs to move beyond our planet. There's plenty of people living today (of all types) that can make it happen. Whether you like Elon Musk or not, it will take people like that to make it happen. I love NASA but private enterprise can make it happen faster and more cost effective in my opinion.
Yeah - I think one of the accurate answers Boob Nelson could have given is - "with these missions NASA will set the stage of a new generation of private investment in space that is a key to our extra-terrestrial future."

But that would have required a faster brain than he apparently owns.
Yeah - I think one of the accurate answers Boob Nelson could have given is - "with these missions NASA will set the stage of a new generation of private investment in space that is a key to our extra-terrestrial future."

But that would have required a faster brain than he apparently owns.
Absolutely. We need NASA, but private investment is what will take us further into space. Space Mining. At some point, some private enterprise will be mining on the moon or another planet or one of its moons. It won't be in our lifetime but it's coming. That will be something that moves humanity further out.

And the bottom line is that humanity HAS TO MOVE beyond our own solar system because that big bright light that rises in the east every morning will eventually start expanding and cook Mother Earth. I know I'm rambling but humanity should be pretty exciting in 100 years or so.
Absolutely. We need NASA, but private investment is what will take us further into space. Space Mining. At some point, some private enterprise will be mining on the moon or another planet or one of its moons. It won't be in our lifetime but it's coming. That will be something that moves humanity further out.

And the bottom line is that humanity HAS TO MOVE beyond our own solar system because that big bright light that rises in the east every morning will eventually start expanding and cook Mother Earth. I know I'm rambling but humanity should be pretty exciting in 100 years or so.

Till the Lord takes us home...
I'd take the job.
Humanity needs to move beyond our planet. There's plenty of people living today (of all types) that can make it happen. Whether you like Elon Musk or not, it will take people like that to make it happen. I love NASA but private enterprise can make it happen faster and more cost effective in my opinion.
My wife made that point about Elon when I said NASA had scrubbed their launch. Lowest bidder anyone?
I was reading about the Popeye movie with Robin Williams. The original fake arms Williams used were to flimsy, so they had more made. They were heavy and difficult to wear. They cut off circulation and his arms would go numb. He could only film for a while, then wait till his arms regained circulation.
Yeah - I think one of the accurate answers Boob Nelson could have given is - "with these missions NASA will set the stage of a new generation of private investment in space that is a key to our extra-terrestrial future."

But that would have required a faster brain than he apparently owns.
Speaking of faster brain processing, all of this talk of Popeye had me thinking of my favorite comedian and his propensity for shifting gears in mid thought. Robin Williams was just a genius and could think faster than most. You had to think pretty fast just to keep up with his humor. I miss that guy.

RIP Robin, demons haunt me too from time to time.
I was reading about the Popeye movie with Robin Williams. The original fake arms Williams used were to flimsy, so they had more made. They were heavy and difficult to wear. They cut off circulation and his arms would go numb. He could only film for a while, then wait till his arms regained circulation.
Beat me to it, great minds and all.
I liked that Popeye movie by Robin Williams (And a lot of Robin Williams work.). Robin had the world by the tail. Just unconscionable what happened. Demons for sure... Robin had some serious raunch going most of the time and seemed to get worse over time though admittedly I didn't follow him, just seemed to show more and more filth when I saw him perform or get interviewed. I jump on my son all the time for his language. No need for that filth or to live in that filth or to subject your family to that filth. (I use bad language from time to time but darn,....)
Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F and cloudy. Humid. 50% chance for rain between 11 am to 4 pm. Today's high may reach 88°F.

Heard about Coach Stoops' press conference. Guess we'll have 5 freshman starters for the upcoming game. Go Cats!

Many low-water crossing warnings lately for our area. Usually happens when rains come.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


Morning Legionnaires!

Finally got a good rain yesterday. It came down in buckets at first so, water was flowing fast. Then, it was steady but afterwards it soaked into the ground so fast I could sit in the grass (which I had cut earlier) hardly getting wet about two hours later. The ground was still solid. Had not had much this summer so the ground is soaking it up. Chance for some more later today and I hope we get it. Still will have temps in the 90's which will dry things up quickly.

Well, if we do get more rain my fishing holes will fill up for the fall season (yes!). Generally, makes for better fishing. Need it to cool off though so I can spend more hours out when I go.




I'd take the job.
Humanity needs to move beyond our planet. There's plenty of people living today (of all types) that can make it happen. Whether you like Elon Musk or not, it will take people like that to make it happen. I love NASA but private enterprise can make it happen faster and more cost effective in my opinion.
I certainly agree with you about the need for more private enterprise involvement in our space ventures. I have a season pass at the Kennedy Space Center and have enjoyed visiting often and watching launches over the years.

We can thank President Trump for the revitalization of the space program. It was pretty much done for under Obama and was being turned into just another social justice forum and Arabic studies. Space exploration was pretty much dead. Then Trump revised it. He had the foresight to create the Space Force but even got criticized for that. But I give him thanks for having the ability to look to the future.

The comments by Bill Nelson show you what liberals are thinking and how they will act when they have total control. Too many people want to dwell on what happen in the Americas in the 1500's but I say develop the youngsters brains in science and technology and we will have more Elon Musk types who can make it happen.
Good morning. It is 72.3°F. We got a thunderstorm at 4:30 am and gave us .38". We are supposed to get to 86°F.

I hate the game Saturday is on ESPN+. I prefer it on the cable box. I am old and hard to please.
I certainly agree with you about ESPN+. I hate games that are streamed but someone told me that will be the future of sports television. I miss the days of just turning on the TV and the game came on. For all of our advancements it often seems like things end up a lot worse than they were. Like you, Bert, I am hard to please.

We have 73° and our high today will be 84°. We can expect heavy thunderstorms and that has been the pattern for the past few weeks. We had thunder so loud last night I swear the bed shook but that may have been my imagination. This house is built like a bomb bunker. It would take a Cat 5+ to structural damage it. Speaking of which it has been a very mild tropical storm season. As in none to date. But we still have a few months to go and some of our worst in history have been in September.

Austin commented we will have 5 freshmen starters on our football team. I take that as there is some talent on this squad and a positive sign. Kick her off boys.

Good morning folks.

Very humid this morning. Back from a walk and my clothes are saturated with sweat.

Starting to get psyched for college football -all of it. A couple good games Saturday. I hope Kentucky has an undramatic weekend - easy W and no injuries and at least some of this murkiness about suspensions clearing up.

Need to start getting ready for work - we’re doing two weeks from home for some reason, so that’s good.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Football is in the air for real now. I have my ticket for the Kentucky - Gators game in the Swamp. I have seen the Cats win there and lose there and it is a lot more fun when we win there. September 10th can be a very good day.

I have some cousins who live out of state and I am trying to get them to fly down for the game. Just maybe. Four more Cat fans in the Swamp would be nice.

Football is in the air for real now. I have my ticket for the Kentucky - Gators game in the Swamp. I have seen the Cats win there and lose there and it is a lot more fun when we win there. September 10th can be a very good day.

I have some cousins who live out of state and I am trying to get them to fly down for the game. Just maybe. Four more Cat fans in the Swamp would be nice.

Sawnee -- The first "Big Time" college football game I ever saw was in the fall of 1976 in Gainesville, whatever stadium Florida had then.

I had met a UF co-ed on spring break earlier that year, and we'd stayed in touch. She invited me down to stay in Beatty Towers - then the high-rise female dorm - for a weekend. And we went to see a Florida-LSU game. What a spectacle. For the first time I understood SEC Madness.

Wish I could be there with you and your friends on 9/10, but I'll be hoping you have a great -- and rewarding -- day.
Sawnee -- The first "Big Time" college football game I ever saw was in the fall of 1976 in Gainesville, whatever stadium Florida had then.

I had met a UF co-ed on spring break earlier that year, and we'd stayed in touch. She invited me down to stay in Beatty Towers - then the high-rise female dorm - for a weekend. And we went to see a Florida-LSU game. What a spectacle. For the first time I understood SEC Madness.

Wish I could be there with you and your friends on 9/10, but I'll be hoping you have a great -- and rewarding -- day.
One of the most enjoyable regular season games I have attended in my life was 1977 in Gainesville. It was our 10-1 undefeated SEC season. I went with a car load of Gator fans from the office. They invited me to sit in the Florida section where they had season tickets. They were confident Florida would roll over the, as they called us "yankee cats", because it was 95 degrees and probably over 100 on the field. And it was humid as humid gets. They knew Kentucky would melt on the field and Florida would coast to victory. Not that year Sports Fans.

When it was obvious UK was the strongest team and was not going to melt away, they fans became very vocal and mad at their Gators. With two or three minutes left in the game several fans started yelling it was time to "lynch" Coach Doug Dickey. String him up the yelled. Several pulled off their belts and waved it at the Florida bench. Doug Dickey was finished as Florida's coach.

I was praying, "Dear Lord, please get me out of here in one piece". But oh was it fun. The Cats had made an this alum very proud.
. . . . . . .

We have 73° and our high today will be 84°. We can expect heavy thunderstorms and that has been the pattern for the past few weeks. We had thunder so loud last night I swear the bed shook but that may have been my imagination. This house is built like a bomb bunker. It would take a Cat 5+ to structural damage it. Speaking of which it has been a very mild tropical storm season. As in none to date. But we still have a few months to go and some of our worst in history have been in September.

. . . . . . .

My son's last house in Palm Coast, FL was built out of form block that had rebar through it and then filled with concrete. The roof was held in place by steel straps that came out of the concrete. I think a Cat 5 might mess with the roofing tiles, but I think the walls would remain. It was built like a bunker except for doors and windows.
One of the most enjoyable regular season games I have attended in my life was 1977 in Gainesville. It was our 10-1 undefeated SEC season. I went with a car load of Gator fans from the office. They invited me to sit in the Florida section where they had season tickets. They were confident Florida would roll over the, as they called us "yankee cats", because it was 95 degrees and probably over 100 on the field. And it was humid as humid gets. They knew Kentucky would melt on the field and Florida would coast to victory. Not that year Sports Fans.

When it was obvious UK was the strongest team and was not going to melt away, they fans became very vocal and mad at their Gators. With two or three minutes left in the game several fans started yelling it was time to "lynch" Coach Doug Dickey. String him up the yelled. Several pulled off their belts and waved it at the Florida bench. Doug Dickey was finished as Florida's coach.

I was praying, "Dear Lord, please get me out of here in one piece". But oh was it fun. The Cats had made an this alum very proud.
Haha. Great story. Their fans - especially for football - are pretty "animated" i guess you could say.

The "rest of that story" about me going to my first Florida game with a UF girl in 1976 was that we eventually married and had a daughter. And while, sadly, the marriage didn't survive our daughter is today a college professor at Kansas U. -- after going to Florida like her mother as an undergraduate.

And 25 years or so after going to that first game in Florida I returned to go to both basketball games and football games with my daughter during that run when Florida won national championships in both sports. Weirdly enough, for her first year my daughter lived in the same hi-rise dorm her mother had lived in when I visited as a 19-year-old. Very lively mix of feelings meeting her in the lobby to head for a football game a quarter century after my first visit. Life unfolds in lots of interesting ways.
Football is in the air for real now. I have my ticket for the Kentucky - Gators game in the Swamp. I have seen the Cats win there and lose there and it is a lot more fun when we win there. September 10th can be a very good day.

I have some cousins who live out of state and I am trying to get them to fly down for the game. Just maybe. Four more Cat fans in the Swamp would be nice.


Hello Sir,

My son and his entourage will very likely be there. He graduated from UF but is UK through and through and wears his gear as does whoever he takes.

If I can find out where he is sitting I will relay it just to do it.

Back to work... ;) (For me that is...)
If I’m not mistaken, that’s Hatteras lighthouse isn’t it?
I am probably wrong, but it does not look correctly in that picture.

Me and my wife, and two kids have been to the top of the Hatteras lighthouse, scary, but it does not look correct unless it has been photo shopped.

The Hatteras lighthouse in 1976 was really close to the water line. (In fact they moved it west to keep it from falling into the waves.) If I recall it is the "tallest" light house in the U.S.

Cape Hatteras is a wonderful place. My high school best friend, a guy by the last name of Greene was working there and for two years my wife and family went to see him and his wife at Cape Harreras on our vacation. Wonderful times.
I am probably wrong, but it does not look correctly in that picture.

Me and my wife, and two kids have been to the top of the Hatteras lighthouse, scary, but it does not look correct unless it has been photo shopped.

The Hatteras lighthouse in 1976 was really close to the water line. (In fact they moved it west to keep it from falling into the waves.) If I recall it is the "tallest" light house in the U.S.

Cape Hatteras is a wonderful place. My high school best friend, a guy by the last name of Greene was working there and for two years my wife and family went to see him and his wife at Cape Harreras on our vacation. Wonderful times.
I've seen that lighthouse, just can't place it.
Da brudder Gubbernor tells it like it is.......... 😍

Wanted to post this here in honor of Brother Sir SC....

Morning Legionnaires!

Steady temps with low 90's expected for a high and 70's still overnight. Moderate winds with a possibility of showers late this afternoon (could use more to bring my fishing spots back up to normal). There is a chance for showers the next few days with overnight temps changing by Saturday so, Sunday will be the first fishing day this week. Starting to experience withdrawals not going twice a week.

Nothing else follows...for now.
Da brudder Gubbernor tells it like it is.......... 😍

Wanted to post this here in honor of Brother Sir SC....
What he said was true. I was born in the same county that DeSantis grew up in (Pinellas) and I do not recall seeing a California license tag growing up or in my adult life. Now there are quite a few. Several of our new church members moved from California and are really nice people.

DeSantis handles a hostile press better than anyone I can recall. And he seldom has to raise his voice. He just shows them how stupid they are.
Good Wednesday Morning

We have had a lot of very hard rain for what seems like the past few weeks and today will not be any different. It only lasts an hour or so. We have 73° at the moment and our high will be 86° by this afternoon. There is a 40% chance of scattered thunder showers.

Our county does a good job of controlling mosquitos and I remember the days when the trucks would come down the street spraying DDT. We would ride our bikes behind the truck and get the cool spray soaking to our bones. We also had planes flying over and they concentrated more on the pastures and swamps. Sometimes they would spray at night and with no AC we always slept with the windows open. You would wake up with your sheets and pillow cases damp with DDT. Oh for the old days, how did I make it this far.
