
Spent the last few days at the world's longest yard sale (US 127) and away from a computer. I think it runs 600 plus miles. People come from all over and run it in sections, part of it this year, part the next and so on. There was about 40 folks set up where we were in 20 by 40 booths. The boss wanted to sell some of her craft work and she usually gets what she wants. Not many mask wearers.
When I was a kid, I was a fan of almost every college that had native american mascots. Seminoles were no exception. Really liked Bowden's teams back in the day and was really proud of UK for beating both FSU AND Clemson when Brooks was here. Used to love for the season and watched every game that I could. Traveled to games. Tailgating...

I must say, however, that I am losing my love of football at this level. It started when I attended a game against South Carolina and listened to the UK fans screaming obscenities at their own players in a game they came back and won. I saw that kind of hatred on message boards for years, but never saw it at home games.

No matter how much we win, there are still people that call themselves UK fans that really HATE this football program. It's amazing

I know it doesn't matter what I think. I don't spend money on UK clothing or jerseys like I used to. I no longer have season tickets. They won't even notice I'm gone.

It's the same way for me with Disney, any media network in existence, and even iheart radio now. Everything is propaganda and bullsht.

I listened to people bashing people that were homeschooled recently on a local channel. Heard Dick Gabriel and others talking about sht about which they really have no knowledge, and making a generalized statement about anyone that thinks for themselves as "the problem" in our society.

I get that this world and now country have been broken for a long time. I get it. It's taken a long time to get to this point where we no longer will be able to have any rights or beliefs that don't align with the majority opinion. When I look back at the road that led us to this, college sports, pro sports, movies and tv, toys comics and video games, medicine, the internet, education and politics have all gotten us here by distracting us from what is really important. I'm as much to blame as anyone for letting it get this way, since I put so much time into sports and other distractions. It's probably too late for me and the country, but I'm still going to make the change that needs to be made to my time and viewing habits.

I refuse to be the ugly and polarized commodity that the world wants. Rant over
Good post.

Yep, our society and culture has been coarsened. It used to classy to avoid conflict and to be nice. Now, as you say, some curse their own team.

When I was a kid, movies did not have bad words in them. Then Hollywood started putting out movies with very course language and then the F bombs started flying. Then the abjectly violent movies became popular. It became a downward spiral on how they could insult your decency the most. Heck we can drop the F bomb ever 29 seconds to best the last movie that only had one a minute.

I have been coarsened also. My language is vile compared to what it was in 1970. I should be smart enough to avoid it but I am not.

Anyway, that post was excellent.
It is a sticky partly cloudy 74.8°F here. We are supposed to get rain today, I hope.

I got to take my cousin to get surgery today. It is supposed to be a couple hours. I hope that ends up being the case.

I am proud of the Olympics Cats.

On death: At 75 I on the top end for most males in my direct family line. My Dad was 73, his dad 74, his dad 88, his dad 68 and his dad 53. My mom's dad was 64, his dad 74, his dad 74, his dad 84, and his dad the one that claimed the Kentucky warrant for fighting in the Revolution was 78.

My only sibling, my sister, died at 53, so I have bested her by 22 years already.

I just lost a beloved class mate this week. Bobbie Boles. She was homecoming queen at Western her freshman year. I got to enjoy that as we ate a lot of meals together. She was a pretty girl. She was one month to the day older than me. This picture is last year.
Former UK Basketball player, Larry Stamper, just lost his wife this past weekend. I played golf with Larry a couple of weekends ago, and his wife had ALS. He had been at her side for 3-4 straight weeks without a break when he took 5 hours to get away and play golf. He had a lady stay with her while he was gone. Terrible disease.
Not trying to be nosey but I was under the impression you are older than I am. I have 100 or so Monday's to go. (Not that I plan to retire at that time but I could around that time.)

Yeah I knew people that were the picture of health and died prematurely in our way of thinking. My dad died at 74 and I know he lived a rough life. He had 6 brothers and a sister. They are all gone. He had a brother that died around 62 or so but he ate himself to death. Had other brothers but they died tragically one way or the other but later in their lives. (My Dad was the baby.) None lived real long but in talking with my Brother who is nearly ten years older than me they all died from self-induced lives that didn't lend themselves to longevity. It makes you ponder at the least...

"I don't know about tomorrow but I know who hold's my hand..."

Oh, May all your days be fruitful and may your good intentions be multiplied to where blessings flow from your actions. God Bless you all...
Man, all of this depressing stuff on a day that is national rice pudding day. Normally when I am depressed I can gorge myself on something good.

Man, all of this depressing stuff on a day that is national rice pudding day. Normally when I am depressed I can gorge myself on something good.


Put some sugar and butter on it and indulge... 😅

I never knew any of my Uncles except Virgil's Dad, my Uncle Fred and the chump slicked me out of a guitar for four dollars when I was in the third grade. I never forgot that about him. He cheated me and my Dad let him do it. (I never held a grudge but I never forgot either.) An older man who's name was Dewey Young gave me that guitar. (We lived in Noetown for about 6 months or so during that time then lived in the Gap for about six months or so and then moved back to Michigan for good.)
Good post.

Yep, our society and culture has been coarsened. It used to classy to avoid conflict and to be nice. Now, as you say, some curse their own team.

When I was a kid, movies did not have bad words in them. Then Hollywood started putting out movies with very course language and then the F bombs started flying. Then the abjectly violent movies became popular. It became a downward spiral on how they could insult your decency the most. Heck we can drop the F bomb ever 29 seconds to best the last movie that only had one a minute.

I have been coarsened also. My language is vile compared to what it was in 1970. I should be smart enough to avoid it but I am not.

Anyway, that post was excellent.
My language has actually been cleaned up since I left the army and got with my wife. She did not really use bad language even though she worked as a bar tender at a rock bar when I met her. We pretty much kept it clean and even more so after our daughter was born. Now at 15, she will let me know if I slip. I have slipped only a couple of times since she has been born (that I remember). Actually, if I am watching a movie and bad language is constant, I will turn it off. Most of the time my wife will search for movies to watch and she will check the reviews for language and if it is plentiful, we will not watch it. I have actually gotten to the point that I don't like it.
Spent the last few days at the world's longest yard sale (US 127) and away from a computer. I think it runs 600 plus miles. People come from all over and run it in sections, part of it this year, part the next and so on. There was about 40 folks set up where we were in 20 by 40 booths. The boss wanted to sell some of her craft work and she usually gets what she wants. Not many mask wearers.

Did you have some sales? Hope it went well
We've gone 7 years in a row. Last year was by far her biggest. People seemed tired of being cooped up. This year was her second biggest. It's a long haul and a lot of work setting up and breaking down in the hot

We've gone 7 years in a row. Last year was by far her biggest. People seemed tired of being cooped up. This year was her second biggest. It's a long haul and a lot of work setting up and breaking down in the hot sun.

Glad to hear that about the shows. Used to help my grandmother set up her artwork at summer art shows/fairs back in the day. It was hot and muggy but I loved it then (cause I was young). Now, not so much.

Is it both days, Sat and Sun?
Glad to hear that about the shows. Used to help my grandmother set up her artwork at summer art shows/fairs back in the day. It was hot and muggy but I loved it then (cause I was young). Now, not so much.

Is it both days, Sat and Sun?
You can set up on a Tuesday (we did Wed). A few come Wednesday, Thursday is busy, as is Friday and Sat. We sell a little Sunday as we break down. People make a vacation out of the sale. Some even haul trailers for what they buy. One guy owned a store and bought quite a few.

Reminds me of an old Little Lulu cartoon I saw long ago. I've tried searching for it many times but have never found it. Lulu and Tubby are standing on the steps as Sluggo (I think), the neighborhood bully, goes walking by. Tubby says to Lulu, "Ya know? You can't help but like the guy. If you don't, he'll beat you up."
Reminds me of an old Little Lulu cartoon I saw long ago. I've tried searching for it many times but have never found it. Lulu and Tubby are standing on the steps as Sluggo (I think), the neighborhood bully, goes walking by. Tubby says to Lulu, "Ya know? You can't help but like the guy. If you don't, he'll beat you up."

I did a little searching. (I take breaks doing that type of stuff.) I didn't find anything. I will try again.
Another way to screw the working man. Seriously, of all the people on the roads, a working person is going to rack up more miles than anyone else.
Us working people have always tacked op more miles ( and tax dollars), no surprise here. Not hard for a “normal person” to figure out. Unfortunately, not enough normal people left. They’re all camped out at the mailboxes waiting for their checks. We need to really think before voting, myself included.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and cloudy. Could see 97°F for our high.

Our return to the office is now pushed back a month to October 1 because of COVID. Return date was originally scheduled for September 1, At any rate, no complaints here.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Morning all. Haven't been outside yet so I have no weather report from the porch. Did see on the real weather report that the NWS has issued a heat and humidity sort for feel like 95-100. (Remember the days when it was just hot? Or it would just storm? Now everything with the weather, as with everything, is a crisis/alert/special announcement)

Good day to stay inside and do that's what I might do.
But knowing me I'll find/and do something. Can't just sit.

Y'all have a good day.
As did I.
Must say I don't remember Little Lulu.

Good Morning,
I remembered but not that particular segment. It was fun remembering. Good comic strips used to be...

Oh, be mindful of a God that numbers the hair on your head. How much love is that? Can you even comprehend God's love? Don't try. Just bask in his Glory. God Bless you all...


The Green Thing...