
Good morning D-League.

Had one of the best steaks of my life last night at one of DC’s best steakhouses. A belated anniversary dinner. Can you fellows name the very best steak you ever had?

I can. Night I turned 30. I was working on an assignment in Humboldt County, California, flying around with federal cops in helicopters who were busting Giant marijuana farms on federal land. We ended up in a rustic old restaurant that looked like it was from the TV set for Bonanza. But they laid out a steak so flavorful and with such a perfect texture I never forgot it. Probably helped to be starving.

But last night in DC was top 5 or 10. Love a great steak.

Got a late start walking today. Getting warm here in the east. Hope you all have a great day.
Good morning D-League.

Had one of the best steaks of my life last night at one of DC’s best steakhouses. A belated anniversary dinner. Can you fellows name the very best steak you ever had?

I can. Night I turned 30. I was working on an assignment in Humboldt County, California, flying around with federal cops in helicopters who were busting Giant marijuana farms on federal land. We ended up in a rustic old restaurant that looked like it was from the TV set for Bonanza. But they laid out a steak so flavorful and with such a perfect texture I never forgot it. Probably helped to be starving.

But last night in DC was top 5 or 10. Love a great steak.

Got a late start walking today. Getting warm here in the east. Hope you all have a great day.
I am also a steak lover and have been blessed to eat at some of the most famous Steak Houses in America. From New York to San Francisco to Dallas to Miami and all points in between. Most were on business but a few were special between my wife and I.

I had an excellent Prime Rib - Eye 16 oz steak at The Palm in Washington DC. But picking the best is a hard order to fill. But if I had to pick one and pick the best dining experience of my life I would pick one right down the road. Bern's Steak House in Tampa, FL.

It is an experience and you are guaranteed to run into a famous celebrity or professional ball player while you are dining. Even though they have private booths. After your meal they have a special room for desserts and you also get a tour of their wine cellar. It is one of the most famous wine cellars on earth. Bern's Steak House Tampa, Fl.

Bern’s stores its wine collection, containing over half a million bottles and 6500 labels from all over the world, in its on site 50° working cellar and warehouse.

I shared the 32 oz Brasstown Grass Fed Cowboy Ribeye.

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Good morning D-League.

Had one of the best steaks of my life last night at one of DC’s best steakhouses. A belated anniversary dinner. Can you fellows name the very best steak you ever had?

I can. Night I turned 30. I was working on an assignment in Humboldt County, California, flying around with federal cops in helicopters who were busting Giant marijuana farms on federal land. We ended up in a rustic old restaurant that looked like it was from the TV set for Bonanza. But they laid out a steak so flavorful and with such a perfect texture I never forgot it. Probably helped to be starving.

But last night in DC was top 5 or 10. Love a great steak.

Got a late start walking today. Getting warm here in the east. Hope you all have a great day.

I enjoy a great steak as well. Have to prepare as well for the type of steak. My Darling prepared several types of steak in different ways.

I've been to decent restaurants but not to the high-end restaurants except a couple times.

The key to steak is the steak itself. If you need more than black pepper, salt, and garlic then you need a better cut of steak. Just irks me to no end when a restaurant tries to "flavor" a steak.

In any event, glad you enjoyed. If you enjoyed it, it was a good steak. ;)
It is going to be a hot 93°F and is already at 76.8°.

On steak: working in Sales and Marketing I have had a bunch of good steaks around the country. I can't identify the best, but one of the best was at Willie G's in Houston, TX. They cook the steak to perfection and offer what they called Pontchartrain sauce (which was mushrooms, crab meat Another was in Owings Mill, MD on the top of a hill on highway 30 maybe (I can't remember the name and I can't find it through google - probably closed by now). Great steak and they also have a similar side of mushrooms, crab meat etc. Bowling Green, KY has a place called Montana Grill and they have some good steaks also, along with really fine prime rib roast.

As a rule, I put salt on my steak and nothing else as I love the taste of beef steak and my favored cut is a plain strip steak. Most of my family prefer ribeye but the strip is my choice. At home I buy them one inch thick (I would prefer and inch and a half but usually you have to go to a butcher for that), bring them home, wash them with water, salt and pepper them, place them in a food saver bag, suck out the air and seal them. I then put them in the fridge for about three weeks until they start to change color from bright red to reddish brown. Then I either cook them or freeze them. At my age I can’t plan a steak dinner three weeks in advance, so they usually get frozen and then I have them when I get company.

I am fussy with the sides that I prefer. I like a salad (preferably no iceberg lettuce and the wilder the better) with blue cheese dressing and I prefer a baked sweet potato instead of the regular Idaho. Old people tend to get picky!
Back and soon to be at it. Picked up the BB after church and had Burger King today with My Darling and the BB. Home now and getting ready to head back to my Mazda to see if I can employee some tricks of the Mazda Forum. (I hope they work. I have had bad experiences with mechanics' trying to juice me. I have no issue paying and I do not try to reduce their charges BUT, I do not take kindly to trying to charge me for un-needed services. Theft by Deception is what it is... (The last mechanics business I had any good luck with was in E'Town Kentucky.)

I took 20 quarts of used oil and 5 quarts of used transmission fluid to the recycling center today. (Who knew the Lorton recycling center was a 7 day a week operation...)

If I need a mechanic, I have a shop I have done some small work with like a four wheel alignment (When I got the wife new tires.). I will try using them. IF I have to... (I will tell them up front, I just changed my oil and transmission fluid to keep that from becoming an issue. Along with my air filter.) I will know more later today.

The BB insisted on helping me today in the garage I plan to clean up a little while implementing some Mazda Forum insights. He asked that I turned on the hose while we are working. (He loves the mist option on the hose and the turkey has a super soaker I know he will want to refill a few times to my detriment...)

Check in later of the Lord doesn't take me home...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 98°F.

Could not make Austin SEC Kickoff Tailgate yesterday. Worked out in the yard and ran errands instead. Maybe next year. Watched end of Nebraska vs Northwestern. Big Red not the same as 70s-90s.

Plan on going for a walk and then grocery shopping later. Fantasy Football draft at 5 CST today.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Went out for lunch and then Sams where they had cherry turnovers or cherry pie. Went with the pie but, it was a tough decision.
I forgot to snap a picture when my darling made this cake. It is made of rice flour along with a red bean topping. (The rice cake was steamed when it was cooked together with the red bean topping.) This was after it was sliced and after the second day...


Just a hint of sugar to ensure not being overly sweet... Just an enjoyable treat with coffee...

Good Afternoon Legionnaires!

Hot one today as we will near 100° and will stay in the high 90's for the next few days. Morning was 75° and got hot quick. No fishing for the next few days. Need some cooling down now.

On steaks: I have never been big steak man. Chicken and fish have been my favorites otherwise I would probably be going out a lot with cattle prods instead of rod-n-reels. 😁
I forgot to snap a picture when my darling made this cake. It is made of rice flour along with a red bean topping. (The rice cake was steamed when it was cooked together with the red bean topping.) This was after it was sliced and after the second day...


Just a hint of sugar to ensure not being overly sweet... Just an enjoyable treat with coffee...
Oh man, that looks good. Looks like something I could have with my coffee. Before I read your post I thought it would be good with coffee.
Good morning, D-League!

I hope my dreams last night are not indicative of our future. Hope it's a great day for everyone.

Doctors that screwed up treatment of my relative with leukemia are now telling the family they can't cure her. Please pray that they will let her eat healthy food and get supplements that will help her digestive system. They've been feeding her empty calories, processed food, and starches since she got there over a month ago. No vitamin or nutritional supplements to help her

Thank you all. Very much appreciated
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 96°F. Near Georgetown TX, they received almost 6 inches rain yesterday. We got nothing, although our chances increase tomorrow and Wednesday.

Watched a little pre-season NFL football on CBS last night (Steelers vs Lions). Meh.

Monday, Monday... Another weekend in the books.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning, D-League!

I hope my dreams last night are not indicative of our future. Hope it's a great day for everyone.

Doctors that screwed up treatment of my relative with leukemia are now telling the family they can't cure her. Please pray that they will let her eat healthy food and get supplements that will help her digestive system. They've been feeding her empty calories, processed food, and starches since she got there over a month ago. No vitamin or nutritional supplements to help her

Thank you all. Very much appreciated
Prayer sent and God Bless.

Morning Legionnaires!

Today's highs will be more of the same for the next week or so, mid to upper 90's with the lows overnight in the mid 70's. Not good for the fishing unless I can get some morning cloud cover to keep the temp down for a bit.

Will be cutting grass after morning workout to avoid the heat.

Starting up fall softball in about a week. The only time I drink American beer.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and partly cloudy. Today's high expected around 96°F. Near Georgetown TX, they received almost 6 inches rain yesterday. We got nothing, although our chances increase tomorrow and Wednesday.

Watched a little pre-season NFL football on CBS last night (Steelers vs Lions). Meh.

Monday, Monday... Another weekend in the books.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

I think I may have been 11 or 12 years old before I knew what Chinese food was. Daddy brought home a big can of La Choy Chow Mien, a can of what looked like fried noodles and a bottle of soy sauce. Mama made a big pot of white rice and we poured that stuff over it.

It was the saltiest meal I had had in my life, even more so than grandma's home brewed sauerkraut. But I really liked it and asked daddy to buy some more. I was a grown adult and married before I ate in a Chinese Restaurant. We are lucky to have some really good ones around here.

Sawnee, we never had any “exotic” food growing up - even spaghetti. My dad had us on a strict rotation of “American” foods. When we’d eat out it was always a hamburger joint. For whatever reason he was just dead set against experimenting with any foods he hadn’t grown up with.

I remember when I was about 14 a friend’s older sister took us to a Pizza place. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. When I was 19 I was working out in western Colorado and met a girl who was into cooking Mexican food. Another rapturous experience. I was out of college working my first professional job in Florida when a bunch of us went to a Chinese restaurant. I had no idea what to order so someone put me on to Moo Shoo Pork. That’s still my order today.
I used to think white beans, mashed potatoes and a slice of white bread was standard fare for supper for everyone. Mayonnaise sandwich for school lunch. There are very few foods I actually like. For the most part, food is just for sustenance.
I guess my weakness in life is, I like about any food put in front of me. Cooking and large meals were a big part of my growing up. We would have Dinner On The Grounds at church about once a month or so and then Homecoming at church in the fall. That would consist of all night gospel singing and the sisters of the church would bring out the very best cooking imaginable.

The sisters loved to show off what they raised in their gardens that summer and put it on the table. Especially Sister Runyon. Her banana pudding, collards and chicken & dumplings stole the show. Of course every lady had to show off their fried chicken and some body always roasted a pig. The men would chopped that thing up and cover it with Sister Runyon's BBQ sauce. How I graduated from high school weighing only 160 lbs is a mystery to science.

Notice how skinny these folks are. You seldom saw a fat one.

Girthang, prayers for your family.

I used to think white beans, mashed potatoes and a slice of white bread was standard fare for supper for everyone. Mayonnaise sandwich for school lunch. There are very few foods I actually like. For the most part, food is just for sustenance.
You and my dad could share a meal any time Bernie. Beans, cornbread, biscuits, fried taters, homemade vegetable soup from garden fare put up in large mason jars, and the occasional fried chicken, pork chop or chopped steak. That would have constituted 95 percent of our suppers easily until I was old enough to drive and forage for myself with money I earned.
So, the NASA launch delayed. I'm actually supporter of taking these steps to go back to the moon. It's a better way to waste money than the 6-7 trillion dollars Biden has spent as giveaways in the past 18 months.

But NASA DEFINITELY needs a better, more capable spokesperson than Bill Nelson (no offense Sawnee. You may be a supporter) -- or he was quoted out of context.

Asked why to bother going back to the moon when we went a half century ago, he was quoted saying, “It’s a future where NASA will land the first woman and the first person of color on the moon,” Bill Nelson, the NASA administrator, said.

That's it? We're doing it as history's most expensive Affirmative Action project?

Hell, if that's why we are doing it, just load Kamala Harris in a giant cannon, point it skyward and declare success. Another two-fer.
So, the NASA launch delayed. I'm actually supporter of taking these steps to go back to the moon. It's a better way to waste money than the 6-7 trillion dollars Biden has spent as giveaways in the past 18 months.

But NASA DEFINITELY needs a better, more capable spokesperson than Bill Nelson (no offense Sawnee. You may be a supporter) -- or he was quoted out of context.

Asked why to bother going back to the moon when we went a half century ago, he was quoted saying, “It’s a future where NASA will land the first woman and the first person of color on the moon,” Bill Nelson, the NASA administrator, said.

That's it? We're doing it as history's most expensive Affirmative Action project?

Hell, if that's why we are doing it, just load Kamala Harris in a giant cannon, point it skyward and declare success. Another two-fer.
🤣 100% agree. Me support Bill Nelson? I did everything under the sun to make sure he was defeated for re-election. One thing I want is him out of the position at NASA and out of the public eye forever. He is milk toast bad. Just a dufus who will pander for every vote and deliver nothing but division.

I do not support or vote for any Democrat. That ended with Jimmy Carter
🤣 100% agree. Me support Bill Nelson? I did everything under the sun to make sure he was defeated for re-election. One thing I want is him out of the position at NASA and out of the public eye forever. He is milk toast bad. Just a dufus who will pander for every vote and deliver nothing but division.

I do not support or vote for any Democrat. That ended with Jimmy Carter
My mistake Sawnee. Somehow in my haste this morning I mis-remembered Nelson as a Republican. He is indeed a wimp and a panderer. And a dummy, based on that answer. "Let's go to the moon so a Black guy and a Hispanic woman can have their turn." idiotic.
Man we had a hot day yesterday. At 6:30 this morning it was already 75°F, now it is 80.1° and we are supposed to get up to 88°F but yesterday we went higher than predicted and I bet we get to 90 today. The one good thing is we have a 50% chance of rain, but I hope it is tonight as my mower is supposed to be here at 6:30 pm.

I always loved NASA and followed all the programs closely. I was disappointed to see the flight today scratched. I went to see several Shuddle launches. That is impressive and the Saturn V was simply awesome.

You all enjoy your Monday.
This morning I decided to go down and trade in my wifi modem because I have had it more than 6 years and it was about time. I did and the replacement they gave me has kept me busy all afternoon trying to connect to the internet. I had forgotten passwords and attempts to retrieve them were playing on my nerves. One roadblock after another but I stuck with it.

I finally got on, as you can see by my posting, but it was several hours of wasted time and frustrating to say the least. Living in a world of passwords and connecting with this and that and the other is something people a few generations ago did not have to worry about. No wonder they had peace of mind.
Girthang, prayers for your family.

I used to think white beans, mashed potatoes and a slice of white bread was standard fare for supper for everyone. Mayonnaise sandwich for school lunch. There are very few foods I actually like. For the most part, food is just for sustenance.


I ate most any edible food I could get my hands on growing up. (I ate enough but there was never much at one sitting enough to satisfy but even then I was thankful.) No waste of food in my home to this day.
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Good morning, D-League!

I hope my dreams last night are not indicative of our future. Hope it's a great day for everyone.

Doctors that screwed up treatment of my relative with leukemia are now telling the family they can't cure her. Please pray that they will let her eat healthy food and get supplements that will help her digestive system. They've been feeding her empty calories, processed food, and starches since she got there over a month ago. No vitamin or nutritional supplements to help her

Thank you all. Very much appreciated

Sir Girth,

God's peace to you and your family along with The Masters healing touch....

God Bless you...
So, the NASA launch delayed. I'm actually supporter of taking these steps to go back to the moon. It's a better way to waste money than the 6-7 trillion dollars Biden has spent as giveaways in the past 18 months.

But NASA DEFINITELY needs a better, more capable spokesperson than Bill Nelson (no offense Sawnee. You may be a supporter) -- or he was quoted out of context.

Asked why to bother going back to the moon when we went a half century ago, he was quoted saying, “It’s a future where NASA will land the first woman and the first person of color on the moon,” Bill Nelson, the NASA administrator, said.

That's it? We're doing it as history's most expensive Affirmative Action project?

Hell, if that's why we are doing it, just load Kamala Harris in a giant cannon, point it skyward and declare success. Another two-fer.

All is done now in the name of fairness when in reality it pilfers from those that have the least to give and are too engrossed in their own lives to realize mostly anything but the headlines.
Hello All,

I started early today and got home about 4:45. Only a 7.1 mile commute. Won't have to commute as much later and I should get home to work from home tomorrow about noon thirty.

I came home to rice and a large, right off the grill, chuck eye steak.

I do miss reading your posts and rarely miss your posts. Take care until a little later this evening when I get to my computer...

Also, I see good things I can do at work and that energizes me....
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So, the NASA launch delayed. I'm actually supporter of taking these steps to go back to the moon. It's a better way to waste money than the 6-7 trillion dollars Biden has spent as giveaways in the past 18 months.

But NASA DEFINITELY needs a better, more capable spokesperson than Bill Nelson (no offense Sawnee. You may be a supporter) -- or he was quoted out of context.

Asked why to bother going back to the moon when we went a half century ago, he was quoted saying, “It’s a future where NASA will land the first woman and the first person of color on the moon,” Bill Nelson, the NASA administrator, said.

That's it? We're doing it as history's most expensive Affirmative Action project?

Hell, if that's why we are doing it, just load Kamala Harris in a giant cannon, point it skyward and declare success. Another two-fer.
I would have answered, humanity needs to establish a base on the moon and then humanity can launch from there which would be a lot easier because of the lower gravity on the moon.
I would have answered, humanity needs to establish a base on the moon and then humanity can launch from there which would be a lot easier because of the lower gravity on the moon.
CatinIL -- I nominate you for NASA administrator! Nelson's response just took what should be an inspiring moment with the potential to engage younger people with a sense of wonder like we had in the late 1960s, and bring a divided America together in a moment of national pride -- and turned it into just another dreary commercial for diversity -- which, of course, will take away from the real accomplishments of the astronauts by making their posting to the mission feel like a hand out based on race or sex.

I have lots of Black and Hispanic friends here in DC. They find this constant, "First transgender male African-American" nonsense as tedious as everyone else. Only politicians and activists earning off pushing this stuff care anymore.