
Gotta love a good Rule of Thumb.
I left out a key detail of it though. You can only do it once a week. I believe it is on Sunday, but I could be wrong.

A friend of mine was given a book of weird ass laws in different states when he graduated law school. Kentucky has a few. I remember that being on there, in Pikeville, it is illegal to walk on Main Street with less than 3 dollars in your pocket, and I believe it is Lexington, you can't have ice cream in your back pocket. All were still on the books when the book was written.
Sweet white Christian Jesus. Whoever did this needs to die.

Tis the world we live in, herod. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if Batman & Superman get married in that movie. And there's nothing wrong with that. Because super heroes are people too. And they deserve to have the same rights as everyone else…and that includes the LGBT super hero community.
Tis the world we live in, herod. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if Batman & Superman get married in that movie. And there's nothing wrong with that. Because super heroes are people too. And they deserve to have the same rights as everyone else…and that includes the LGBT super hero community.

On of my Facebook/former real-life friends just posted this. "Oh no! RIP Jean Stapleton. I can't believe it."

First of all, Jean Stapleton was 90 gourdamned years old.

Secondly, I had to wiki Jean Stapleton to remember who in TF she is/was.

What 39 year old has a deep personal connection to the wife from All In The Family and is surprised by 90 year old people dying?
On of my Facebook/former real-life friends just posted this. "Oh no! RIP Jean Stapleton. I can't believe it."

First of all, Jean Stapleton was 90 gourdamned years old.

Secondly, I had to wiki Jean Stapleton to remember who in TF she is/was.

What 39 year old has a deep personal connection to the wife from All In The Family and is surprised by 90 year old people dying?
Thirdly, she died three ****ing years ago.
What 39 year old has a deep personal connection to the wife from All In The Family and is surprised by 90 year old people dying?
Shhhhhh!!!!!!! We told Larry that when people die, they get to go live on a farm. She's planting corn with Archie and waiting for meathead to join them.

Seriously though, loved the show, just wish her voice wasn't as annoying as it was. She sounded like a stereotypical Jew who had been hit on the big toe with a hammer.
Of all the dirty rotten things that I have came across in my life, my family research has unearthed the mother of all dirty rotten things. My fifth great grandpa fought the bloody British at Yorktown and took his mule and bounty land to Kentucky. I found no record of the two hundred dollars though, probably spent in on a broad. There had to be something shady about the missing money because the dumb ass excuse they used for his cause of death at 96 was old age. How damn dumb do they think people are?
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Before the season started

Wife: Our lives are going to be REALLY different with the baby and everything that goes along with that but I know basketball is important to you. Let me know if there are some games you feel like you can't miss and I'll make sure we're clear on those days.

Me: Oh, that's great and very thoughtful. Louisville and Kansas, babe. You are awesome and amazing and I always say these things to you right? ha ha

(She writes games on calendar she checks all the time in pantry)

Louisville game:
Wife disappears to grocery 15 minutes before game and is gone FOREVER. On kid duty. Kid being a psychopath. Wife returns after halftime and starts vacuuming/doing other crap. Her sister shows up and starts talking about her date from the night before at max volume.

Kansas game: Neighbor texts 15 minutes ago asking what he needs to bring for "our party" tomorrow evening. Text wife. Informed ~12 adults + 5-6 kids coming over.

WTF :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: x infinity
I had something similar happen back in 2010. Elite 8 game. Wife tells me that the family of a patient is having a big celebration at a local bar for everyone in her group. Their kid was about a year out from a kidney transplant. So we go. I figure it can't be that bad, the place has a lot of good beer on tap and several TVs.

So we go. The party room is set aside, games are going, beer is flowing. I didn't know any of her work people, so I just sat, drank beer & watched games. Anyways, the UK game vs WVU starts. As everyone remembers, it was a tight game.

Well, kidney transplant kid's mom & dad stand up to make a speech to thank everyone for their hard work, yada, yada, yada. TV goes off. Speech about some kid that I didn't know or really have ties to keeps dragging on and on. We're at a point where we are basically locked in. Got home just in time to watch UK lose a heartbreaker.

So maybe I'm an asshole, but in all honesty, those people didn't know me from Adam and would not have missed my presence at the event. Eventually the kid died and my wife has moved on from that job.

Good memories.
Of all the dirty rotten things that I have came across in my life, my family research has unearthen the mother of all dirty rotten things. My fifth great grandpa fought the bloody British at Yorktown and took his mule and bounty land to Kentucky. I found no record of the two hundred dolars though, probably spent in on a broad. There had to be something shady about the missing money because the dumb ass excuse they used for his cause of death at 96 was old age. How damn dumb do they think people are?

Happens to the best of us, fred.