I'd take the job.CatinIL -- I nominate you for NASA administrator! Nelson's response just took what should be an inspiring moment with the potential to engage younger people with a sense of wonder like we had in the late 1960s, and bring a divided America together in a moment of national pride -- and turned it into just another dreary commercial for diversity -- which, of course, will take away from the real accomplishments of the astronauts by making their posting to the mission feel like a hand out based on race or sex.
I have lots of Black and Hispanic friends here in DC. They find this constant, "First transgender male African-American" nonsense as tedious as everyone else. Only politicians and activists earning off pushing this stuff care anymore.
Humanity needs to move beyond our planet. There's plenty of people living today (of all types) that can make it happen. Whether you like Elon Musk or not, it will take people like that to make it happen. I love NASA but private enterprise can make it happen faster and more cost effective in my opinion.