
I put this on the political board but it is good enough to share with the D. I actually saw this ad on TV and thought it was a joke. So I googled it and sure enough this is real.

Woka-Cola. Be less white and drink woka-cola and die of diabetes. What an ad.

Local distributor of croaka-cola is an ash. Will not allow Ale-8 to be dispensed/fountain at any location they have their fountains, so everybody has been dropping them. Helps me not drink their trash (even though it was my favorite soda). Screw em
Has anyone in the D League seen our Rooster or heard from him? He is missed. Any word from you cousin, Bert?


Quick word- My friend's sister is a teacher and posted a news meme for their district on Fakebook. He thought it said "Teachers, pick up your Class Roosters on Monday at the faculty meeting"

He was informed gently that it said "roster" but not before embarrassing himself with his post
This must be the jokers who I used for my last move. They tore up half of the load in one way or another. They also lost a lot of it, or stole it. It was a nightmare and I am still fighting over it.

I moved furniture, nationwide, every summer of my college days and we had pride and took the extra step not to break something. Some people do not have that same type of concern in today's world.

The world has definitely changed in that regard. I have a long story about helping some friends move because the "moving company" he hired sent two lazy idiots who could NEVER have packed a truck before. The truck was plenty big enough for the size truck he got, but they didn't get half his stuff in there and were sitting there smoking away the last hour he was paying them for.

I unloaded half the truck and reloaded it while he was on the phone trying to rent a 2nd truck for his drive to NY. Good thing his brother accidentally left town with my friend's wallet, or he'd never have called me to help. Saved him a thousand bucks at least.

Most moving companies suck
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Strange event tonight. We bought a nice bottle of wine for our niece's housewarming gift tomorrow. It's gone. We had it sitting on the kitchen table and it's vanished. Checked out the front door video, no activity. Hope the spirit or thief enjoys. Oh, the door was locked.
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Morning Legionnaires!

Uneventful day on tap. Weather will be upper 90's possibly 100 plus degree. needing weather to cool back down so I can get after that elusive bass again.

Looking seriously at home schooling my daughter (sophomore) this year and beyond if necessary. Lawyers say Oklahoma's HB1775 bill against teaching racism does not mention CRT specifically. It does however state that teachers cannot teach that a specific race or sex is inherently racist which is what CRT teaches (lawyers always trying to get around the issues). The largest teachers union in the country has set aside money to defend any teacher that teaches CRT in states that ban CRT citing that the truth must be taught. Me and my wife do not want to leave anything to chance. My daughter has expressed that she would be on board to be homeschooled if we decided to do it. There is a reason our country has dropped in the rankings in education in the world. Many of out teachers have become indoctrinated in the system of propaganda and not reality.
Good morning folks. Just back from a 5-mile run. Knees holding up for now. I promised to be on our company team as a DC event in late September so I have to last until then, and can blow it off after that.

Glad to see the USA team win the gold, mostly because of the three Cats on the team. Irritates me that guys like Steph Curry and LeBron James blow of the Olympics, but much respect to Kevin Durant and everyone who represented.

Small cookout today with son and daughter and some friends in attendance, so it'll be a nice summer day. Hope the same is true for all of you.
Below is a quote by the OKC Public Schools Superintendent before Gov Stitt signed the bill which is why we are looking at home schooling.

Oklahoma City Public Schools Superintendent Sean McDaniel said the bill “appears to be a solution looking for a problem which does not exist” and encouraged Stitt to veto.

“We have teachers across the district who we trust to make decisions — sometimes life and death decisions — on behalf of our students each and every day,” McDaniel said in a statement. “Surely we can continue to trust our educators to guide these difficult yet necessary conversations with our students inside of their classrooms.”

Plus, some of the school boards say that it does not necessarily mean they cannot teach some form of CRT. TRUST he said. No sir.

Hey don't laugh...they researched it....

Oh,. God Bless your day in Jesus' name.

Made a nice mess of biscuits this morning. My oldest just hollered out with her mouth full...."Dad, these biscuits are good."...

(Edit: My oldest is classified as a Doctor. they treat her like one being a CRNA.)(My Doctor Baby Girl still likes Dad's biscuits.)
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Below is a quote by the OKC Public Schools Superintendent before Gov Stitt signed the bill which is why we are looking at home schooling.

Oklahoma City Public Schools Superintendent Sean McDaniel said the bill “appears to be a solution looking for a problem which does not exist” and encouraged Stitt to veto.

“We have teachers across the district who we trust to make decisions — sometimes life and death decisions — on behalf of our students each and every day,” McDaniel said in a statement. “Surely we can continue to trust our educators to guide these difficult yet necessary conversations with our students inside of their classrooms.”

Plus, some of the school boards say that it does not necessarily mean they cannot teach some form of CRT. TRUST he said. No sir.
They should have a videotape in every classroom.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 80°F and partly cloudy. High today topping out around 95°F.

Wife watching replay of Australia vs Slovenia in Bronze medal game. Aussies playing good ball these days. I'm heading out for a walk after bit and then returning for a few chores.

That's all for now. Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Here's an old classic, in one of many versions, written by hall of fame songwriter Dallas Frazier, who later became a preacher in Tennessee.
This song always reminded me of the Baptism of Devil Anse Hatfield. The leader of the Hatfield Clan is the man standing on the right, with the white shirt, no hat and a full beard. My great grandfather was at the baptism and he always swore when Devil Anse went under, steam rose from the creek. So said grandpa too. This was 1911 so I wouldn't know but it makes for a good tale

This song always reminded me of the Baptism of Devil Anse Hatfield. The leader of the Hatfield Clan is the man standing on the right, with the white shirt, no hat and a full beard. My great grandfather was at the baptism and he always swore when Devil Anse went under, steam rose from the creek. So said grandpa too. This was 1911 so I wouldn't know but it makes for a good tale

That’s a great story Sawnee. Imagine what that day must have been like after so many bloody years of feuding. I suspect there were folks in the crowd hollaring “dunk him twice!”
Even though I don't care much for Kevin Costner as an actor (forgetting the politics for a moment...he's just the same in every movie)....I thought the mini-series Hatfields & McCoys was really good. Loved the Jim Vance character played by Tom Berenger.
Even though I don't care much for Kevin Costner as an actor (forgetting the politics for a moment...he's just the same in every movie)....I thought the mini-series Hatfields & McCoys was really good. Loved the Jim Vance character played by Tom Berenger.
I love that series also. Plus my favored Western of the last two decades was Open Range. I suppose if you considered the actors politics we would not watch many movies.
Even though I don't care much for Kevin Costner as an actor (forgetting the politics for a moment...he's just the same in every movie)....I thought the mini-series Hatfields & McCoys was really good. Loved the Jim Vance character played by Tom Berenger.
The movie was pretty accurate historically. My g-grandfather was in the same CSA unit with Captain Devil Anse, 45th Virginia and later the "Logan Wildcats". He lived very close to him in Logan County, WVA and he when the feud broke out he sided with the Hatfields. They fought for Virginia because West Virginia was still Virginia when the war broke out. My g-grandfather was also in the same unit and he joined the CSA at age 56. This area of (West) Virginia was pro-Confederate and the people identified as Virginians.

This is my g=grandfather with his wife and youngest child. He had about 10 young-uns.
The rifle is a Sharps carbine he used in the war. My grandfather had a rifle that had "Devil Anse Hatfield" engraved in the stock and my cousin was with him one day when he traded it for a pony. My cousin told him to hold onto it because it was valuable and grandpa answered who would want a that. They are getting ready to head to church. A rifle in hand. LOL

The movie was pretty accurate historically. My g-grandfather was in the same CSA unit with Captain Devil Anse, 45th Virginia and later the "Logan Wildcats". He lived very close to him in Logan County, WVA and he when the feud broke out he sided with the Hatfields. They fought for Virginia because West Virginia was still Virginia when the war broke out. My g-grandfather was also in the same unit and he joined the CSA at age 56. This area of (West) Virginia was pro-Confederate and the people identified as Virginians.

This is my g=grandfather with his wife and youngest child. He had about 10 young-uns.
The rifle is a Sharps carbine he used in the war. My grandfather had a rifle that had "Devil Anse Hatfield" engraved in the stock and my cousin was with him one day when he traded it for a pony. My cousin told him to hold onto it because it was valuable and grandpa answered who would want a that. They are getting ready to head to church. A rifle in hand. LOL

I love those old pictures.

Life was a hard thing back then especially if you had fought on the losing side.
The movie was pretty accurate historically. My g-grandfather was in the same CSA unit with Captain Devil Anse, 45th Virginia and later the "Logan Wildcats". He lived very close to him in Logan County, WVA and he when the feud broke out he sided with the Hatfields. They fought for Virginia because West Virginia was still Virginia when the war broke out. My g-grandfather was also in the same unit and he joined the CSA at age 56. This area of (West) Virginia was pro-Confederate and the people identified as Virginians.

This is my g=grandfather with his wife and youngest child. He had about 10 young-uns.
The rifle is a Sharps carbine he used in the war. My grandfather had a rifle that had "Devil Anse Hatfield" engraved in the stock and my cousin was with him one day when he traded it for a pony. My cousin told him to hold onto it because it was valuable and grandpa answered who would want a that. They are getting ready to head to church. A rifle in hand. LOL

Great photos. The part of my family that didn’t come to Kentucky was still around Hedgesville, WVA (then Virginia of course) in Civil War times, and in the churchyard of that town you can find a couple of them who were killed fighting with the CSA. That’s more into the eastern part of the state, in the Shenandoah Valley.
I love that series also. Plus my favored Western of the last two decades was Open Range. I suppose if you considered the actors politics we would not watch many movies.
He's not as bad politically as most actors. Just seems that about every role he has...he seems the same. Kind of like a Gary Cooper. I guess they basically play themselves. Although in the Hatfield's... he seemed a bit different...more like acting. Loved Open Range too. Have seen it 5 or 6 times. But in Open Range he was basically the same character as he was in Dances With me anyway. But hey...he's been very successful and has made a ton of money so more power to him.

Now there are some in the acting field that I won't watch a movie they're in. Just me I guess.