Good cool Wednesday Morning D League
Well we have 71° with scattered thunder storm as the weather moves in from the Gulf. We had a lot of Bert and Cord's rain yesterday that registered at 7 inches with as much as 10 inches in other areas around here. Things are nice and green and the lake is as full. Our high today will reach 79° here and may get to 82° more inland. A stiff breeze will be with us all day.
I was happy to see Sydney McLaughlin win the Gold. She is a young lady I can cheer for and she is thankful to God for her talents. She took those talents and became the best in the world with class and dignity. She was raised right and I am proud of her. To me she is what the Olympics are about. Running for your country and giving God the thanks for your talent.
Y'all take care and stay dry America as you enjoy the rain. I hear it hitting the roof right now.