
Not who I thought at all...although I've seen some old movies with her in it and she was quite the looker back in the day. I was thinking of an actress...not 'A' list, probably not even 'B'...but have no idea of her name.
When I see her again in an old movie months, or years from now I'll do a post on who she is and the D will go....what? What's that guy talking about! Nobody will remember today and I'll be too lazy to go back in the CatsIllustrated archives.

i do that kind of stuff now... ;)
Kind of like us. I'll watch old Western on MeTV or stream them. Then we'll stream a Poorly before bed...and that's about it (other than a couple Christian things). Haven't watched networks/cable TV for years.
Definitely don't watch network news anymore. It's mostly Hulu, Netflix, or YouTube for us.

Most will recognize this from the show I'm watching currently:

Kind of like us. I'll watch old Western on MeTV or stream them. Then we'll stream a Poorly before bed...and that's about it (other than a couple Christian things). Haven't watched networks/cable TV for years.
Anybody else hate spellcheck? As a kid I think I won every Spelling Bee in school. Then as an adult I have some computer/software program correcting me.
We've been streaming Poirot...not Poorly. Geez.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 76°F and clear. 50% chance for some mid-day rain showers. Today's high could reach 87°F. Possibly our last day with highs in the 80s before brutal heat sets in.

Keeping up with Olympics. Otherwise, not much else from my side this morning.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning folks. Halfway through my morning walk. Both my younger kids are back under my roof for a while. My son heads back to Lexington in a couple weeks. My daughter is taking a teaching job in Bethesda, Md. for a year —rich half-a-hippie kids at a Waldorf school. She’ll be able to undo some of the nonsense inflicted by their parents so I’m happy.

Hope you all have a good day.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 76°F and clear. 50% chance for some mid-day rain showers. Today's high could reach 87°F. Possibly our last day with highs in the 80s before brutal heat sets in.

Keeping up with Olympics. Otherwise, not much else from my side this morning.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

My favorite thing coming out of the sea. (well maybe second to stone crabs) but I do love these jewels. Had a mess of them Tuesday. Oyster season starts in a month down here. Any month with an R

About 4 years ago the state seeded oyster beds in our county with the intention of making them available for commercial harvesting. It takes about 5 years to get an oyster bed up and running and producing. At the present we get ours from Cedar Key.
My favorite thing coming out of the sea. (well maybe second to stone crabs) but I do love these jewels. Had a mess of them Tuesday. Oyster season starts in a month down here. Any month with an R

About 4 years ago the state seeded oyster beds in our county with the intention of making them available for commercial harvesting. It takes about 5 years to get an oyster bed up and running and producing. At the present we get ours from Cedar Key.

My darling and I had the best times harvesting oysters and other seafood items. It is fun and relaxing too.
Good morning all,

The current temperature is 71° here on the Nature Coast. . More rain is on the way to add to our 6 inches, probably 3 to 4 more inches. Our high should reach 80°. I doubt the lawn gets mowed today but we might have a window where it can be done.

The local radio is all about high school football this morning. It is Big Time around here and the teams are hitting the pads getting ready to open the season in a few weeks. Kick her off Peanut. Stay dry

My favorite thing coming out of the sea. (well maybe second to stone crabs) but I do love these jewels. Had a mess of them Tuesday. Oyster season starts in a month down here. Any month with an R

About 4 years ago the state seeded oyster beds in our county with the intention of making them available for commercial harvesting. It takes about 5 years to get an oyster bed up and running and producing. At the present we get ours from Cedar Key.
Morning folks it is a warm 67.8°F here on our way to 86°. It is sunny and our little cool spell looks to be about over.

Well, a Kansas Senator is asking the DOJ to investigate ESPN's part in Texas and Oklahoma moving to the SEC. It has to really pain Kansas to be left in a decimated football and basketball conference.
Good afternoon D, taking a break from staining our deck.

Nothing else going on.

Our viaduct in our little town claimed another truck this morning! It's clearly with flashing lights and a sign that it's just 11' clearance, but do they stop, NO!!!! Peeled the top off like a tin can!!!!!

I hope the D has a great day, I have to mow today too, sometimes. Prayers for the D!!!!!
Read Amos 1
Good afternoon D, taking a break from staining our deck.

Nothing else going on.

Our viaduct in our little town claimed another truck this morning! It's clearly with flashing lights and a sign that it's just 11' clearance, but do they stop, NO!!!! Peeled the top off like a tin can!!!!!

I hope the D has a great day, I have to mow today too, sometimes. Prayers for the D!!!!!
Read Amos 1
I once read a story about a truck hauling some critical load that got wedged under a viaduct because it was a fraction of an inch too tall. A crowd of engineers and the fire department and mechanics all gathered around and tried to wrench the truck out or shove it through. No luck.

Finally, a ten-year old boy walked up and says, "Why don't you let the air out of the tires?" They did, and the truck slipped through.

Probably a story some writer made up. But I hope it is true.
Going to get a ban for something I just posted on the Rafters so I wish you all the best over here. Y’all are good people. I’m so busy during the summer don’t have time to post but I’m always thinking of y’all. You’ve been very good and welcoming to me the last couple of years. I. however, have my limits, as most good people do. I will be back, y’all take care 🙂
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and cloudy. 84% humidity. Today's high expected around 92°F. Muggy meter = gross. We received a little rain yesterday. High remained around 83°F. Nice.

Fifth stage COVID alerts for Travis County been going out via phones and social media. Funny thing is I visited grocery store yesterday and few shoppers wore masks. Makes you wonder.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.
