
Sir, good stuff. Brings back fond memories. I trained my son up training him to play baseball. Loved the game. My son had the talent to excel but he just didn't love it enough to get to the next level. He never really applied himself until he came back from Iraq. (Oh the stories... ) Thanks
Yeah, I wish that I had the opportunity to play organized sports past the age of 12. My stepfather used to come and pick me and one of my brothers up after school if he was working close enough to come and get us (Dry Waller). If not, he would work us on the weekends and through the summer learning the trade. Said we would thank him later. Paid us pennies on the dollar. He self-contracted and wanted us to join his business after school. I joined the Army 2 months after I graduated high school. Hated drywall.

Who knows what possibly could have happened if I had the chance to play in school. Well, at least in baseball because I was pretty good and loved the game which is why am still playing softball to this day. Starting fall league in two weeks.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 67° and foggy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring a chance of showers and thunderstorms and a high of 89°.

Everyone stay safe on this Friday.

This reminds me of a joke (if I can remember it) Horse racing theme:

The starting bell rings:

They're off and running,
Joker is ahead by a neck,
With Girls tight behind.
Bubblegum is sticking to the rail,
While water is running steady.
Tomato is trying to Ketchup,
And Toilet paper wipes up the rear!

I must be butter because I am on a roll.
Or posting too much ish and should on a roll.

Thank you, I'll be here all day. Don't forget to tip the waitstaff.
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Top of the morning to you gents. It is sunny and 75.9°F in Smiths Grove and we are supposed to get up to a warm 89° with a 20% chance of rain. I got my new rain gauge out yesterday and I am ready.

On base ball or any other sport: if I grew up with Babe Ruth, Johnny Bench and all the great ones I would never have been worth a crap at baseball or any other sport. I simply do not have the timing. I tried my best to be good at basketball, football and baseball and while I could make the team I simply was not good. I did make State in running the 440 but refused to go to state because I did not like getting sick at the end of the races.

Even golf. I played a lot because that is part of being in Sales and Marketing and I never got good.

Have a good Friday.
My problem is that my folks paid for my college and I paid for my kids college; one, a private Eastern school, and one at UK from out of state. When do I get my $150,000+ along with the interest? (from 30 years ago. compound interest really goes out the ceiling.) (Answer. NEVER!)

Screw Joe Biden. He needs to retire.
How does a President of the United States have the power to "forgive a loan" and pass the debt to the taxpayers. That would be the action of a King or Dictator. Not an elected President in a democracy. I use the term elected loosely.

This morning my daughter called and she was livid over this. She despises Biden for his actions. She did not go to college directly out of high school. She took a job in the medical records department at a local hospital and started saving her money. After two years out of high school she enrolled in a private university and paid her way through it, graduating cum laude. She had taken a job with a major media corporation and more than doubled her salary. She insisted on paying 100% of her college and continued to work during her schooling. The cost to go to this private university was not cheap. But she has always been fiercely independent and would not take a penny from us to pay for her education.

She also commented that her co-workers share her feelings. Most of them also took out student loans and repaid them years ago. They feel it is a slap in the face and being done to buy votes. I have to agree.
For the snake lovers on the D League. @BBUK The picture below was sent to me from a friend of over 50 years. He took the picture while out in the woods and it is a snake with the wing of a hawk in its mouth. So what does he do? He grabbed the snake by the tail and the snake released the hawk. They all lived happily ever after. You don't mess with my buddy Tom, especially out in the swamps. He was born and raised in the swamp.

How does a President of the United States have the power to "forgive a loan" and pass the debt to the taxpayers. That would be the action of a King or Dictator. Not an elected President in a democracy. I use the term elected loosely.

This morning my daughter called and she was livid over this. She despises Biden for his actions. She did not go to college directly out of high school. She took a job in the medical records department at a local hospital and started saving her money. After two years out of high school she enrolled in a private university and paid her way through it, graduating cum laude. She had taken a job with a major media corporation and more than doubled her salary. She insisted on paying 100% of her college and continued to work during her schooling. The cost to go to this private university was not cheap. But she has always been fiercely independent and would not take a penny from us to pay for her education.

She also commented that her co-workers share her feelings. Most of them also took out student loans and repaid them years ago. They feel it is a slap in the face and being done to buy votes. I have to agree.
He can't and hopefully a law suit will be coming.

Let's go Brandon.
As an old third sacker you might like this story.

When I was a young cocky reporter I had an older partner who had a knack for deflating me and keeping me grounded.

One year we get invited to the White House Correspondents Dinner and my buddy gets Brooks Robinson to agree to come as our guest. I was a huge fan and dying to talk to Brooks about the 1970 Series when he single-handedly broke my Reds.

I don’t get a chance until late in the evening when we were all -Brooks included -about half sloshed

I walked up and my buddy says, “Brooks, this is my partner. He was media co-ed league all star shortstop this year.”

And Brooks Robinson - greatest 3rd baseman of his generation - looks me right in the eye as says, “Wow. That’s impressive!” I felt about six inches tall as all the guys in earshot cracked up.

I sure used to love watching the Orioles play the Tigers when Brooks Robinson and Aurelio Rodriguez played in their prime. Just awe struck...

I went to Tiger games several times. Got to sit on the 3rd base side in Old Tiger Stadium and watched a game during warm ups. Aurelio used a new glove to warm up with but always switched to his old glove during games. When he threw to first base I remember the ball never seemed to brake the plane from his release to where the 1B caught it. Just marveled at the arm strength.

Also saw Aurelia and Brooks talking together once before a game. Seems I was always able to watch the Tigers and Orioles. (Saw the A's as I remember as well a few times.) Some decent memories at that stadium. I will keep one for another time.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 75°F and clear. Today's high expected near 95°F. We'll take it.

News just announced our burn ban for Travis County has been lifted. Like we burn anything at all.

8 more days until Kentucky football. WKU starts season tomorrow.

Happy Friday, y'all. Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.


I took delivery of some toilet paper today. Also used some. (I guess I covered all the angles...)
How does a President of the United States have the power to "forgive a loan" and pass the debt to the taxpayers. That would be the action of a King or Dictator. Not an elected President in a democracy. I use the term elected loosely.

This morning my daughter called and she was livid over this. She despises Biden for his actions. She did not go to college directly out of high school. She took a job in the medical records department at a local hospital and started saving her money. After two years out of high school she enrolled in a private university and paid her way through it, graduating cum laude. She had taken a job with a major media corporation and more than doubled her salary. She insisted on paying 100% of her college and continued to work during her schooling. The cost to go to this private university was not cheap. But she has always been fiercely independent and would not take a penny from us to pay for her education.

She also commented that her co-workers share her feelings. Most of them also took out student loans and repaid them years ago. They feel it is a slap in the face and being done to buy votes. I have to agree.


My oldest (The CRNA) did the same thing. She paid her own way and finished debt free working three different jobs. My Darling and I bought her a car and some other things but she is the worst penny-pinching miser I have ever known or heard of. I tell my oldest to this day that she will never be in charge of anything where me or her Mom are concerned. I'd just dig a hole and sit next to it until it was time to go. (We have hopefully planned well.) Living under my oldest daughters control is not imaginable. She gets so angry when I say that but I really mean it and she knows it.

The other two will take and spend what they can get though both own their homes... I am thankful...
I sure used to love watching the Orioles play the Tigers when Brooks Robinson and Aurelio Rodriguez played in their prime. Just awe struck...

I went to Tiger games several times. Got to sit on the 3rd base side in Old Tiger Stadium and watched a game during warm ups. Aurelio used a new glove to warm up with but always switched to his old glove during games. When he threw to first base I remember the ball never seemed to brake the plane from his release to where the 1B caught it. Just marveled at the arm strength.

Also saw Aurelia and Brooks talking together once before a game. Seems I was always able to watch the Tigers and Orioles. (Saw the A's as I remember as well a few times.) Some decent memories at that stadium. I will keep one for another time.
Those were a couple greats, BBUK. When I first got to the DC area there was no DC baseball team yet, and I was still really into the game, so a few buddies and I used to drive up to the Orioles old park on 33rd Street - Memorial Stadium. Brooks was retired but I got to see the entire career of Cal Ripken unfold -- and it goes without saying, if you went to an Orioles game CAL WAS PLAYING.

Then, the Orioles moved to Camden Yards, and I saw tons of games there. Still maybe the most beautiful park I've been in, and I've been in Fenway, Yankee Stadium, Wrigley and Dodgers Stadium, among others. I saw some fabulous performances there, including a couple Ken Griffey catches that defied gravity and made you not believe your eyes.

I was also at a game, this was in the Old Memorial Stadium, when both Earl Weaver and Billy Martin got tossed. Very entertaining. Martin wasn't even mad at the ump, he was just mad at the world. Twice Ricky Henderson had drawn walks, stolen second and third, then got tagged out on unsuccesful suicide squeeze plays. I think the second time -- maybe both times -- the batter was Cliff Johnson, this huge hulking, 6'5'' guy. Bantam Billy got in his face to the point where I thought he would actually start crying on the field -- then turned on the umpire.
I recall Aur Rod. Always liked him. One year Ken Boyer started the World Series. for the Cards and brother Clete started for the Yankees. Ever hear of Don Hoak? My first Glove was a Hoak model. He was a pro boxer turned 3B because it was an easier life.
I remember Don Hoak, Bernie. What sticks in my mind about him was reading about his odd death when I was a kid and addicted to the sports section. He was pretty young, probably in his early 40s, when he died trying to stop someone from stealing a car, or some odd story like that. I don't think he was shot or run over, but had a heart attack. RIP you Knight of the Hot Corner.
I remember Don Hoak, Bernie. What sticks in my mind about him was reading about his odd death when I was a kid and addicted to the sports section. He was pretty young, probably in his early 40s, when he died trying to stop someone from stealing a car, or some odd story like that. I don't think he was shot or run over, but had a heart attack. RIP you Knight of the Hot Corner.
Yeah, I'd forgot about it. Hoak saw someone steal his BIL car and jumped in his car to give chase. Had a heart attack during the chase. He caused a rule change in baseball. While running the bases, he caught a possible double play ball and threw it to the SS. With no rule to cover it, the ump called Hoak out and gave the batter a single. Anew rule was made to cover intentional interference.
Good Saturday Morning to all,

Well today they kick off college football. I am ready. One more week before the Cats take the field. We have a pleasant day with a current temperature of 73° and it will move up to 86° by the afternoon. We have a 47% chance of rain this morning, then the skies will clear around noon. We do have a slight breeze and that helps with the humidity.

I trust all are well or improving. Things are booming around here and one of our local citizens has a message for all of the yankees flocking down in droves. Take care and watch out for the turtles.

I remember Don Hoak, Bernie. What sticks in my mind about him was reading about his odd death when I was a kid and addicted to the sports section. He was pretty young, probably in his early 40s, when he died trying to stop someone from stealing a car, or some odd story like that. I don't think he was shot or run over, but had a heart attack. RIP you Knight of the Hot Corner.
I really enjoy the baseball discussions. It brings back great memories.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 76°F and clear with occasional clouds. Today's high predicted around 99°F.

SEC Kickoff Picnic today here in ATX at American Legion down on the river. I'm undecided about attending. According to Facebook invite, no food or beer like years past. Event starts at 10 am. We'll see.

Happy Saturday, y'all. Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

. . . . . .

Then, the Orioles moved to Camden Yards, and I saw tons of games there. Still maybe the most beautiful park I've been in, and I've been in Fenway, Yankee Stadium, Wrigley and Dodgers Stadium, among others. I saw some fabulous performances there, including a couple Ken Griffey catches that defied gravity and made you not believe your eyes.

. . . . . .
Camden Yards is the best that I have ever been in. I was at the opening as CSX owned Camden Yards where it was built and we got a bunch of tickets. It is what I would call classic 1890's baseball field.

Plus the seating was well though out. I love it.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 67° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring mostly sunny skies and a high of 87°.

Yesterday evening we received some much needed rain. Seems like it's all or nothing with the rain.

Everyone stay safe on this Saturday.

I have a painting of the Alamo in our bedroom. Wonderful place and wonderful folks who died there.
Good morning folks. Back from a long hike.

Still lovely weather in the east. Nice photo of the Alamo 41112. I've enjoyed a couple visits there.
Of course, the "progressives" teaching American history in high school and colleges are hard at work changing the narrative about the place. They won't be happy until its portrayed as a nest of racist White Supremacists exterminated by noble Hispanics who were early defenders of diversity.

Lots of Kentuckians died there fighting for the right to live life free from the tyranny of an oppressive, brutal and corrupt Mexican government. Couldn't find the exact number. But this classic Marty Robbins song captures their spirit.

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^ There's a church nearby where a casket containing the burned remains of the defenders is displayed.

Another cool thing about SA are the string of missions the Catholic Church established under Spain/Mexico rule that are preserved to varying degrees. The Alamo was one. Several are in quite good shape imo with 1-2 still having operating churches. Spent better part of a day visiting 5/6.
One week until kickoff, and I'm excited to see what this team can do this year. The group I'm most excited about is the wide receivers group. It could be the deepest and most talented ever at UK. Look for the tight end position to be frequently used under the new OC. Levis will be even better in year 2, and will benefit from the influx of talent at the skill positions. Our linebacker group is rated as a top 10 unit, and deservedly so. Other groups(OL,DL, and secondary)may lack experience, but they won't lack in talent. If those groups can jell quickly, a truly historic season could be in the offering. Now bring on Miami of Ohio.

Once heralded recruits, UK’s young defensive line has arrived at its time to shine

Kentucky native and QB target Cutter Boley now a top-50 recruit

Who replaces Wan'Dale Robinson? Five storylines to watch at Kentucky football fall camp

Lean and mean: Why some of Kentucky football's defensive line cut weight for 2022 season

Who starts at running back, left tackle? Projecting Kentucky football’s depth chart

Game-by-game predictions: Can Kentucky football meet great expectations in 2022?

2022 Kentucky Wide Receivers Preview

What we learned from Kentucky's defense in fall camp

Kentucky football preview: How Mark Stoops, Wildcats can live up to preseason hype

Ten bold predictions for this Kentucky football season

A candidate to start at a key position on the offensive line emerges for Kentucky football
David Wohlabaugh Jr. is emerging as Kentucky's top left tackle option

Will Kiyaunta Goodwin’s immense potential translate into a big role in Year 1?

What we learned from Kentucky's offense in fall camp

Tashawn Manning looks to be an anchor on Kentucky’s offensive line

SEC Network+ broadcast crew announced for Kentucky football season opener

ESPN predicts Kentucky football will finish 2nd in SEC East

Ramon Jefferson planning to bring physicality, toughness to table at Kentucky
I want to get back into football and basketball this season. (Will probably only be UK games.) I sure hope certain people don't screw it up for this season.

I finished my work today on my commuter car. (Mazda 3) Did what I call some serious work. Had the mass air sensor go bad and now I had several other issues. (Won't go into details.) In any event I will try a couple things I found on some Mazda sites as far as trying to fix the issue, if not, mechanic here I come.... sigh... (I bought a code gizmo to pinpoint the issues but what I did today I needed to do anyway but the codes are still there even after I clear them.) The car runs better with new transmission fluid but it is still shifting hard at each shift. (P061B and P0102)...
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 98°F.

Could not make Austin SEC Kickoff Tailgate yesterday. Worked out in the yard and ran errands instead. Maybe next year. Watched end of Nebraska vs Northwestern. Big Red not the same as 70s-90s.

Plan on going for a walk and then grocery shopping later. Fantasy Football draft at 5 CST today.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good Sunday Morning

Currently it is 71° and we expect to reach a high of 87° this afternoon. We are going to get some moisture, probably a lot of it. We will have scattered showers and thunderstorms throughout the day that will bring an inch or so and later tonight another 80% chance of more thunderstorms and showers. Perhaps another inch or so. My wife loves it. She will get a good book and listen to the rain.

I enjoyed watching a few games yesterday and I am totally shocked at how far the Nebraska program has fallen. It seems like just yesterday they were running over every program in America to the tune of 50 plus points. Tom Osborne must have been one heck of a coach. IMO he does not get the credit he deserves. Some of the Nebraska and Oklahoma games were the best in football history. I doubt Scott Frost last much longer. Losing to Northwestern?

Next Saturday our Cats get a turn up to bat. I am ready. I trust all are well and have a nice Sunday, the Lord's Day.

There is a little town called Safety Harbor that has a world class Spa and the rich and famous come from all over the world to enjoy it. My wife and I lived there when we first married.

It was discovered in 1539 by Hernando DeSoto as he traveled the Gulf coast for Spanish exploration. 10,000 years before DeSoto the Indians used the springs mineral waters for healing.

